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e/f-scott-fitzgerald-9296261 A small video biography about F. Scott Fitzgerald.

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1 e/f-scott-fitzgerald-9296261 A small video biography about F. Scott Fitzgerald.

2 How did people react to the Great Gatsby? There were mixed reviews on the book. When the book came out New York world published a headline saying "Fitzgerald's Latest A Dud" but other critics said the book was "a brilliant work." um/490S03RheaumeCR.html 1925-ad-for-i-the-great-gatsby-i-tells-us-about-book-prices/261390/

3 Why did the people react that way? People and critics were caught off guard because of how much it reflected the present time. It was almost like a scandal because of how much truth it held. the-great-gatsby-again/ htm

4 WHY WERE PEOPLE INSULTED? Some people say that they did like the book, but it wasn't fantastic. Some people say that they didn't like it because it was upsetting and they were disappointed in the book and they think that it should be different. Citation: "The Great Gatsby, Francis Scott Fitzgerald." Rambling Faoilean. March 16. http://faoilean.over- gatsby-francis-scott- fitzgerald-1925- 101578055.html

5 HOW WAS THE AUTHOR TREATED AFTER THE GREAT GATSBY The book never got recognized until 15 years after it was published. Fitzgerald was treated poorly after his books. People said that he never loved up to his word, and his books were never good. Fitzgerald was told that his books wont get published and it was a very hard time for him. Citation: Eric. "The Butterfly That Became Self Conscious." The Greatest Authors of All Time. August 30.

6 Citations Bruccoli, Matthew J. "The Brief Life of Fitzgerald." Fitzgerald's Obituaries. December 2003. Clash of Cultures. Aug 30, 2012 92.html 92.html Critical Reception of "The Great Gatsby." Aug 30, 2012 Eric. "The Butterfly That Became Self Conscious." The Greatest Authors of All Time. August 30. Google Images. April 2012 Reading the Great Gatsby (again). Aug 30. " Scott F. Fitzgerald." 2012. 29 Aug 2012, 11:00 The Great Gatsby.... Aug 30. "The Great Gatsby, Francis Scott Fitzgerald." Rambling Faoilean. March 16. 1925-101578055.html 1925-101578055.html "Top 10 Books of The Twentieth Century" Smashing Hits. August 2012. Topham, James. "The Great Gatsby Review" Classical Literature. August 2012. Weissman, Jordan "What a 1925 ad for the...." The Alantic. Aug 21, 2012 the-great-gatsby-i-tells-us-about-book-prices/261390/

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