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What does the Tk in “Tk20” stand for?  We don’t know and Tk20 hasn’t explained  Some memorable student suggestions include:  Teacher Killer 2.0  Terrifying.

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Presentation on theme: "What does the Tk in “Tk20” stand for?  We don’t know and Tk20 hasn’t explained  Some memorable student suggestions include:  Teacher Killer 2.0  Terrifying."— Presentation transcript:

1 What does the Tk in “Tk20” stand for?  We don’t know and Tk20 hasn’t explained  Some memorable student suggestions include:  Teacher Killer 2.0  Terrifying Klown  Totally Keasy (the ‘k’ is silent)  Technical Katastrophe  Create your own!

2 Dr. Frank Mabee Department of English

3 Title & [k]ontent 1. Using Rubrics for Literature Essays 2. Assessment: TK20 vs. Blackboard vs. Paper 3. Tk20 Course Binders 4. Some Issues

4 The Rubri[K]: 2210  Rubrics and writing classes OK, but literature?  What is an explication essay and what does it do?  Assessable criteria:  close reading  interpretation  thesis  topic sentences  paragraphs  integration of quotes  style and diction  grammar and mechanics

5 The Rubri[K]: 2210  Assessing literature essays: rubrics in addition to marginal and terminal comments  Consistency across papers  At-a-glance guide for students to see where they need to improve  Different ways to attach a rubric  Paper  Word document emailed to students  Blackboard  Tk20


7 Tk20 Screen Capture – Assignment Interface (Essay prompt on left, assessment tool on right)

8 Tk20 Screen Capture – Assignment Interface (Essay prompt on left, rubric on right)

9 Whither Tk20?  Paper essays and rubrics are just another sheet of paper for students to lose. They probably can’t read your handwriting. Most can’t read mine.  How to keep a detailed record of it once it’s returned or sent?  Forms and Rubrics are easy to use and once they’re built, they’re built  Students can use “Feedback” feature for sending drafts to you  You can generate reports! That’s right! Reports!

10 Course Binders in Tk20  Send your course materials to students  Tabbed Sections  Create links to Documents (syllabus, quizzes, essay prompts)  Students upload their material to the binder  One-stop collection of student work for the semester

11 Document Room in Tk20





16 The Key to Nothing: Some Issues with TK20

17 Total [k]op-Out  No way to edit student artifacts and resubmit them  No feedback on quiz or exam responses  Or… is there?  Ask Stephen Wall-Smith or Ann Hogan about form builder – they can add an upload field to your rubrics  Tk20 can also make the links in your Course Binder, if you don’t want to write HTML code

18 Title (K)lincher: Till Knockout 2.0 The Devilish DefaultVs. Teacher Killer 2.0

19 The Call of [k]thulu  Tk20 as “External Link” in Blackboard  Possible future uses of Tk20 for the English Department  Tk20 for Senior Portfolio assessment  Tk20 for Writing I and II  Rubrics tied into our new Goals and Objectives  Assignment-driven classes work well with Tk20  Feedback feature for early drafts  Build a rubric! Make a binder!

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