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Tony Nguyen.  Architecture  Advantages  Disadvantages  Setup JSF Environment  JSF & Database  Conclusion  Demo.

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Presentation on theme: "Tony Nguyen.  Architecture  Advantages  Disadvantages  Setup JSF Environment  JSF & Database  Conclusion  Demo."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tony Nguyen

2  Architecture  Advantages  Disadvantages  Setup JSF Environment  JSF & Database  Conclusion  Demo

3 Architecture  A standard API for creating Java Web Application GUIs.  Allow Java programmers to develop application without HTTP details and integrate it with user interface through event-driven model.  JSF based on Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern.  Drag and drop UI components to build web application. (EIS)

4 Advantages  Less code.  Custom GUI controls.  Form validation.  Event handling.  Managed beans.  Expression Language.

5 Disadvantages  Less transparent.  Harder to learn.  Not enough documentation.  Rigid approach.  Undeveloped tool support.

6 JSF & Event Driven   Example of commandLink  <h:panelGrid id="links" columns="4"  summary="#{bundle.chooseLocale}"  title="#{bundle.chooseLocale}" >  <h:commandLink id="NAmerica" action="storeFront"  actionListener="#{carstore.chooseLocaleFromLink}"> 

7 Expression Language Sorry, no products match your criteria These products were found ${row.prodName}

8 Setup JSF Environment  Java 2 Software Development Kit.  Enabled web-server Tomcat 5.  JSF 1.0 implementation(Sun’s Reference Implementation).

9 JSF & Database  Standard JDBC  JSTL  Hibernate

10 Conclusion  JSF can provide many useful features for developing complex GUIs and handling events.  MVC for web development.  Huge industry and vendor support.

11 References   llateral/4gl/papers/JSF_For_4gl.pdf   101422/javaentnut3-CHP-5-SECT-3.html  sqlserver/article.php/c10079/#more  17

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