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TOC, Fiction/Biography, Summaries and Reading Notes to Aid Retrieval and Determine Relevancy Janifer Meldrum.

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Presentation on theme: "TOC, Fiction/Biography, Summaries and Reading Notes to Aid Retrieval and Determine Relevancy Janifer Meldrum."— Presentation transcript:

1 TOC, Fiction/Biography, Summaries and Reading Notes to Aid Retrieval and Determine Relevancy Janifer Meldrum

2 MARC Record Enrichment (MRES) Adding data to your existing cataloging records for monographs, specifically: –Table of Contents (MARC 505 or 970) –Fiction and Biography added entries (7XX) –Summaries (520) –Author notes (local note) –Reading notes: Accelerated Reader, Reading Counts (526) and Lexile Framework® for Reading (521) You own the data. It’s not a subscription.

3 Save Your Library Money No money for new books? Maximize usage of the books you have. Own the enrichment data instead of “renting” it. Have it inserted into the MARC record rather than getting an external subscription.

4 Save Your Staff Time Add Tables of Contents (TOC), added entries, summaries, and reading notes automatically. Saves cataloger time. Add during other processing (authorities, conversion). Saves systems staff time.

5 Improve access: TOC Titles and subject headings are fine, as far as they go. But Table of Contents chapter titles and subchapter titles go much further. Aids retrieval and determination of relevance. Example, title of Gravitational waves:

6 Improve Access: Fiction/Biography Fiction is easier to find when you add: –Genre and sub-genre (culinary mystery) –Characters and their attributes (Warshawski, V. I. "Vic" Female Polish American Divorced Ex- lawyer Tough Private investigator) Biographies can now be retrieved by personal information: –Ethnic background –Birthplace and current residence –Profession

7 Improve access: Reading Notes School and public libraries provide information on popular reading programs. Good in consortia. Help teachers, parents, students, and you find appropriate materials. Accelerated Reader Lexile Framework® for Reading Reading Counts

8 How it works Get a quote. Fill out a profile. Export a copy of your database. Or have it done during authorities processing, conversion or other processing. We add the data to your records. You reload the enriched records.

9 Make your catalog easier to use today! Contact MARCIVE for detailed information pricing 1-800-531-7678

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