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Pipelines vs your own data reduction codes Matilde Fernandez IAA, CSIC.

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Presentation on theme: "Pipelines vs your own data reduction codes Matilde Fernandez IAA, CSIC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pipelines vs your own data reduction codes Matilde Fernandez IAA, CSIC

2 How long does an average observational project take the data reduction process? Probably a few months (sharing time with other projects or duties) PhDs let students, quite often, to become familiar with observational techniques, including data reduction

3 Pipelines (in the sense we all dream of) would prevent us from doing work that others have done before. Goals: - to save time - to use instrumentation with which we are not familiar

4 Proposal: - to try to unify pipelines - to define standards (programming lan- guages, the use of “external packages”, etc) - share/define calibration plans for the instruments Virtual Observatory Computer requirements

5 To start just with - the most common observing modes - the configurations that are used more frequently Let us link these modes/configurations to an Observational Tool

6 PANIC Near-infrared camera

7 Observing modes: - in situ - service mode - remote mode - robotic/scheduled observations - results mode < ------

8 Let us start with something easy, something we know well Pilot programme: CCD imaging Let us make a “census” of people involved in software development for data reduction Call for applications: Tecnicos de Apoyo (50%: host institution, 54000 Euros, 3 years)

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