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“802.15.4 Powered Distributed Wireless Smart Cameras Network” Paper Review By Atilla Naveed A. Abbasi

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Presentation on theme: "“802.15.4 Powered Distributed Wireless Smart Cameras Network” Paper Review By Atilla Naveed A. Abbasi"— Presentation transcript:

1 “802.15.4 Powered Distributed Wireless Smart Cameras Network” Paper Review By Atilla Naveed A. Abbasi Presented at Workshop on Distributed Smart Cameras (DSC 2006) October 31, 2006 Boulder, CO, USA held in conjunction with ACM SenSys 2006ACM SenSys 2006 Erik Ljung, Erik Simmons Philips IC-Lab, Building SFJ-6, Glaslaan 2, 5616 LW Eindhoven, The Netherlands +31-(0)40-2732330 {ljunge,simmonse} Alexander Danilin, Richard Kleihorst, Ben Schueler Philips Research Europe, High Tech Campus 5, 5656 AE, Eindhoven, The Netherlands +31-(0)40-2742366 {alexander.danilin, richard.kleihorst, ben.schueler}

2 Introduction  WiSN Characteristics IEEE 802.15.4  ZigBee  WiCa Hardware Architecture Software Architecture  Future Work

3 WiSN  Sensor Networks vs. Networks Power Communication Abilities Processing, Storage  Distributed Imaging Nodes Individual Image Processing Combined Resources 3-D

4 ZigBee Stack

5 WiCa  WiCa Hardware  Software Architecture Packet based approach WiCa OS Application Execution PC Side Control  Results  Future Work

6 WiCa Hardware  IC3D :Successor of Xetal -I  Atmel 8051  Dual Port RAM  AquisGrain

7 Software Architecture  Software Stack of 4 modules 1 st Controls IEEE 802.15.4 MAC layer  Setup and maintain the network forward and receive data  Three Types of Packets Communication Packets ISP Packets WiCa OS Packets  AG Modules have UID.. WiCa doesn’t Have UID  AG Modules also Have NID, assigned by Network Controller  New NID on reset, Same UID always..

8 Software Architecture (2) 2 nd module controls kernel Kernel and High level in 8051  Round Robin + Enable Disable switching  Kernel high priority Disables task switching ability when running and otherwise Packets in/out of application  Template…. And easily extendible..

9 Software Architecture (3) 3 rd and 4 th module control the Pixel Level and high Level Processing (together in IC3D and 8051) All protocols chained together 1 st 3 Form WiCa OS High level processes com with low level via I 2 C

10 Packet Based Approach  Information flow in various sections Interfaces differ  Abstract HW  Usage of header/packets for communication Minimize communication overhead and data transfer hence power consumption Widens over all intelligence of systems… every one can contact with every one else Distribution of computational power over nodes Makes a distributed networks.. Every part can communicate  With every other part/node in network...  Even between the sub systems.. Network distribution can be…

11 Packet Based Approach (2)  Single header… beyond peer to peer Camera to camera… Network to network… No separate communication channel.. Just addressing through headers.. Nodes via UID… Subsystem via flags.. Receiving node distributes info within itself

12 WiCa OS  Based on TinyOS  Round Robin  Interrupt based… 8051 timer used  Task switching can be enabled or disabled by kernel

13 Application Execution  Divided into two parts Low level pixel processing  Performed in IC3D High level processing  Sorting Data  Interpreting Results  Passing information to network  Three type of Communication Serial communication via DRAM  DRAM Shared between 8051 and IC3D I 2 C Communication  To synchronize the code in 8051 and IC3D Interrupts  To notify 8051 about special events

14 PC Side Control  WiCap (Wireless Camera Programmer) Win32 Application in C++ AquisGrain  USB Based  UART based PCB Re-programming, Administration, Management and Application Control Translates commands into sequence of packets/messages and delivers them to network via the communication HW

15 Results and Future  Software Stack explained  Communication protocol simplified Less communication costs/overhead  But… Only star network supported Though nodes don’t see each other, but coordinator must see both Limit on distance between two nodes  Solution Increase coverage, use ZigBee II in WiCa’s next versions WiCa GUI to increase usability and view the memory contents of WiCa

16 ZigBee on WiCa

17 AquisGrain for PC and WiCa

18 Evaluation  Hardware Dual cam SD interface LCD interface  Integration (prototype)  Software Network Ready Framework ready Code only functionality  Only star network supported  Not specified  Network details  Power management  Code structure, headers

19 Questions ?


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