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Brassicaceae (incl. Capparidaceae)
APG has removed Capparidaceae and Cleomaceae from the Brassicaceae clade (we will use this updated description - it also is the most common description) Habit: Herbs w/ pungent watery juice Leaves: Alternate, Simple, often dissected, Exstipulate. Hairs: Pubescence of simple to stellate hairs Inflorescence: Racemes (rarely solitary) Flowers (overall): Perfect, Actinomnorphic, Bisexual Calyx: 4 distinct sepals Corolla: 4 distinct petals, arranged in a cross, elongate claw
Brassicaceae Androecium: 6 stamens total, 4 long, 2 short (tetradynamous) Gynoecium: 2 connate carpels, 2 stigmas, thick rim (replum) , false septum Placentation: parietal Fruit: Silicle, silique, often dehiscent at replum Pollination regime: Bees, flies, butterflies, moths, beetles - gather nectar Interesting Species: radish, mustard, horseradish cabbage, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, kohlrabi. Canola oil (Brassica napus) Other comments: Glucosinolates (mustard oil), hard key to species without fruit. Gestalt: Cross shape, 4 long + 2 short filiments
Lobularia maritima, sweet alyssum
Lobularia maritima, sweet alyssum. Note the typical 4-parted perianth, the androecium of 4 long and 2 short stamens, and the capitate stigma.
Infloresence: Bractless Raceme
Basal rosette, Somewhat dissected leaves
Fl: Perfect, actinomorphic, bisexual
Note the hairs
Malvaceae (incl. Bombacaceae, Sterculiaceae, Tiliaceae)
We will focus mostly on the traditional "Malvaceae" (sub-family Malvoideae) but there are examples of "Bombaceae" (Kapok) and "Sterculiaceae" (Cacao) in the green house (big trees). "Tiliaceae" contains the Basswood tree, Fremontodendron is a distinctive local "Sterculiaceae". The description below is for the sub-family Malvoideae but mostly applies to Fremontodendron as well. Habit: Herbs, shrubs (mucilaginous sap) Hairs: Stellate pubsence on leaves Leaves: Alternate, Simple, Palmately lobed and/or Palmately veined. Stipulate Inflorescence: Various, often subtended by bracts Flowers (overall): Perfect, showy Floral Symmetry: Actinomorphic
“Malvaceae” Calyx: 3 - 5 sepals more or less united
Corolla: 5 free petals, often united at base and to staminal tube. Androecium: Numerous monodelphous stamens (staminal tube) Gynoecium: 1 to many carpels (often 5), connate, ovary superior, capitate or lobed stigma Placentation: axile Fruit: Schitzocarp (splits into segments) or capsule Pollination regime: Bees, wasps, ants, flies, , moths, birds, bats - nectar reward. Interesting Species: Hibiscus, Marshmallow, Okra, Cotton [Cacao, Cola, Kapok, Gestalt: Monodelphous stamens, Palmate lobed leaves, Stellate pubsence on leaves
Iliamna sp. Napaea sp.
Okra (Hibiscus esculentus)
Primulaceae Habit: Herbs
Leaves: Simple, Opposite, Alternate, Whorled or Basal Inflorescence: Various Flowers (overall): Bisexual, tubular, pinwheel or reflexed Floral Symmetry: Actinomorphic Calyx: 5 connate sepals Corolla: 5 connate petals, imbricate (overlaping)
Primulaceae Androecium: 5 epipetalous stamens, opposite petal lobes
Gynoecium: 5 connate carpels, Heterostylous, ovary superior Placentation: free-central Fruit: capsule Pollination regime: Showy flowers insect pollinated Interesting Species: Dedecatheon, Primula, Trientalis, Anagalis Gestalt: Showy flowers, , Opposite epipetalous stamens, imbricate petals
Pinwheel flower Epipetalous opposite stamens
Tubular flower Epipetalous opposite stamens
Fruit a capsule
Trientalis sp.
Polemoniaceae (Phlox)
Habit: Herbs (shrubs) Leaves: liner or various Inflorescence: Various Flowers (overall): Bisexual Floral Symmetry: Actinomorphic (slight irregularity) Calyx: 5 united sepals, transparant membrane Corolla: 5 united petals, pinwheel
Polemoniaceae (Phlox)
Androecium: 5 epipetalous stamens, altenate petal lobes, sometimes exserted, blue pollen common Gynoecium: 3 united carpels, ovary superior, 3 stigmas (rarely 2) Placentation: axile Fruit: Capsule Pollination regime: Bees, flies, beetles, butterflies, moths, birds, bats. Other comments: Lots of species in the arid SW, 1/2 the species are in CA. Gestalt: united, 3 stigmas, stamens attached at multiple levels alternate epipetaqlous stamens, colorful corollas
Epipetalous stamens Opposite. Blue pollen Pin wheel flower
Exserted stamens, blue pollen
3 sigmas
Pin wheel flower Linear leaves 3 stigmas
Ericaceae Habit:Trees or shrubs, often in acidic soil
Leaves: Alternate, simple, exstipulate, often evergreen Roots: often with mycorrhizal fungi Inflorescence: Solitary, racemes (various others) Flowers (overall): Bisexual, Urn shaped or showy bell/funnel shape Floral Symmetry: Actinomorphic to slightly zygomorphic Calyx: 4-5 united sepals Corolla:4-5 connate petals (sometimes distinct)
Ericaceae Androecium: mostly distinct staments, opening by apical pores Gynoecium: 4-5 connate carpels, superior or inferior ovary Placentation: Axile Fruit: Capsule, drupe or berry Pollination regime: bees, wasps (sometimes birds) Other comments: Connate petals but stamens more numerouis than corrola lobes, not epipetalous Interesting Species: Rhododendron, Manzanita, Salal, Madrone, Blueberry, Huckleberry Gestalt: Woody or shrubby, alternate leaves, Urn shape or showy bell or funnel shape flowers, stamens distinct, terminal pores on anthers ("shotgun")
Inferior ovary sepals
Ericaceae ("Monotropaceae")
Habit: Nongreen saprophytic or parasitic herbs Leaves: Reduced to scales Inflorescence: Solitary to capitate Flowers (overall): Bisexual, Actinomorphic Calyx: 2-6 sepals Corolla: 3-6 connate or distinct petals Androecium: distinct stamens Gynoecium: 4-6 connate carpels, Superior ovary, capitate stigma Interesting Species: Snow plant (blood red spike), Indian pipe (waxy white) Gestalt: White, yellow, brown or fleshy herbs lacking chlorophyll, scaley leaves.
Ericaceae ("Pyrolaceae")
Habit: Perennial herbs, N. Temperate forest Leaves: Alternate to whorled, evergreen Flowers (overall): Bisexual Floral Symmetry: Actinomorphic Calyx: 4-5 sepals Corolla: 4-5 distinct petals (sometimes united at base) Gynoecium: 4-5 connate carpels, 5 lobed stigma, Superior ovary Interesting Species: 4 genera Chimaphilla, Moneses, Pyrola, Orthilia Other comments: White flowers in summer. N. temperate forest floor, Arctic Gestalt: White flowers in summer. N. temperate forest floor, Arctic, evergreen
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