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7. Marketing Tools: Web 2.0.  S econd generation of web technology, services, and tools  Communication, creativity, collaboration, and information sharing.

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Presentation on theme: "7. Marketing Tools: Web 2.0.  S econd generation of web technology, services, and tools  Communication, creativity, collaboration, and information sharing."— Presentation transcript:

1 7. Marketing Tools: Web 2.0

2  S econd generation of web technology, services, and tools  Communication, creativity, collaboration, and information sharing  Conversational marketing EB 2.0 90

3 Blogs for Real Estate Professionals Tremendous marketing opportunity 18% of REBAC members have a blog Growing rapidly 90-91

4 Why Blog?  Web presence  Networking  Remain top of mind  Demonstrate expertise  Build your brand  Improve search results  Showcase personality  Provide valuable information  New clients & referrals  Media exposure  Answer questions 92

5 Who Should Blog?  Anyone!  Need desire, dedicated time, and something to say  Integrate into overall prospecting strategy  Allocate time  How often? 2-3 hours weekly 95-96

6 How Do I Get Started? >Review variety of other blogs >Select blog software >Populate site >Make site available for others >Review “Your Toolbox” and “Bright Idea” take-away tips 96-97

7 Beginner’s Checklist  Subscribe to blogs  Define the audience  Web address  Select a platform  Write and post frequently  Brevity, targeted  Provide valuable info  Photos, video  Key search terms  Encourage comments, questions and respond  Use a disclaimer  RSS availability  Set up for sharing  Promote your blog  Professional web design  Have fun and be creative! 97

8 What Should I Blog About?  Industry trends  Home buying tips  Common mistakes  Local activities  Restaurants  Guest bloggers  Weekly features  Community events  Personal stories and anecdotes  local news commentary  Home warranty overview  Buyers and FSBO  Foreclosure issues  Blog roundup 99

9 Exercise: 6-Minute Brainstorming: Blog Topics >What topics would you like to blog about? >What would be of interest to your buyers? 100

10 Social Media Statistics 101

11 102

12 Ask buyers to add a testimonial  Contacts are recommended  Establishes a baseline of trust >Professional social network >Find, meet, and connect with qualified professionals >Receive recommendations >Invite others to be part of your network 102

13 Readers are followers Tweets Retweets @RT Handles >Microblogging site—140 character limit >Exchange “tweets” >Asks, “What are you doing?” >Readers are “followers” twitter 102

14 >Share photos and videos—educational, entertainment, and marketing >Link to your blog or Web site >Publish to the world or restrict access to a viewer list 102

15 >Collaborative photo management and sharing site >Upload and tag photos and link to your blog or Web site >Used as a photo repository for bloggers Flickr 102

16 >Personal social networking tool >Create private communities >Share photos, journals, interests, music, status, Web sites and more >Used mostly by teenagers, college students, and young adults 102

17 Real Estate Sites >Active Rain >Active Rain-Localism >Trulia Voices >RealTown > >Zillow Communities >Inman >RE Bar Camps >Real EstateVoice >Zolve >WannaNetwork 103-104

18 Social Media Best Practices >Use sites for intended purposes >Connection requests to those you know >Create groups and customize settings >Include links >Complete profiles >Use key words >Schedule time and set time limits >Actively participate >Don’t get overwhelmed >Focus on the sites you enjoy 110-111

19 Social Media Best Practices >Ask clients to write recommendations on LinkedIn >Send a Facebook “friend request” after meeting potential clients >Post house-hunting photos to Flockr >Post testimonials on YouTube, link to Facebook and LinkedIn® >Tweet open house alerts to followers >Use >Who is twittering about houses? 110-111

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