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Blackboard from the Faculty Perspective It’s a tool, not a teaching philosophy.

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Presentation on theme: "Blackboard from the Faculty Perspective It’s a tool, not a teaching philosophy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Blackboard from the Faculty Perspective It’s a tool, not a teaching philosophy

2 Principles of Effective Teaching Give prompt, frequent feedback. Require that students DO something with the feedback. Offer opportunities for reflection. Give access to a variety of resources. Provide opportunities to test knowledge (i.e. quizzes, surveys)

3 Principles of Effective Teaching Arrange for good group and individual communication. Provide an authentic audience for assignments. Offer the opportunity to create social relationships. Offer clear organization of the course with clear objectives.

4 Blackboard Overview Announcements Syllabus Course Documents Assignments Communication Web Resources Student Tools Discussion Board Staff Information Gradebook Assignment function Group email Banner

5 Individual Reflection List what you already use in Blackboard that works well for you. After each item in your list, indicate how you know this is helping students learn better.

6 Small Groups Share what works well for you with your colleagues.

7 Whole Group Each group concisely offer what works well so we can make a group list.

8 Individual Reflection Write down a problem in your class you would like to solve, or something you would like your students to do better.

9 Small Groups Share your “problem” with the group. Group members problem solve with Blackboard functions in mind.

10 Whole Group Share solutions for our group list.

11 Let’s go put your plan into action… Room 462

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