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Management of Not-For-Profit Organizations 472.31 14 Fall 2014.

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1 Management of Not-For-Profit Organizations 472.31 14 Fall 2014

2 Updates child soldiers in Goma Found out one of the agencies working with child soldiers in Goma is Caritas, a Catholic service agencies I asked our President to connect me to the local Catholic Archbishop, to see if he could put me in touch from someone from Caritas Dr. Johnson sent the email. I haven’t heard back yet. I’ll continue to pursue and then…


4 Presentations

5 Updates ProfDrop Is now officially approved by Providence cabinet! John Johnson & I are meeting Tuesday I’ll be inviting Field Ed student involvement FUEL for the FUTURE I have a student to work on this next semester I’ll be inviting Field Ed student involvement

6 Updates Dead Weight Electronics Field Ed opportunity at end of next semester Got SALT? Gina will be doing this for field ed Option for others to be involved as well Started to put it online

7 Designing and Managing Volunteer Programs ch 26 Brudney

8 Volunteers & Non-Profits volunteers are useful ₋ multiply dollars challenging ₋ supervision ₋ motivation

9 Volunteers & Non-Profits volunteers are the distinctive feature of non-profits ₋ what really makes non-profits different from for- profits fundamental to identity ₋ non-profit organizations are, at their core, means of coordinating voluntary action

10 Elements of a Volunteer Program 1.Why? 2.Staff Buy-In 3.Program Fit 4.Managing Managers 5.Clarifying Roles 6.Motivating 7.Finding & Equipping 8.Managing 9.Assessing & Rewarding

11 1.Why? establishing the rationale for volunteer involvement

12 2.Staff Buy-In involving paid staff in volunteer program design

13 3.Program Fit integrating the volunteer program into the organization

14 4.Managing Managers creating positions of program leadership

15 5.Clarifying Roles preparing job descriptions for volunteer positions

16 6.Motivating meeting the needs of volunteers

17 Why People Volunteer


19 7.Finding & Equipping recruiting and training volunteers

20 8.Managing managing volunteers

21 9.Assessing & Rewarding evaluating and recognizing the volunteer effort evaluating volunteers evaluating volunteer programs counting activities calculation equivalent dollar value internal benefits external benefits

22 Exam Questions 1.Apply a chapter to a situation: Any of these 4 are fair game: The question will be something like: ₋ “Apply Nash’s ideas from chapter 10, ‘Social Entrepreneurship and Social Enterprise’, to improving the situation of the following organization”…and then I’ll give a short description of the organization. chapterauthortitle 10NashSocial Entrepreneurship and Social Enterprise 15ThomasOutcome Assessment and Program Evaluation 24Watson & AbzugEffective Human Resource Practices 26BrudneyDesigning and Managing Volunteer Programs

23 Exam Questions 2.Propose a new, fun, annual fundraising activity for Providence. Ideally, it should play the same role at Providence as the annual bed-push plays at the Faculty of Agriculture & Food Sciences at UofM plays. ₋ weekend-on-trans-canada-highway/ weekend-on-trans-canada-highway/ ₋ passes-through-portage passes-through-portage Of course, you don’t want it to be too much like the Aggie bed-push, so we don’t look like copy- cats.

24 Exam Questions 3.Apply everything you have learnt in this course to the following situation: And then I’ll give a description of the situation.

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