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Digestive System.

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1 Digestive System

2 Structure

3 Abdominal Quadrants

4 Abdominal Regions

5 Mouth where the digestive process begins
consists of the tongue, salivary glands, teeth, and pharynx

6 Esophagus A tube 10 to 12 inches long that carries food from the mouth to the stomach

7 Stomach a hollow, muscular, J-shaped organ
holds food from 3 to 4 hours has three parts: the fundus, body, and pylorus produces gastric juices that help break down food

8 Intestines the small intestine: where most of the food the body needs are absorbed into the bloodstream the large intestine: where most water is absorbed, wastes are changed into solid form

9 Appendix function is not known attached to the cecum

10 Liver The largest gland in the body
helps control the amount of protein and sugar in the body by changing and storing excess amounts

11 Gallbladder a small hollow sac that is attached to the underside of the liver it releases bile from the liver into the small intestine to help digest a fatty meal

12 Pancreas located behind the stomach aids in the digestion of food
produces insulin

13 Common Conditions of the Digestive System

14 Malignancies very common symptoms depend on location indigestion
vomiting constipation obstruction bloody stool

15 Ulcerations a sore or tissue breakdown
common places: colon, stomach, duodenum

16 Hernias the intestine pushes through a weakened area of the abdominal wall

17 Gallbladder Conditions
cholecystitis: inflammation of the gallbladder cholelithiasis: formation of stones in the gallbladder

18 Common Problems Related to the Lower Bowel
diarrhea: multiple watery stools constipation: when stool passes through the colon too slowly – most severe form: fecal impaction bowel incontinence: involuntary passage of fecal material from the anus

19 Procedures Related to the Digestive System

20 Nasogastric Tube

21 NG Tube cont. may be placed for stomach decompression (ex. – during CPR) to give stomach rest to relieve nausea

22 Normal CT of Abd

23 CT Scans CTs may be done of abd/pelvis, with or without contrast (IV or PO) used to diagnose abnormalities/conditions of digestive system

24 Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD)
May be used to diagnose problems of the esophagus, stomach or duodenum May be done in GI Lab at a Hospital as an outpatient

25 Nutrition Food & fluids contain Nutrients-a substance the is taken in , digested, absorbed, and used by the body Grouped into fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and water (FPCVMW) Which nutrients give the body fuel for energy? FPC Energy measured in calories Food guide pyramid helps to guide healthy food choices-has 4 levels

26 Nutrients Essential nutrients come from many different foods
Refer to basic information sheet about nutrition Sometimes special diets needed to manage nutrition in patients

27 Fluid Balance Water needed to live
Death can occur if there is too little or too much Water is taken in through food and fluids Water lost through elimination of urine and feces also through vomiting, perspiration and exhaling To be healthy fluid balance is needed Fluid taken in (intake) and lost (output) needs to be equal Swelling (edema) occurs when more is taken in than put out Dehydration occurs when more fluid is put out than taken in

28 Fluid Balance Adults need to take in 1500 ml per day
For normal fluid balance about ml is needed per day Normal person can take fluid orally Sometimes patients require special orders for fluids Fluids may need to be encouraged to increase intake Fluids may be restricted to a certain amount per day

29 Enteral Nutrition-Tubes
Nutrition given by gavage (tube feeding) Different types of tubes Nasogastric (NG) -inserted through the nose Gastrostomy- inserted into the stomach through a surgically created opening Jejunostomy – inserted in to small intestines through surgically created openint Percutaneous endoscopic gastroostomy (PEG) Tube- inserted into the stomach with an endoscope and through a puncture wound made through the skin into the stomach

30 Enteral Nutrition-Formula
Formula ordered by doctor Most contain all of the nutrients Sometime may be made by the dietary department Feedings may be continuous or scheduled at intervals If they are continuous a pump is used to give the feeding Scheduled feedings may be given with a syringe or tube feeding bag that allows feeding to drip

31 Enteral Feeding- Observations
Major risk is aspiration –which is breathing in of fluid or an object into the lungs Aspiration can cause pneumonia and death It is important to take measures to prevent aspiration Nurse must regularly make sure tube is in the right place because tubes can move from coughing and sneezing or vomiting

32 Tube Feeding-Preventing Aspiration
X-ray may be taken after tube is inserted to verify placement Nurse may check tube placement by aspirating gastric secretions Prevent regurgetation by positioning patient in semi-Fowler’s Position –ask nurse of check care plan to find our how long If there is a delay in stomach emptying can regurgitate feeding Avoid left side lying position Less of a problem with J-Tube

33 Observations for Patients receiving Tube Feedings
Observe and report immediately to nurse: Nausea, vomiting Diarrhea Discomfort during tube feeding Enlarged or swollen stomach Elevated temperature Redness, swelling, drainage odor or pain at the insertion site Difficulty breathing Elevated pulse rate Coughiing Complaints of bloating or flatulence

34 Intravenous Therapy This is giving fluids by way of a needle or catheter that has been inserted into a patient’s vein usually by an RN May be given in various settings such as hospital, outpatient, doctor’s office, home care setting, long-term care setting Requires a doctor’s order Given to replace fluids, replace vitamins and minerals lost from illness or injury Blood and blood products are given through IV

35 Intravenous Therapy Sites
Peripheral Sites- away from the center of the body Sites may be in the hand, wrist, and antecubital space ( bend of elbow) If site is an IV catheter or needle facility may allow PCT to discontinue PCT must know how and have been delegated this responsibility by the RN before attempting to D/C an IV. Central Venous

36 TPN Provides total parenteral nutrition (TPN) also called Hyperalimentation to patients. May be given through aperipheral TPN contains all of the essential nutrients needed to sustain life, Fat may be added in the form of lipids

37 Specimen Collection Principles
Adhere to medical asepsis principles Follow Standard Precautions Use a clean or sterile container for each specimen Use the right container for the specimen Label the specimen correctly Avoid touching the inside of the container and lid Urine must be free of feces No tissue in urine and stool specimen Place specimen in plastic bag Specimen should be taken to lab promptly

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