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Masumeen Islamic Centre
Ahkam – Islamic Laws Sheikh Jaffer H. Jaffer Masumeen Islamic Centre Fall 2012
Tahaarat What is Taharat? From the Qur’an: From Ahadith:
Linguistically - cleanliness (Nadhafa) or purity In Fiqh – become ritually pure to carry out the Divine Orders required from us From the Qur’an: And Allah loves those who keep pure (Taubah 108) From Ahadith: The Prophet (SAWA) said, ‘Keep yourselves as clean as possible, for Allah Almighty built Islam on cleanliness, and no one will ever enter Heaven unless they are clean.’
Tahaarat Taharat from al-Khabath Taharat from al-Hadath
Impurity (Najasat) that can be touched (al-Hissiya) which emanates from the human body and other things To become Tahir, we would use one of the Mutaharrat (those agents which purify impurities) Taharat from al-Hadath Immaterial or Spiritual Impurities which cannot be touched, a state or condition which is only found within human beings Al-Hadath al-Akbar One is purified from this Spiritual Najasat by doing Ghusl Al-Hadath al-Asghar One is purified from this Spiritual Najasat by doing Wudhoo
Tahaarat An-Najasaat al-Khabathiya:
The following ten things are essentially najis Urine Feces Manee Dead body Blood Dog Pig Kafir Alcoholic liquors The sweat of an animal who persistently eats najasat.
Tahaarat Important Rules to Understand:
Istishaab – Presumption of continuity The PROCEDURAL PRINCIPLE which holds that a previously known state of affairs or RULING is presumed to continue on that state or ruling This is because Doubts cannot overrule Certainty! Najasat can only be ascertained by one of the following means Knowledge (‘Ilm al-Wujdani) Intellectual Satisfaction (Itmi’naan al-Uqalaee) Testimony of Two reliable witnesses Information from the possessor of the item (Ikhbaar dhil yad)
Tahaarat Asaalatu at-Tahara – The priority (precedence) of purity
Everything is Tahir unless you know for sure it is Najis We can understand from the above rules, that Allah SWT wants to make our lives easier: Allah desires ease for you, and He does not desire hardship for you (2:185) How does something Tahir become Najis? If a Tahir thing touches a najis thing and if either or both of them are so wet that the wetness of one reaches the other, the Tahir thing will become najis.
Najasat First and Second: Urine and Feces
Urine and feces of the following living beings are najis: Human beings Animals whose meat is haraam to eat and whose blood gushes out forcefully when its large vein (jugular) is slit. Proof: Muhammad bin Muslim reporting from 5th and 6th Imam AS: I asked him about urine which got onto my clothes. He replied: Wash it twice Ammar reporting from Abi Abdillah AS: All animals whose meat is halal to eat, there is no issue with anything that comes out of their body.
Najasat Third: Manee The Manee of human beings, and of every animal whose blood gushes when its large vein (jugular) is cut, is Najis Proof: Muhammad bin Muslim asked one of the two Imams AS: Manee got onto my shirt. He AS replied: If you know where wash that area, and if you don’t know where wash the entire shirt. As far as manee from animals whose blood gushes out (whether or not we can eat that meat): The ruling is based on Ijma’ (Consensus) – supported by: Muhammad bin Muslim reported from him AS: He emphasized manee as being worse than urine
Najasat Fourth: Dead Body The dead body of a human being is najis
Similarly the dead body of any animal whose blood gushes out with force is najis, irrespective of whether it dies a natural death, or is killed in a manner other than that prescribed by Islam Those parts of a dead body which do not contain life like, wool, hair, teeth, nails, bones and horns are not Najis.
Najasat Fifth: Blood The blood of a human being, and of every animal whose blood gushes forth when its large vein is cut, is najis (regardless of whether or not it was slaughtered according to the manner prescribed by Islam). Proof: Ammar reports from Abi Abdillah AS: The Imam AS was asked about the container from which a pigeon drinks out of. The Imam AS said: If we are allowed to eat its meat, then one can perform wudhoo or drink from the remains/left over of the animal, except if you find blood in its beak. For if you see blood in its beak, don’t perform wudhoo from it nor drink it. Even a small particle of blood falling in the food, while it is being boiled, will make the entire food together with its container najis
Najasat Six and Seven: Pigs and Dogs
All parts of pigs and dogs, even the nails hair, teeth and bones and their saliva, milk, urine and excrement are najis. Proof: Say," I do not find in what has been revealed to me that anyone be forbidden to eat anything except carrion or spilt blood, or the flesh of swine for that is indeed unclean or an impiety offered to other than Allah." But should someone be compelled, without being rebellious or aggressive, indeed your Lord is all-forgiving, all-merciful (6:145) Abu Sahl al-Qarshi asked Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s) about the dog: "Is the dog haram?" The Imam said, "It is najis." Abu Sahl repeated this question three times and the Imam always replied, "It is najis."
Najasat Eight: Kafir The entire body of a Kafir, including his hair and nails, and all liquid substances of his body, are najis A Kafir is a person who does not believe in Allah. Likewise those who associate partners to Allah SWT – Mushrikeen, also fall under the same ruling O you who have faith! The polytheists are indeed unclean: so let them not approach the Holy Mosque after this year (Taubah 28) Similarly: Ghulat, Khawarij and Nawasib Abdullah bin Abi Ya’foor reporting from Abi Abdillah AS:…Surely Allah SWT has not created a creation more Najis than a Dog, however the Nawasib who hate the us the Ahlul Bayt are more impure than the dog
Najasat Nine: Alcoholic Liquor
All Alcoholic liquors and beverages which intoxicate a person, are najis and on the basis of recommended precaution, everything which is originally liquid and intoxicates a person, is najis. Ali bin Yaqteen reporting from Abul Hasan AS: Surely Allah (SWT) did not make alcohol haram because of its name, rather he made it haram because of its effects. So if any substance has the same effect as alcohol, it is considered alcohol. All kinds of industrial alcohol used for painting doors, windows, tables, chairs etc. are Tahir. Ten: Sweat of an animal who persistently eats Najasat The perspiration of a camel which eats najasat, and the perspiration of every animal which is habituated to eat najasat, is najis
Mutaharat If we are faced with these Najasat al-Khabathiya, how do we purify ourselves? There are twelve things which make Najis objects Tahir: Water Earth The Sun Transformation or Chemical Change (Istihala) Change (Inqilab) Transfer (Intiqal) Islam Subjection (Taba'iyat) Removal of original najasat (Zawal ul Aynin Najasat) Confining (Istibra) of animal which feeds on najasat Disappearance of a Muslim (Ghaybatul Muslim) Draining of the usual quantity of blood from the slaughtered body of an animal.
Mutaharat First: Water Water is either pure or mixed. Proof:
Mixed Water: water in which something else is mixed, like melon juice, or rose water Mixed water does not make any najis thing Tahir, and its use is not allowed for Ghusl or Wudhu. Proof: Bareed bin Muawiyah reporting from Abi Ja’far AS: You are allowed to use leaves to clean yourselves after defecating, however only water can be used after urinating. O you who have faith! Do not approach prayer when you are intoxicated,] not [until you know what you are saying, nor enter mosques in the state of ritual impurity except while passing through until you have washed yourselves. But if you are sick or on a journey, or any of you has come from the toilet, or you have touched women, and you cannot find water, then make your ablution on clean ground and wipe a part of your faces and your hands… (4:43)
Mutaharat Pure Water (Ma'ul mutlaq): Kurr Water – Katheer
Water, which fills a container whose length, breadth and depth are three and half spans each, is equal to a Kurr. Based on this, the volume of water will be cubic span, though 36 cubic span is enough Proof: Ismail bin Jabeer: I asked Aba Abdillah AS regarding water which does not become najis. He AS said: Kur. I asked: What is Kur? He AS replied: 3 hand spans by 3 hand spans. Al-Hasan bin Salih at-Thawree reporting from Abi Abdillah AS who said: If water in a container is Kur it does not become najis. I said: And how much is Kur? He AS replied: 3 ½ hand spans in depth and 3 ½ hand spans in width. The second hadith is considered weak as the reliability of At-Thawree cannot be confirmed. This is why most of the scholars go with the first.
Mutaharat Pure Water (Ma'ul mutlaq): Running Water – Katheer
Running water is that water which springs forth from the earth and then flows, like the water of a spring or a canal. Running water, even if it is less than Kurr, does not become najis upon contact with any najasat, unless its smell, color, or taste changes due to that najasat. Rain Water - Katheer A najis thing becomes Tahir if rain water falls on it once, provided that it does not contain any remnants of the essential najasat, nor does it acquire the smell, color, or taste of the najasat. Except in the cases of clothes and body which have become najis because of urine, for they become Tahir after being washed twice, as per precaution.
Mutaharat Pure Water (Ma'ul mutlaq): Well Water - Katheer
The water of a well which springs forth from the earth, (although its quantity may be less than a Kurr) does not become najis owing to something najis falling in it, unless its color, smell, or taste changes. Under-Kurr Water – Qaleel Under-Kurr water means water which does not spring forth from the earth, and its quantity is less than Kurr Qaleel water becomes najis as soon as it comes into contact with najasat.
Mutaharat Miscellaneous Rules with Water:
When cleaning a najis thing with katheer water, it is enough to wash it just once after removing the najasat. When cleaning a najis thing with qaleel water, it is necessary to wash it twice. However, it is better to wash three times. However, there are a few things which have to be washed in a different way: A piece of cloth that has become najis by urine must be washed once in running water or twice with other types of water, and it must also be squeezed after each wash. A pot licked by a dog must be rubbed with wet and clean earth thoroughly; then, after washing away the earth, it must be washed once with kathir water or twice with qalil water. A pot that has become najis by intoxicating liquid must be washed three times with kathir or qalil water; however, it is better to wash it seven times.
Mutaharat Second: Earth
The earth only makes the sole of one's feet and shoes Tahir, provided: The shoe or the foot that had become najis by a najasat on the earth The najis element is removed from the soles by walking on the earth The earth is dry and tahir. Proof: Al-Halabi says: We descended upon a place where the only road between us and the mosque was an alley which was filled with najasat. We visited Abi Abdillah AS and he asked where we are staying. So I said at such and such person’s home. The Imam AS said: Between your residence and the mosque there is an alley which is filled with najasat. However, there is no issue as the earth cleanses what comes from the earth…
Mutaharat Third: Sun The sun can only purify the following things which become najis: The earth and all the immovable things on the earth like trees, the fruits on the trees, the grass. It can also purify the immovable things of a house like walls and doors. Proof: Zurara: I asked Aba Ja’far AS regarding urine which is on the roof of a building or on a place where one wants to pray. He replied AS: If the sun has dried it up then pray on it for it is Tahir.
Mutaharat Fourth: Istihala (Chemical Change or Transformation)
If a najis thing undergoes such a change, that it assumes the category of a Tahir thing it becomes Tahir For example, if a najis wood burns and is reduced to ashes, or a dog falls in a salt-marsh and transforms into salt, it becomes Tahir. Proof: Aqli: When something transforms into something else, the ‘subject in question’ has changed And if the subject is new we can rule with Asalatu at-Tahara.
Mutaharat Fifth: Inqilab (Change in Properties)
Inqilab like Istihalah means change. The difference is in the degree of change. In Inqilab, only the properties change but the shape is not entirely changed. Its only example is of the wine changing into vinegar. When this change takes place, the vinegar becomes tahir. Proof: Ubaid bin Zurara reporting from Abi Abdillah AS: A man sells juice (grape) to a Prince, who stores it until it changes into alcohol. His companion then transforms it into vinegar. The Imam AS said: If it changes from the name of Khamr (wine) then there is no problem with it (meaning it is tahir).
Mutaharat Sixth: Intiqaal (Change in Place/Transfer)
Certain 'ayn najis things can become ritually pure by changes in its location or place. For example, human blood is najis. Now, if a mosquito sucks blood of a man and the blood becomes 'blood of mosquito', then it will become tahir. Similarly, if an organ of a kafir is transplanted to a Muslim then it will become tahir Proof: Al-Ghiyaath reporting from Ja’far from his father AS: There is no issue with the blood of fleas and bugs…
Mutaharat Seven: Islam
In an unbeliever becomes a Muslim, his body, along with the saliva and the sweat, is Tahir. But if he has any Najisul Ayn in his body, it should be removed, and then washed. In fact, those parts should be washed even if the najisul ayn had been removed earlier, as per obligatory precaution. Proof: Aqli – The ‘Subject’ of najasat has changed. Seera (Conduct) of the Prophet SAW – when someone embraced Islam, he SAW did not order them to go purify themsves.
Mutaharat Eight: Taba’iyat (Subjection/To Follow) Proof:
When a najis thing or person becomes tahir, the things which are related to them also become tahir automatically. When a kaffir becomes muslim, his minor children become tahir automatically. While washing a najis thing, our hands become najis also; but when that thing becomes tahir, our hands will also become tahir automatically. If the wine become vinegar, this change will make it tahir, and the pot which contained it, becomes tahir automatically. Proof: Aqli: If those things which follow the subject in taharat, don’t become Tahir, then it would be a continuous never ending cycle.
Mutaharat Nine: Removal of Najisul Ayn
Zawalu 'l-'ayni 'n-najasah means disappearance of the najis element. The inner parts of human body (like inside of the mouth, nose and eyelids) become tahir as soon as the najasat is removed from them. Proof: Ammar: Abi Abdillah AS was asked regarding a man who has a nose bleed, does he have to wash the inside of his nose? He AS replied: He only has to wash that which came out and was apparent.
Mutaharat Ten: Istibra (Quarantining/Isolating)
Means isolating animals away from eating human refuse for a special number of days. The camel for 40 days, the cow for 20 days, the sheep or goat for 10 days, the duck or fowl for 5 or 7 days, and the chicken for 3 days. Proof: Hisham bin Salim reporting from Abi Abdillah AS: Don’t eat the meat of an animal who feeds on human refuse. And if its sweat touches anything, then wash that najasat away.
Mutaharat Eleven: Disappearance of a Muslim (Ghaybatul Muslim)
When the body, dress, household utensil, carpet or any similar thing which has been in the possession of a Muslim becomes najis, and thereafter that Muslim disappears, the things in question can be treated as Tahir, if one believes that he may have washed them Twelve: Draining of blood from the slaughtered animal If an animal is slaughtered in accordance with the rules prescribed by Islam, and blood flows out of its body in normal quantity, the blood which still remains in the body of the animal is Tahir.
An-Najasat al-Hadathiya
Immaterial or Spiritual Impurity which cannot be touched; a state or condition which is only found within human beings Two Types: Al-Hadath al-Akbar Al-Hadath al-Asghar
An-Najasat al-Hadathiya
Al-Hadath al-Akbar One enters this state of Najasat by the following means: Janabat Haydh Nifas Istihadha Touching a dead body (before the 3 ghusl have been performed on it) – (Ghusl Mass al-Mayyit) Dead body (Ghusl Mayyit) After entering this state of Najasat, one can only be purified by doing Ghusl (Ritual Bath) There are seven obligatory Ritual baths Six for the Najasat mentioned above Seven: Bath which becomes obligatory on account of a vow or an oath to perform it.
An-Najasat al-Hadathiya
Two ways of performing Ghusl: Tartibi In this method, a person should first make a niyyat for Ghusl. Thereafter one should first wash one's head and neck, and thereafter the remaining parts of one's body. Irtimasi Daf’ee (Instantly) The water must reach all parts of the body at one time. However, If a part of the body is outside, and is later submerged with the niyyat of Ghusl, it will be deemed in order. Tadreeje (Gradually) It is necessary that the whole body is out of water before Ghusl commences. Then one would submerge one's body gradually in water with the intention of Ghusl.
An-Najasat al-Hadathiya
General Rules regarding Ghusl: While doing Ghusl, if a part of the body, however small, remains unwashed the Ghusl is invalid. If more than one Ghusl becomes Wajib on a person, e.g., Janabat, Mase Mayyit, etc., then one Ghusl with the Niyyah of all of them will suffice One can offer prayers without performing Wudhu after all Wajib Ghusls (except the bath for medium istihaza) When a person is in doubt whether he or she has done Ghusl or not, such a person must do Ghusl. However, if doubt arises in the mind after Ghusl as to whether Ghusl was correct or not, then there is no need to do Ghusl again.
An-Najasat al-Hadathiya
Rules regarding the state of Janabat: The following are Haram for those in this state: To touch with any part of one's body the script of the holy Qur'an or the Name of Almighty Allah in whichever language it may be. Entering Masjidul Haraam or Masjidun Nabi To stay or halt in all other Masjids To enter a mosque with an intention of lifting away something or placing something in it To recite those verses of the holy Qur'an on the recitation of which performance of Sajdah becomes obligatory
An-Najasat al-Hadathiya
Rules regarding the state of Janabat: The following are Makrooh for those in this state: To eat To drink To recite more than seven verses of the holy Qur'an other than those in which obligatory Sajdah occur To touch the cover, the margin or border of the holy Qur'an or the space between its lines, with any part of one's body To keep the holy Qur'an with oneself To sleep. To dye one's hair with henna etc To apply oil on one's body
An-Najasat al-Hadathiya
Al-Hadath al-Asghar One is purified from this Spiritual Najasat by doing Wudhoo Importance of Wudhoo: From Qur’an: إِنَّ اللَّهَ يُحِبُّ التَّوَّابينَ وَ يُحِبُّ الْمُتَطَهِّرينَ Indeed Allah loves the penitent and He loves those who keep clean (2:222) From Hadith: Zurara reports from Abi Jaffer AS that he said: Do not repeat your salaat except for mistakes in five: At-Tuhur (Wudhoo), Time, Direction, Ruku and Sujood. Then he said: Recitation is Sunna, Tashahud is Sunna; the Sunna does not negate the Wajib
An-Najasat al-Hadathiya
How to perform Wudhoo: In Wudhu, it is obligatory to wash the face and hands, and to wipe the front portion of the head and the upper part of two feet Proof: يَأَيهَُّا الَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ إِذَا قُمْتُمْ إِلىَ الصَّلَوةِ فَاغْسِلُواْ وُجُوهَكُمْ وَ أَيْدِيَكُمْ إِلىَ الْمَرَافِقِ وَ امْسَحُواْ بِرُءُوسِكُمْ وَ أَرْجُلَكُمْ إِلىَ الْكَعْبَينِْ O you who have faith! When you stand up for prayer, wash your faces and your hands up to the elbows, and wipe a part of your heads and your feet, up to the ankles (5:6)
An-Najasat al-Hadathiya
The length of the face should be washed from the upper part of the forehead, where hair grows, up to the farthest end of the chin, and its breadth should be washed to the part covered between the thumb and the middle finger. Proof: Zurara reporting from Abi Ja’far AS: Inform me about the area of the face which must be washed during Wudhoo that Allah SWT has mentioned. He AS replied: The face which has been mentioned by Allah SWT that must be washed, which if one exceeds it does not count and if one does not fulfill it has sinned is the area between the middle finger and the thumb from the hairline to the chin… The face should be washed from above downwards, and if one washes the opposite way, his Wudhu will be void. Zurara reports: Abu Ja’far AS described for us the Wudhoo of the Prophet SAW. He called for a container of water and inserted his right hand into the water and removed a handful of water, then he poured the water on the top of his face and then wiped his face with his hand…
An-Najasat al-Hadathiya
After washing the face, one should first wash the right hand and then the left hand, from the elbows to the tips of the fingers. Proof: يَأَيهَُّا الَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ إِذَا قُمْتُمْ إِلىَ الصَّلَوةِ فَاغْسِلُواْ وُجُوهَكُمْ وَ أَيْدِيَكُمْ إِلىَ الْمَرَافِقِ O you who have faith! When you stand up for prayer, wash your faces and your hands up to the elbows (Qara’i) The discrepancy in the way the hands are washed between the Madhaib is due to the words: أَيْدِيَكُمْ إِلىَ الْمَرَافِقِ Others have understood this verse as giving a direction of how it should be washed We have understood this verse as giving an area of washing Zurara reports asking Abi Ja’far AS on how the Prophet SAW did Wudhoo: …The Imam AS took a handful of water in his left hand and poured it on his right hand and washed it from the elbows to the fingers and never washed towards the elbow, then he took water in his right hand…”
An-Najasat al-Hadathiya
After washing both the hands, one performing Wudhu should wipe the front part of his head with the wetness which is in his hand; the recommended precaution is that he should wipe it with the palm of his right hand, from the upper part, downwards. Proof: وَ امْسَحُواْ بِرُءُوسِكُمْ and wipe a part of your heads Muhammad bin Muslm reporting from Abi Abdillah AS: Wipe the front portion of the head.
An-Najasat al-Hadathiya
After wiping the head, one should wipe with the moisture present in one's hands, one's feet from any toe of the foot up to the joint. As a recommended precaution, the right foot should be wiped with the right hand, and the left foot with the left hand. Proof: يَأَيهَُّا الَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ إِذَا قُمْتُمْ إِلىَ الصَّلَوةِ فَاغْسِلُواْ وُجُوهَكُمْ وَ أَيْدِيَكُمْ إِلىَ الْمَرَافِقِ وَ امْسَحُواْ بِرُءُوسِكُمْ وَ أَرْجُلَكُمْ إِلىَ الْكَعْبَينِْ Others have understood this verse as washing and not wiping Because the wordوَ أَرْجُلَكُمْ has a Fatha and not a Kisra; because of this the ‘and - و’ signifies it is connected to the washing and not wiping However, we have understood the Fatha has “mahal lil jarr” Furthermore, it is not possible for Allah SWT to describe a washing when the verb before it is for wiping Zurara reports: Abu Ja’far AS described for us the Wudhoo of the Prophet SAW. He called for a container of water… Then he wiped his head and feet with the remaining water which was left on his hand without dipping it back in to the container of water.
An-Najasat al-Hadathiya
Conditions for the validity of Wudhoo: Intention Water should be Tahir, and clean, not sullied with dirt, even if that dirt is Pak Water should be pure, and not mixed Sama’a reporting from Abi Abdillah AS: A man has two containers of water; however najasat has fallen into one of them and he does not know which one nor can he obtain any other water. The Imam AS replied: Spill both containers and do tayammum. Water should be Mubah (permissible for use) The container of the water should be Mubah (permissible for use by him). As an obligatory precaution, the container of the water used for Wudhu should not be made of gold or silver. Parts of the body on which Wudhu is performed, should be Tahir, at the time of washing and wiping
An-Najasat al-Hadathiya
Conditions for the validity of Wudhoo: The person doing Wudhu should have sufficient time at his disposal for Wudhu and Salaat Wudhu should be performed in the prescribed sequence (Tarteeb) The acts of Wudhu should be done one after the other, without time gap in between Mu’awiya said to Abi Abdillah AS: I was doing wudhoo and the water finished. So I called my servant to bring more water. By the time she came the parts I had already washed were dry. The Imam AS said: repeat the Wudhoo. A person doing Wudhu should wash his hands and face and wipe his head and feet himself. There should be no constraint for using water There should be no impediment in the way of water reaching the parts of Wudhu
An-Najasat al-Hadathiya
Wudhoo is Wajib for the following things: For all obligatory prayers, except Namaz-e-Mayyit. As regards to Mustahab prayers, Wudhu is a condition for their validity O you who believe! when you rise up to prayer, wash your faces and your hands as far as the elbow, and wipe your heads and your feet to the ankle Abu Ja’far AS: When the time has set in, At-Tuhur (Wudhoo) and salaat become wajib, and there is no salaat without Tuhur For the obligatory Tawaf of the holy Ka'bah Ali bin Ja’far from his brother AS: I asked him about a man who is doing tawaf and then remembers he has forgotten wudhoo. Imam AS replied: he should break his tawaaf and not be negligible of it. If a person has made a Nadhr, or a solemn pledge, or taken an oath for Wudhu Aqli – If one makes a solemn pledge, they must fulfill that pledge
An-Najasat al-Hadathiya
Additional Important Rules: It is haraam to touch the script of the holy Qur'an with any part of one's body, without performing Wudhu It is haraam, as an obligatory precaution, to touch the Name of Allah or His special Attributes without Wudhu, in whichever language they may have been written If a person performs Wudhu or Ghusl before the time for prayers, in order to be in state of purity, they will be deemed valid. If a person doubts too often about the acts of Wudhu and its conditions, like, about water being Tahir, or its not being usurped, he should not pay any heed to such doubt. If a person doubts whether he has performed Wudhu or not, he should perform Wudhu If a person doubts after namaz, whether he performed Wudhu or not, the prayers offered by him would be in order. As far the next prayers, he should perform Wudhu If a person doubts during namaz whether he has performed Wudhu, his prayers is void, and he should perform Wudhu and then pray
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