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1 Governance Structures in University Management Prof. Dr. Luc François - Maribor April 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Governance Structures in University Management Prof. Dr. Luc François - Maribor April 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Governance Structures in University Management Prof. Dr. Luc François - Maribor April 2009

2 2 UGent today Ghent’s mission: education, research, service to society in a pluralistic environment A comprehensive/fully-fledged university 11 faculties - 132 departments > 32 000 students +/- 5 000 academic & administrative staff + +/- 2 000 externally financed researchers Prof. Dr. Luc François - Maribor April 2009

3 3 Organisational structure (1) 8 Departments managed by a Director - Educational Affairs - Research Affairs - Administrative Affairs, Personnel and Organisation - Finance, ICT, Student Facilities - Infrastructure and Facility Management Rector / Vice-Rector Management consultation Management Committee + 8 Directors director = tenured academic staff director = adm & technical staff Management Committee Rector + Vice-Rector + 2 Chief Administrators Prof. Dr. Luc François - Maribor April 2009

4 4 Organisational structure (2) -Rector + Vice-Rector -Executive Board: tenured academic staff: 2, assisting academic staff: 1, administrative & technical staff: 1, students: 1, extern: 1 -Board of Governors : tenured academic staff: 12, assisting academic staff: 3, administrative & technical staff: 3, students: 4, extern: 10 -11 Faculties : Arts and Philosophy – Law – Science – Medicine and Health Sciences – Engineering – Economics and Business Administration – Veterinary Medicine – Psychology and Educational Sciences – Bioscience Engineering – Pharmaceutical Sciences – Political and Social Sciences Chaired by a Dean and managed by a Faculty Council, consisting of: - all full-time professor and full professors - chosen delegation of lecturers - chosen delegation of AAP - chosen delegation of ATP - chosen delegation of students Prof. Dr. Luc François - Maribor April 2009

5 5 Department of Educational Affairs Director Prof. Dr. Kris Versluys Educational Quality Control + Support Student Admini- stration and Study programmes Study and Career Advice International Relations Office Prof. Dr. Luc François - Maribor April 2009

6 6 Department of Research Affairs Director + Staff Prof. Dr. I. Lemahieu University Library Research Coordination Technology Transfer Prof. Dr. Luc François - Maribor April 2009

7 7 Association Ghent University Consensus management model General Assembly President Board of Directors Directors’ Committee Executive Director + staff Technical Expert Committees Discipline- oriented workgroups Student Council

8 8

9 Autonomy versus control Management personnel finances organisation Policy processes policy instruments and desired output target groups social aims and policy results Ex ante = strict hierarchical control Ex post = result oriented - output financing - management agreements Prof. Dr. Luc François - Maribor April 2009 9

10 10 Present funding: resources 1st money flow: basic university allowance 2nd money flow: budget allocated by the Flemish and federal governments for university research 3rd money flow: policy directed and technological research 4th money flow: cooperation with private sector (scientific research, services and licenses ) Prof. Dr. Luc François - Maribor April 2009

11 11 New funding mechanisms (2008 >) Output funding: parameters (5%) -basic funding platform (5%) -incentive funding (policy priorities) -education related funding (55%) -research related funding (35%) Prof. Dr. Luc François - Maribor April 2009

12 12 7. UGent budget (1) Prof. Dr. Luc François - Maribor April 2009

13 13 7. UGent budget (2) Prof. Dr. Luc François - Maribor April 2009

14 14 Resource allocation models Autonomy and lump sum funding Distributive codes for distribution of resources More autonomy for faculties Prof. Dr. Luc François - Maribor April 2009

15 15 Distributive codes Academic staff: 80% educational criteria programmes offered (25%) teaching load (45%) dissertations etc (10%) 20% research Prof. Dr. Luc François - Maribor April 2009

16 16 Personnel categories Professor : 2.2 to 1.3 Assistants: 1.4-1.00 Administrative staff: 1.30-0.65 Prof. Dr. Luc François - Maribor April 2009

17 17 Students weighting Students are weighted (cfr 1st money flow) Alpha: Arts, Psychology & Pedagogy, Law, Political Sciences, Economics Beta: Sciences, Applied Sc., Bio-sciences Gamma: Medicine, Veterinary Sc., Pharm. Prof. Dr. Luc François - Maribor April 2009

18 18 Faculty Personnel Policy Plan Each faculty elaborates a personnel policy plan to be approved by the Board of Governors Each faculty can decide upon its own allocation model Promotions are taken into account (automatic and non-automatic) there are great differences among the faculties Prof. Dr. Luc François - Maribor April 2009

19 19 Thank you for your attention! Prof. dr. Luc François Prof. Dr. Luc François - Maribor April 2009

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