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Introduction to Remote Sensing

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1 Introduction to Remote Sensing
Cons 340

2 Lab Review Connect to a folder
Make sure your default geodatabase is the one you are working on Save your map document in your workspace (where your geodatabase lives)

3 Project management Be organized
Lots of data from lots of sources – it’s easy to get lost Develop good habits early on Verify the validity of your data Read metadata first Check GCS and projection Use a consistent file/directory naming convention

4 The Basics An “image” is digital as opposed to a “picture” which you take with a camera Images are made up of Pixels which is short for Picture Elements Pixels contain values (numbers) The more Pixels etc. the larger the image file size

5 File Structure Common file formats:
JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group TIFF Tag Image File Format GIF Graphics Interchange Format BMP Bitmap File PICT Macintosh Picture File TGA Targa Image File Graphics files typically have a header (file format info) and then a table of numbers that represent pixel values as seen on the right

6 Pixels and Color Depth Each pixel has numerous values associated with it The # of bits in a value defines the color depth of the image 1 bit = 2 colors 8 bits = 256 colors 16 bits = 65k colors (hi-color) 24 bit = 16 million colors (true-color) As color depth increases the space required for the image’s storage increases as well

7 Color Spaces RGB (Red-Green-Blue; Additive)
CMY (Cyan-Magenta-Yellow; Subtractive) CMYK (Cyan-Magenta-Yellow-Black) HSV (Hue-Saturation-Value) Grayscale (Shades of Gray) 1-bit (line art; only two colors i.e. Black and White) Equivalent RGB, CMY, and HSV values

8 Additive vs. Subtractive

9 RGB (Red-Green-Blue) An RGB image is comprised of three layers
RGB is an additive color space, meaning that pixel values are added to black to create new colors

10 CMYK (Cyan-Magenta-Yellow-Black)
A CMYK image is comprised of four layers CMYK is a subtractive color space, meaning that pixel values are subtracted from white to create new colors

11 Image Dimensions Referred to as (Horizontal dimension by Vertical dimension) (200 x 340) or (100 x 170) Relates to the size of the image in bytes 200 x 300 = 200 Kb 100 x 170 = 50 Kb

12 Resolution (DPI) DPI = Dots per Inch
The greater the DPI per equivalent areas the greater the image’s file size Average screen resolution is 72 DPI Typical printer resolution is 300 DPI

13 Spatial Resolution When an image refers to something in the “real world” we say it has Spatial Resolution This refers to the unit of measure in the “real world” that a pixel represents in the image e.g. 30 meter Digital Elevation Models (DEM)

14 Which brings us to Remote Sensing (and a selection of major RS programs)

15 Examples This one-meter resolution satellite image of Manhattan, New York was collected at 11:43 a.m. EDT on Sept. 12, 2001 by Space Imaging's IKONOS satellite. IKONOS travels 423 miles above the Earth's surface at a speed of 17,500 miles per hour.

16 Examples – Quickbird

17 Land surface from satellite
Four landsat-5 Thematic Mapper multispectral image mosaic displayed in 4,3,2-RGB (false color) August 2nd and 27th, 1998, 10:15a.m. pst. 16 day repeat, 30m

18 Ocean Color SeaWiFs classified ocean color image with unclassified land surface displayed 6,3,2-RGB August 16th, 1999 Daily, 1km

19 Time series One year of daily AVHRR at 1km of the Amazon Basin

20 A Remote Sensing System
Energy source platform sensor data recording / transmission ground receiving station data processing expert interpretation / data users

21 A Remote Sensing System

22 Energy

23 Basic Concepts: EM Spectrum
l 1 nm, 1mm, 1m f 3x1017 Hz, 3x1011 Hz, 3x108 Hz, Sometime use frequency, f = c / l, where c = 3x108 m/s (speed of light)

24 You are a remote sensing platform!
And your eyes are the sensors

25 Spectral Signatures

26 Spectral Resolution

27 Platforms

28 Airborne Platforms Aircraft are often used to collect very detailed images and facilitate the collection of data over virtually any portion of the Earth's surface at any time. Aerial platforms are primarily stable wing aircraft, although helicopters are occasionally used.

29 Satellite Platforms In space, remote sensing is sometimes conducted from the space shuttle or, more commonly, from satellites. Because of their orbits, satellites permit repetitive coverage of the Earth's surface on a continuing basis. Cost is often a significant factor in choosing among the various platform options.

30 Geostationary Orbit geostationary ( km altitude)

31 Near-Polar Orbit polar orbiting ( km altitude)

32 Sensors

33 Cameras versus digital sensors

34 The Business End of RS (and for that matter your Digital Camera or Camcorder)
MERIS (MEdium Resolution Image Spectrometer Instrument) charge-coupled device (CCD) Many of these put together in a grid is referred to as a CCD Array

35 Passive Sensor

36 Active Sensor

37 Radar real aperture radar microwave energy emitted across-track
return time measured amount of energy (scattering) synthetic aperture radar higher resolution - extended antenna simulated by forward motion of platform ERS-1, -2 SAR (AMI), Radarsat SAR, JERS SAR

38 Data

39 The “PIXEL”

40 Visualizing numbers

41 Band Combinations 3,2,1 4,3,2 5,4,3

42 Issues

43 Spatial data resolution problem
trade-off pixel size vs. spatial coverage quantization and data volume data merge from different sources grid displacement in time information content of different resolutions raster-vector conversion

44 Multi-resolution merging 20m Multi-spectral + 10m PAN of SPOT

45 Geometric registration

46 Image Processing

47 Simple IP Techniques These techniques are accomplished by applying mathematical algorithms to individual pixel values e.g. Brightness simply adds a constant value to each pixel

48 Convolution Filters A matrix of multipliers that is applied to each pixel as it is moved across the image They are typically moved from left to right as you would read a book

49 Examples of Convolution Filters at work
(a) Input image (b) Laplacian of (a) (c) sum of (a) and (b) (d) Sobel gradient of (a) smoothed by a 5x5 box filter (e) Product of (b) and (d) (f) sum of (a) and (e)

50 Interpretation

51 Image Interpretation Interpretation: Data Information
Visual Interpretation : Uses visual methods to interpret Analog Data (maps) Digital Interpretation : Uses computer-based methods to interpret digital data

52 Visual Interpretation
Shape Size Pattern Tone Texture Shadows Site Association

53 Image Enhancement Usually done to more effectively display or record the data for subsequent visual interpretation. Contrast stretching Filtering Edge enhancement

54 Image Transformation Arithmetic operations done to combine and transform the original bands into "new" images which better display or highlight certain features in the scene. e.g Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) These use multiple bands

55 NDVI Image

56 Image Classification To categorize all pixels in an image into land cover classes or themes Multi-spectral data are used to perform classification Spectral patterns present within data used as numerical basis for categorization

57 Classification                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

58 Unsupervised Classification

59 Supervised Classification
In this type of classification the analyst “supervises” the classification by specifying inputs on various land cover classes to the computer Analyst identifies representative ‘training areas’ for different categories These training areas provide numerical spectral attributes of each land cover type.

60 Supervised Classification

61 Classified Product

62 Ground Truthing

63 Integrating Remotely Sensed Data with GIS
What GIS has to offer remote sensing: - control points - themes - training sites What remote sensing has to offer GIS: - rapid updates - change detection - vegetation indices What the future may hold: - fully integrated systems - transparent data integration

64 Image processing software and portability of formats
ARC/Info GRID various basic raster formats, tif, sun, gis, lan, img, bil, bip, bsq, grass, adrg, rlc Arcview ERDAS lan, img, grid, tif ERDAS IMAGINE Arc/info live link, no conversion needed PCI EASI PACE Arc/Info GeoGateway for multiple formats ENVI/IDL imports shapefiles, e00, dxf, USGS, SDTS, dlg, exports ArcView grid, uses own vector format ERMAPPER various raster formats, import of dxf and SeisWorks, uses own vector format other packages: TNT, IDRISI, ILWIS...

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