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AWAKE RF Synchronization and LLRF Budget Review Reported by Wolfgang Hofle Acknowledgement: A. Butterworth, H. Damerau, S. Doebbert, J. Molendijk, S. Rey.

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Presentation on theme: "AWAKE RF Synchronization and LLRF Budget Review Reported by Wolfgang Hofle Acknowledgement: A. Butterworth, H. Damerau, S. Doebbert, J. Molendijk, S. Rey."— Presentation transcript:

1 AWAKE RF Synchronization and LLRF Budget Review Reported by Wolfgang Hofle Acknowledgement: A. Butterworth, H. Damerau, S. Doebbert, J. Molendijk, S. Rey (BE/RF) 10 December 2014

2 AWAKE Experimental Layout electrons wakefield potential Synchronize a three beam system: SPS proton bunch LASER pulse RF gun and electron acceleration Provide RF clocks to experiment instrumentation Edda Gschwendtner, CERN

3 CERN CNGS SPS Edda Gschwendtner, CERN3 SPS BA2 SPS BA3 SPS RF SPS BA4 AWAKE RF Fiber links existing RF Fiber links existing RF Fiber links to LHC RF

4 Edda Gschwendtner, CERN 4 Layout of the AWAKE Experiment LLRF/synchronization (protected from radiation) Klystron drive Clock distribution (subject to future specification) Note: exact locations of electronics subject to integration studies ps trigger for streak camera ! Power supply UPS ?

5 Synchronization signals CERN BE/RF 1 pulse every 5 SPS turns RF reference frequency (+/- 1 kHz) laser pulse picker 10Mhz reference for synchronization of instrumentation etc. Alternative (optional): make RF source at 3 GHz or 3 GHz – f o master in case difficulties with x34 harm. multiplier MASTER 3 GHz LLRF Clock Generation Fiber Optic link (FO) based on T. Bohl, A. Butterworth

6 Fiber Optic link – SPS synchronisation 4 fibers for evaluation  done EN/EL provided existing fibers free of charge for temporary use 10 fibers for final installation BA3 FC  AWAKE (central AWAKE budget) 2 LHC RF VME style crates with FO links  30 kCHF Hardware prototyping for phase compensation  30 kCHF Production and spares  25 kCHF Instrumentation to monitor phase drift  20 kCHF (collaboration) Oscilloscopes to monitor transmitted pulses  45 kCHF GPS antenna, computers, local cabling  19 kCHF FSU for installation / assembly  30 kCHF Total: 174 kCHF + 20 kCHF Note: Any adaptation of SPS beam control side link assumed absorbed in SPS operations Assumption: Extraction to AWAKE looks to SPS similar to an extraction to LHC and uses the same hardware in the SPS

7 Clock Generation – 3 GHz LLRF 1 LHC RF VME style  15 kCHF Prototype clock generation and klystron LL drive  25 kCHF Production clock generation  30 kCHF Spares for VME & clock generation  15 kCHF PLC control (phase shifters/motors)  10 kCHF Local cabling, clocks fan-out, computers  24 kCHF FSU for installation / assembly  30 kCHF GPS 10 MHz reference: 20 kCHF (from collaboration) RF source to replace Modelocker during off-time (from collaboration ?)  30 kCHF Total: 149 kCHF + 20 kCHF + 30 kCHF clock generation includes 25 kCHF provision for “fast timing” responsibility of clock and fast timing distribution to clarify (location of hand-over) cabling of clocks to users (BI, experiment) not included in budget Commercial digitizers / acquisition cards not included in LLRF budget optional locking of LASER to 3 GHz source not included (may be required at later stage)

8 201320142015201620172018 Proton beam- line Experimental area Electron source and beam-line Time-Scale Edda Gschwendtner, CERN8 Installation Studies, design FabricationInstallation Commissioning data taking Commissio ning data taking Time-scale for AWAKE as in the MTP Modification, Civil Engineering and installation Study, Design, Procurement, Component preparation Study, Design, Procurement, Component preparation fellow for synchronization selected, will start in May 2015 until May 2015: evaluation of phase drifts to AWAKE on test fiber links evaluate phase noise of 88 MHz in Munich, make prototype x34 for 3 GHz priority from May 2015: fiber-optic link and then clock generation development decision point if RF source at 3 GHz needed with LASER locked to it: not before summer 2015 Plan:

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