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Coaching Husein Samy June 14, 2002. What is Coaching ?  Telling or showing what to think and how to act?  Helping...  (Oxford Dictionary) :.. to train,

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Presentation on theme: "Coaching Husein Samy June 14, 2002. What is Coaching ?  Telling or showing what to think and how to act?  Helping...  (Oxford Dictionary) :.. to train,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Coaching Husein Samy June 14, 2002

2 What is Coaching ?  Telling or showing what to think and how to act?  Helping...  (Oxford Dictionary) :.. to train, to give hints to.....  The Coach - Is it the same as 'instructor'?  The Coach - a term usually used in sport

3 Timothy Gallwey (Harvard Educationalist) in 'The Inner Game of Tennis' : The coach is to help in removing or reducing the internal obstacle... 'the opponent within one's own head is more formidable than the one in the other side of the net' The Inner Game

4 Coaching is..... Unlocking a person's potential to maximize their own performance. It is helping them to learn rather than teaching them Sir John Whitmore

5 Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs food and water shelter and safety belonging esteem from others self esteem self actualization coaching Tell Culture Prestige Community Housing Pay Values & Meaning Empowerment Tell Coach Abraham Maslow

6 The Locus of Control Internal External Choice No choice I am what I believeI am what others say Take risks Play it safe Doers Critics of doers Self-accepting Self-rejecting Creatively alive Bored with living Want approval Need aproval Learn from mistakesGuilty Welcome change (Adapt)Fear change (Resist) Accept unknown (Opportunity)Fear unknown (Barrier) Plan Plan Worry

7 Effective Coaching To use coaching successfully, we have to adopt a far more optimistic view. We must think of people in terms of their future potential, not their past performance. Effective Coaching is through Asking rather than Telling, Listening rather than Speaking, Empowering rather than Directing..... It's a patern of behavior

8 Coaching Principles  Raising Awareness –Gather information and determine what facts are relevant so that we understand the goals to achieve and the reality of the current situation  Responsibility –When we choose to take responsibility for our thoughts and actions, our commitment to them rises and so does our performance When I want to, I perform better than when I have to. I want to - for me, I have to - for you.

9 The Coach is not a problem solver, a teacher, an adviser, an instructor or even an expert; he or she is a facilitator, a counsellor, an awareness raiser. The heart of Coaching is asking the right Questions Effective Questions will best generate Awareness & Responsibility With a compelling Goal and understanding of the Reality of the situation, the coach can help the coachee on possible Options and What the coachee Will do

10 Coaching - The sequence of Questioning  GOAL setting  REALITY checking to explore the current situation  OPTIONS and alternative strategies or course of action  WHAT is to be done, WHEN, by WHOM and the WILL to do it GROW

11 Adapted from "Coaching for Performance" Sir John Whitmore. Go forwards and backwards around the model as necessary. GROW model of coaching GOAL REALITY OPTIONS WILL

12 GOAL (What to Accomplish) What do you want to achieve in this session? What's the final objective in mind? GROW Model - Goal Specific Measurable Agreed Relaistic Time Phased

13 GROW Model - Reality REALITY (Current Situation) What's happening now? What have you done so far? Who / What is involved? Be Objective Specific Descriptive

14 GROW Model - Options OPTIONS (Alternative Actions) What have you tried? What else might you try? What new possibilities are there? Maximizing Choices Minimize Judgement

15 GROW Model - Will WILL (Commitment to Action) What are you going to do? Will this action meet your goal? When are you going to do it? What help do you need? What other actions will you do?

16 What? Good for gathering information How? Information about method  Why?............ Avoid if you can, people are defensive Where? Place When? Specific answersTime Who? Person Open Questions

17 Are you following the process? Why didn't you do it the way I showed you? Can you describe the process you followed? What actions did you take? Chris, you have the skills, so take the lead and write the proposal. Chris, you have the skills. Do you want to write the proposal? Asking questions....

18 Questions that help raise Awareness and encourage taking Responsibility  What is happening now?  What have you done so far?  What actions did you take?  Describe the process you followed?  Can you give me some examples?  Tell me more about it?  How do you feelabout it?  What else do you know?  What could you do?  How would you solve this situation?  What have you tried?  Which options do you have?  What will you pursue?  Will doing this achieve your goal?  Can you do this?

19 Challenging Questions & Phrases  What drastic changes can you make, that make sense?  What's the one thing you don't want me to ask you to do?  What's really at the source of all your problems? Are you willing to handle that?  I'm sensing that you're avoiding the real issue, are you willing to spend time exploring this perception?  What are the implications of your action?  short term?  long term?  How will others react to your plans?  How will your actions help achieve your goals?  How will I know you're committed to action?  What will you say to others about your commitments?  How will others know that you've changed?  What changes should I expect to see by the next session?  what will be the evidence?  On a scale of 1 > 10 how committed are you to carry out these actions  what will make it a 10?  If these actions were to be done to you what would you be thinking / feeling?  how does this alter your plans?  What negative effect might these actions have on other parts of your life?  If you were me what question would you ask now?  What stops you acting now?  So what would have to be different for you to take action?  On a scale of 1 > 10, to what extent do you believe that you will achieve these goals?  How do the successes in your life inhibit your achieving what you really want?

20 Active Listening build rapport don't judge be empathetic  everyone's needs are different paraphrase & summarise to signal you have listened. maintain appropriate silence  in order to listen you have to quiet your mind be patient  go slow to go fast

21  Patient  Supportive  Interested  Good Listener  Attentive  Detached.. Characteristics of A Coach

22 Who can be a Coach? Parent Teacher Manager Supervisor Friends... Employee Students......Anyone....

23 Coaching - Work Life Balance Business has taken over too much of too many people's lives at too high a personal cost. Too many of us live to work rather than work to live. Stress, broken marriages, neglected children, and poor health are far more widespread than most business people dare to acknowledge. Coaching is a gentle way of raising awareness of the imbalances that exist, and of helping the coachee to find a way forward which will benefit their work and their play. John Whitmore - author of Caching for performance


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