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Earth Astronomy 311 Professor Lee Carkner Lecture 12.

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1 Earth Astronomy 311 Professor Lee Carkner Lecture 12

2 The high temperature of Venus is due to the lack of what compound? a)Carbon Dioxide b)Water c)Ammonia d)Sulfur Dioxide e)Oxygen

3 Which of the following is not evidence for volcanism on Venus? a)Shield volcanoes b)Lava domes c)A smoothed surface d)Smoke rising from active volcanoes e)Sulfur in atmosphere


5 Terra -- The Earth Goddess   We use the old English names for the Earth, Sun and Moon, rather than the Latin ones

6 Earth Facts  Size:  largest terrestrial planet  Orbit:  Description: wet, temperate, inhabited

7 Earth’s Atmosphere  Composition:    small amounts of water vapor, CO 2 other gasses  Very different from other atmospheres  Inner planets:  Outer planets:

8 Early Atmosphere  Where did the original atmosphere come from?   Bombardment of icy planetesimals (comets)  Early composition:   Water (H 2 O)   Ammonia (NH 3 )

9 Formation of Atmosphere  Start with CO 2, H 2 O, CH 4, NH 3   C, H, O form H 2 O, CO 2   Life (plants) forms and produces O 2  Final atmosphere -- O 2 and N 2

10 Earth’s Atmosphere

11 Atmosphere and Temperature  Planets with no atmosphere have a temperature determined by radiation balance:    For a steady temperature, both rates must be equal   K stands for Kelvin, a temperature scale where 0 K is absolute zero  The coldest anything can get  To convert K to F:  T F = 1.8T K - 460

12 The Habitable Zone  In order to support life a planet must be in the habitable zone   Width of zone determined by the effectiveness of the carbonate-silicate cycle  Inner Edge --  Outer Edge --  For our solar system habitable zone width is about 0.95-1.37 AU

13 Hypothetical Habitable Zone Too hot, water is destroyed can’t remove CO 2 Too cold, try to warm up with more CO 2 but CO 2 forms clouds and blocks sunlight Just right, temperature kept stable at ~273 K (water is liquid)

14 Why is the Earth Habitable?   Large enough to hold an atmosphere   Has both water and plate tectonics for carbonate-silicate cycle

15 Climate   Two basic sources of convection  Bottom of atmosphere is warmer than top   The Earth’s rotation breaks the atmosphere up into convection cells that keep the air circulating, producing global weather patterns

16 The Earth’s Surface  What shapes the Earth’s surface?    Resurfacing is cyclical and constant  Plate tectonics raise up mountains, water erodes them down, the silt collects on the ocean floor and forms the rock to make the next mountains   Craters on Earth are largely obliterated by erosion

17 Plate Tectonics   Upper mantle is soft and plastic  Crust is hard and rigid   Plates move around and crash into each other forming trenches and mountains  Plates move a few inches a year

18 How Plate Tectonics Work

19 Plate Boundaries

20 Water  The Earth has more liquid water on its surface than any other planet   Water is present on Earth in all three phases (ice, liquid water, vapor) and continuously cycles between them

21 The Earth’s Interior   We cannot view the inner layers directly (can’t drill deep enough)  We learn about them by studying the seismic waves from earthquakes

22 Seismic Waves  Types of waves:  P waves: pressure or compression wave   S waves: shear waves   The different densities of the inner earth refract the waves   When an earthquake occurs we can measure the strength of S and P waves all over the Earth

23 Earthquake Studies of the Earth’s Interior

24 Seismic Waves and the Earth’s Interior  No S waves detected on opposite side of Earth   Core must be liquid   Core mantle boundary refracts wave out of this zone   Refracted by solid inner core

25 Structure of the Earth

26  Crust:  surface to 35 km   Mantle  35-2900 km  composed of silicates and heavier material  Outer core  2900-5100 km   Inner core  5100-6400 km  

27 Next Time  Read Chapter 8  Just the moon parts  Observing Thursday 8-9 pm

28 Summary  Earth is unique for at least two reasons  Large amounts of liquid water  constantly reshapes the surface  Large amounts of free oxygen  produced by life  Earth has liquid water and life because it is in the habitable zone

29 Summary: Atmosphere  Earth’s initial atmosphere composed of CHON  H and O form water -- oceans  C and O form carbon dioxide -- rock  N stays in atmosphere  Plants produce oxygen  Mild temperature maintained by carbonate-silicate cycle

30 Summary: Surface  Solid iron inner core, liquid iron outer core, solid mantle and crust  Crust is broken up into plates which slide around on the upper mantle  Plate tectonics and erosion constantly alter surface

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