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J AN. W K 2 W ORLD L IT Monday, Jan. 12- through Friday, Jan.15.

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Presentation on theme: "J AN. W K 2 W ORLD L IT Monday, Jan. 12- through Friday, Jan.15."— Presentation transcript:

1 J AN. W K 2 W ORLD L IT Monday, Jan. 12- through Friday, Jan.15

2 Allowed: ½ slip green sheet for notes—bubble test only Allowed : Hamlet play book – essay only Allowed: one 3X5 notecard with quotes – essay only Allowed: ½ slip green sheet for notes—bubble test only Allowed : Hamlet play book – essay only Allowed: one 3X5 notecard with quotes – essay only Online items for you at JMHS site




6 R EVIEWING “M EDIUM A NALYSIS ” Medium [ format ] Artist/Author Time period made – what does it say about each medium? OR How did the time period INFLUENCE the making of that medium? Similarities & Differences between them  Mediums: film to film Gibson version [1990] vs. Branagh version [1996]  Director: Zeffirelli  Director: Branagh  Compare/contrast the royal court scene in ACT 1, scene2.  Mediums: film to film Gibson version [1990] vs. Branagh version [1996]  Director: Zeffirelli  Director: Branagh  Compare/contrast the royal court scene in ACT 1, scene2. What to look for: Today’s all-class practice:



9 R EVIEWING “M EDIUM A NALYSIS ” Medium [ format ] Artist/Author Time period made – what does it say about each medium? OR How did the time period INFLUENCE the making of that medium? Similarities & Differences between them  Mediums: film to film Gibson version [1990] vs. Branagh version [1996]  Director: Zeffirelli  Director: Branagh  Compare/contrast the “To Be, or Not to Be” scene in ACT 3, scene 1.  Mediums: film to film Gibson version [1990] vs. Branagh version [1996]  Director: Zeffirelli  Director: Branagh  Compare/contrast the “To Be, or Not to Be” scene in ACT 3, scene 1. What to look for: Today’s all-class practice:

10 P INK S HEET : P RACTICE CLIP Draw a line down the middle. Label the left side “ BRANAGH “ and the right side “GIBSON” Focus on these comparisons today: * Sound Elements * Language Elements * Physical Elements * Camera Elements ACT 3 Scene 1 “To Be” Speech


12 R EVIEWING “M EDIUM A NALYSIS ” Medium [ format ] Artist/Author Time period made – what does it say about each medium? OR How did the time period INFLUENCE the making of that medium? Similarities & Differences between them  Mediums: film to film Gibson version [1990] vs. Branagh version [1996]  Director: Zeffirelli  Director: Branagh  Compare/contrast Ophelia’s flower scene in ACT 4, scene 5.  Mediums: film to film Gibson version [1990] vs. Branagh version [1996]  Director: Zeffirelli  Director: Branagh  Compare/contrast Ophelia’s flower scene in ACT 4, scene 5. What to look for: Today’s all-class practice:

13 P INK S HEET : “BRANAGH” and “GIBSON” are already labeled Focus on these comparisons today: * Sound Elements * Language Elements * Physical Elements * Camera Elements ACT 4 Scene 5 Ophelia’s Flower Speech


15 R EVIEWING “M EDIUM A NALYSIS ” Medium [ format ] Artist/Author Time period made – what does it say about each medium? OR How did the time period INFLUENCE the making of that medium? Similarities & Differences between them  Mediums: film to film Gibson version [1990] vs. Branagh version [1996]  Director: Zeffirelli  Director: Branagh  Compare/contrast Hamlet’s death scene in Act V, scene 2.  Mediums: film to film Gibson version [1990] vs. Branagh version [1996]  Director: Zeffirelli  Director: Branagh  Compare/contrast Hamlet’s death scene in Act V, scene 2. What to look for: Today’s all-class practice:

16 P INK S HEET : “BRANAGH” and “GIBSON” are already labeled **Ignore the “Original Text” box*** Focus on these comparisons today: Cross out those in the boxes and re-lable with these: * Sound Elements * Language Elements * Physical Elements * Camera Elements ACT 5 Scene 2 Hamlet’s death

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