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Sonora HS Library Orientation Sonora HS Library Orientation.

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Presentation on theme: "Sonora HS Library Orientation Sonora HS Library Orientation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sonora HS Library Orientation Sonora HS Library Orientation

2 What will be covered? Library staff Library staff Hours Hours Library and computer rules Library and computer rules Checkout, renewals, and overdue books Checkout, renewals, and overdue books Printing Printing Library Layout Library Layout Navigating the library Navigating the library Using “Call Numbers” to find a book Using “Call Numbers” to find a book Our website and data bases Our website and data bases Accessing the Library Catalog Accessing the Library Catalog Quiz Quiz

3 Key Words Here are a few key words to remember while the presentation occurs. Here are a few key words to remember while the presentation occurs. Take a moment to write these words down on a sheet of paper. Take a moment to write these words down on a sheet of paper. Listen for these words as the slides are presented. Listen for these words as the slides are presented. Here are the words: Catalog, Dewey, Fiction, Call Number, Copies, Data Base, Games, Website, ID Card, Non-Fiction, and biography

4 Library Staff Dr. Posthuma Media Research Coordinator Mrs. Cushing Library Technician

5 Library Hours Monday – Friday 7:15am – 3:45pm

6 Library Rules All Student Handbook rules apply. All Student Handbook rules apply. No food, drink (even H2O!), candy or visible gum - put all food and drinks on the table at the library entrance. No food, drink (even H2O!), candy or visible gum - put all food and drinks on the table at the library entrance. NO Cell phones and/or iPods at any time in the library. NO Cell phones and/or iPods at any time in the library. Computers are for educational use only. Games are not permitted at any time. Computers are for educational use only. Games are not permitted at any time. Bring your student ID card to check-out a book Bring your student ID card to check-out a book

7 Computer Access Students log into computers with their 9 digit district ID number. Students log into computers with their 9 digit district ID number. Your initial password in your 6 digit birth date (example: February 29, 1995 would be 022995). Your initial password in your 6 digit birth date (example: February 29, 1995 would be 022995). Do not share your ID or password with other students. Do not share your ID or password with other students.

8 Book Check-Out You may check out 3 books for 3 weeks each. Maximum number of books is 5. Each book may be renewed twice unless there is a hold on it. There will be a charge for lost items. You will be charged $.10 a day for overdue books.

9 Library PrintingLibrary PrintingLibrary PrintingLibrary Printing The number of printed pages is limited and will be counted. It is the student's responsibility to be aware of how many pages they have to print before hitting the print button.  The number of printed pages is limited and will be counted. It is the student's responsibility to be aware of how many pages they have to print before hitting the print button. REMEMBER TO HIGHLIGHT THE SELECTION TO BE PRINTED A copy machine is available in the library for $0.10 per page.  A copy machine is available in the library for $0.10 per page.  Students can also make color copies for $0.50 per page.

10 Tech Miscellanea Tech Miscellanea Save all your work to “ My Documents ”. Save all your work to “ My Documents ”. You may use a flash drive as a back up. You may use a flash drive as a back up. No games, chat, or other inappropriate sites or activities! Don ’ t know what ’ s inappropriate? Ask! No games, chat, or other inappropriate sites or activities! Don ’ t know what ’ s inappropriate? Ask! You may email your work to yourself if you have prior permission from the library staff You may email your work to yourself if you have prior permission from the library staff Choose the printer “ So Lib #1 LJ 4050n ” printer to print. Choose the printer “ So Lib #1 LJ 4050n ” printer to print. Remember to LOG OFF when you leave. Remember to LOG OFF when you leave.

11 Library Miscellanea Library Miscellanea Share books - if many classes working on the same project, you may not be able to check out the books. Share books - if many classes working on the same project, you may not be able to check out the books. See the circulation desk for: tissues, pencil sharpener, stapler, heavy-duty staplers, 3- whole punch, markers, glue. See the circulation desk for: tissues, pencil sharpener, stapler, heavy-duty staplers, 3- whole punch, markers, glue. You must leave your student ID card to check out supplies. You must leave your student ID card to check out supplies. During class time you must have a pass to use the library, unless accompanied by a teacher. During class time you must have a pass to use the library, unless accompanied by a teacher. If you have a free period, make sure to sign in and out on the clipboard! If you have a free period, make sure to sign in and out on the clipboard!

12 Fiction Books oShelves immediately to your left as you enter the library. o Shelved by author’s last name and then title

13 Non-Fiction Books  Shelved by Dewey Decimal Number then author’s last name (except for 920’s and 921’s)  Dewey Decimal System  000 Generalities  100 Philosophy and Psychology  200 Religion  300 Social Science  400 Language  500 Natural Science and Mathematics  600 Technology (Applied Sciences)  700 Arts  800 Literature  900 Geography and History

14 Reference Housed in the north side of the library with REF prefix Shelved by Dewey Number These books are not available for check-out

15 Using Call Numbers to Find a Book. -Each book’s Call Number is the Address of that book in the Library FICTION is filed by author’s last name F Blume FIC Blume

16 Using Call Numbers to Find a Book NON-FICTION is filed by Dewey Number & author’s last name 940 Churchill

17 Using Call Numbers to Find a Book BIOGRAPHIES are a sub-group of non-fiction. They are filed by the last name of the subject of the biography 921 Shakur

18 Using Call Numbers to Find a Book REFERENCE is filed by Dewey number and the author’s last name R 510 Bernoulli REF 500 Euclid

19 Library Website Use the “Academics” tab The library also has DATA BASES available on the website that can be accessed from home with passwords which are available in the library.

20 Accessing Library Catalog From Home and at School: Go to the library website and click on “Library Catalog.” The “call numbers” are also used to look up your book Or OPAC (On-Line Public Catalog)




24 What we discussed? Library staff Library staff Hours Hours Library and computer rules Library and computer rules Checkout, renewals, and overdue books Checkout, renewals, and overdue books Printing Printing Library Layout Library Layout Navigating the library Navigating the library Using “Call Numbers” to find a book Using “Call Numbers” to find a book Our website Our website Accessing the Library Card Catalog Accessing the Library Card Catalog Quiz Quiz

25 Student Quiz Students may visit: SOHS Library Orientation Quiz SOHS Library Orientation Quiz To take a short Library Orientation Quiz This quiz may also be accessed on the SOHS Library website. Click on “Library Orientation” and click on the link for the Orientation Quiz

26 Thank you Go Raiders!   Teachers: Please contact Mrs. Cushing if you would like to take your class for a tour of the library.

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