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Volcanoes By:Bailey Svatosch.

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Presentation on theme: "Volcanoes By:Bailey Svatosch."— Presentation transcript:

1 Volcanoes By:Bailey Svatosch

2 What is a volcano A volcano is a upside down cone shaped figure.
A volcano can be very dangerous. And can also be safe.

3 Types One type is a Dormant. Another type is a Active.
And another is a Violent.

4 Violent Volcano A violent volcano is dangerous.
It can be dangerous because it has chips coming off it. A violent volcano is not safe. A violent volcano starts as a dormant and then pressure builds up and boom.

5 Active Volcano A Active Volcano is dangerous.
This volcano is not as dangerous as a Violent volcano. It does NOT have chips coming off. It’s dangerous because it erupts more than any other kind.

6 Dormant Volcano A Dormant Volcano is NOT dangerous.
A Dormant Volcano is where it is NOT exploding. It can be dangerous just don’t get close.

7 Names of Volcanoes One is Mount Arenal. Another is Mount St.Helens
One more is Mount Raineir.

8 Mount Arenal Mount Arenal is in Costa Rica. It is a Active volcano.
Mount Arenal was Active from That’s 984 years. It stands 1,633 meters high.

9 Mount St.Helens Mount St.Helens was a Dormant volcano.
In 1980 it erupted. It was a Dormant for 100 years.

10 Mount Raineir Mount Rainier is a Dormant volcano.
Mount Rainier is covered with Glaicers.

11 Concluion Now you know that there are three kinds of volcanoes.
And what a volcano is. THANKS FOR WATHING !!!!!!!!!!! (; (: (8 <3.

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