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Community Regeneration and Tackling Poverty Learning Network: Best Practice Showcase “Connecting you to evidence, expertise and excellence”

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Presentation on theme: "Community Regeneration and Tackling Poverty Learning Network: Best Practice Showcase “Connecting you to evidence, expertise and excellence”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Community Regeneration and Tackling Poverty Learning Network: Best Practice Showcase “Connecting you to evidence, expertise and excellence”

2 Workshop Content Introduction to the CR&TP Learning Network Two examples of interesting practice from across Scotland Q&A / Group Discussion

3 What is the CR&TP Learning Network? provides practical help to people and organisations working to regenerate communities and tackle poverty gets people together to access and exchange ideas, resources and contacts The learning network: –enables you to learn in a way that suits you –provides access to a range of tools, resources learning events and programmes –is open to all and free of charge –Has a dedicated co-ordinator and financial resource

4 What can it do for you? The learning network will be demand led and provide you with: –a programme of activity –a website with an online menu of resources –a web platform allowing for online interaction –resources to develop new support tools –access to a group of expert consultants


6 Online discussionsEvents of interestNetwork membersShare Documents

7 Key themes –Embedding an Outcomes Based Approach –Regeneration in a new context –Tackling Complex Needs

8 What happens next? You can…. –join up –access the tools and resources currently available online –let us know your ideas – this is your network! –Come to future workshops

9 How can you get involved? Website: Email: Tel: 0141 271 3735 or 07799 150739 Address: Highlander House, 58 Waterloo Street, Glasgow, G2 7DA

10 South Lanarkshire Council Financial Education & Advice Team Financial Education and Advice in Prisons

11 Financial Education and Advice Team Who are they? What do they do?

12 Financial Education and Advice Team The project: Financial education and advice for those involved in the Criminal Justice system including those in prison and those given alternatives to custodial sentences, e.g. Supervised Attendance Order Scheme.

13 Financial Education and Advice Team Why was project set up: National Strategy for the Management of Offenders : Outcomes for Offenders - Outcome 7 “The ability to access and sustain community support, including financial advice and education”

14 Financial Education and Advice Team The Initiative: Where is it provided How is it provided

15 Financial Education and Advice Team Lessons learned by : the Financial Education Team the Prison Learning Centre

16 Financial Education and Advice Team How do we know we have made a difference: Feedback from course participants Feedback from staff and partners Prisoners with whom we have had no direct contact, phoning us from prison Solutions achieved to problems raised by individuals attending courses (e.g. housing, benefits, debt etc) Neighbouring Local Authority now involved in work

17 Financial Education and Advice Team What next? Financial Education and Advice for visiting families best practice training day

18 Financial Education and Advice Team LizAnne Handibode South Lanarkshire Council Financial Education & Advice Team Telephone: 01698 477493 Email:

19 Financial Inclusion and tenancy sustainment Joy Watson, Wider Role Co-ordinator Hillcrest Housing Association

20 Background  Financial Inclusion Pre-tenancy service set up in 2007 with funding from Financial Inclusion Fund  Open to anyone who is homeless in Dundee  Targeted towards those who are most likely to be allocated a tenancy e.g. people living in temporary accommodation

21 Partners  The project’s main partner is DCC Homeless Unit  Project works with numerous agencies who refer in  Project also refers out to many agencies such as: DEEAP Tenancy Support Services Credit Union

22 Help available EASY AS A B C  Access to furniture  Access to support  Banking  Benefits advice  Borrowing  Budgeting / Bill paying  Charitable grants / Social Fund

23 Outcomes 08/09  394 clients seen  25% clients have been homeless more than once  100% of those re-housed are sustaining tenancy  Financial gains of £187,712.75  £30,000 of via access to Social Tariff

24 Who benefits?  Homeless person  Landlords  Homeless unit  Dundee City Council  All referring agencies  Wider community

25 Presentation at the Financial Inclusion Conference 18 th November 2009 Councillor Isabel Hutton and Janet Mundy

26 Content What is WLFIN? Who is involved? What are we doing? Where are we going? What have we learned?

27 What is WLFIN? Set up in 2006 as part of Financial Inclusion strategy Now registered charity Management committee from public, voluntary and business sectors 60+ member organisations Regular events

28 Who is involved? West Lothian Council: Advice Shop, Access 2 Employment, Social Care, Community Learning and Development, Housing etc West Lothian Credit Union Forum and three credit unions DWP, Pension Service Skills Development Scotland Citizens Advice Bureau West Lothian Voluntary Sector Gateway West Lothian West Lothian Federation of Small Business... and many more!

29 What are we doing? Seminars Small Projects Fund Future developments

30 The Seminars 5 seminars based on life stages model –Early years –Families with children –Young people –Working age –Retirement

31 The Small Projects Fund Up to £1,000 for projects related to financial inclusion

32 Where are we going? Building on success of seminars Hope to continue small projects funding Building contacts with businesses

33 What have we learned? Importance of partnership working Support from all sectors at all levels Need to innovate Seminars – great speakers… …and a good lunch!

34 Questions? Contact: Janet Mundy (Secretary) 01506 633222 Councillor Isabel Hutton (Chair)

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