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A) Study of the solar systemb) Study of the earth c) Study of Physicsd) Study of plants Which of the following is the correct definition of geography.

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Presentation on theme: "A) Study of the solar systemb) Study of the earth c) Study of Physicsd) Study of plants Which of the following is the correct definition of geography."— Presentation transcript:

1 a) Study of the solar systemb) Study of the earth c) Study of Physicsd) Study of plants Which of the following is the correct definition of geography

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4 a) Relative Locationb) A Map c) Absolute locationd) A Compass Rose An exact point on the surface of the earth usually found using latitude & longitude

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7 a) What is the climate & Why has it changesb) Who lives there & Why did they move c) Where is it & why is it thered) What is the climate & Why has it changed Which pair of questions guide Geographers in their study of the earth

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10 a) Relative Locationb) Absolute Location c) Placed) Region Using another place to describe where something is

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13 a) Portableb) Not potable c) Show less detaild) Can be recycled An advantage that a flat map has over a globe is that flat maps are

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16 a) Movementb) HEI c) Placed) Location This theme of geography Answers the question how & Why are areas connected to Each other

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19 a) Movementb) Location c) Human Environment Interactiond) Place The theme of geography that Answers the question “What Is the relationship between Humans & their environment

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22 a) Revolutionb) Rotation c) Tiltd) Winds The Earth experiences different Seasons because of its

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25 a) Locationb) Landforms c) Climated) Vegetation The movement of air, Ocean Currents and a place’s latitude can affect its

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28 Orbit RotationRevolution Low latitudes Middle latitudesLandform Axis High latitudes Plate Tectonics PlateWeatheringErosion The oval shaped path that the Earth takes around the Sun. PangaeaTropic of CancerTropic of Capricorn

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31 Orbit RotationRevolution Low latitudes Middle latitudesLandform Axis High latitudes Plate Tectonics PlateWeatheringErosion A complete turn of the earth It takes 24 hours to complete. PangaeaTropic of CancerTropic of Capricorn

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34 Orbit RotationRevolution Low latitudes Middle latitudesLandform Axis High latitudes Plate Tectonics PlateWeatheringErosion Scientists theorize that millions of years ago there was one large land mass called. PangaeaTropic of CancerTropic of Capricorn

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37 Orbit RotationRevolution Low latitudes Middle latitudesLandform Axis High latitudes Plate Tectonics PlateWeatheringErosion The theory that states the Earth’s crust is broken into huge pieces that move. PangaeaTropic of CancerTropic of Capricorn

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40 a) Pipelines to move water from other placesb) Advanced technology to make water c) Ways of life suited to environmentd) The ability to survive without water To survive harsh environments People have developed

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43 a) Demographerb) Population density c) Life Expectancyd) Population distribution The average number of people Per square mile or kilometer

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46 a) Remaining the sameb) shrinking c) In Asiad) Growing Stable populations use resources Much slower than populations that are

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49 a) To explain historyb) To explain climatic change c) To describe politicsd) To explain immigration Why do geographers use the “push-pull theory

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52 a) Africa, Europe, & North Americab) Asia, Europe, & North America c) Australia, Asia, & North America d) Asia, Africa, & Europe Which 3 continents contain 81% of the earth’s population

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55 a) Cleaner environmentsb) More resources c) Fewer jobsd) More homes One serious problem created by Rapid population growth is

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58 a) Manifest Destinyb) Annual Migration Theory c) Theory of Evolutiond) Push Pull Theory The theory used to help explain Human migrations

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61 a) Green Revolutionb) Biodiversity c) Hydroponicsd) Neolithic Agriculture The application of science and Technology to agriculture is Known as

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64 a) Life Expectancyb) Population Density c) Immigrantd) Birthrate The average number of years A person lives

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67 a) Cultural Landscapeb) Acculturation c) Cultured) Cultural Trait A way of life for a particular Group who share common Beliefs & customs

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70 a) Social Structureb) Technology c) Ethicsd) Urbanization The tools and the skills that people need to use them

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73 a) Cultureb) Cultural Landscape c) Social Structured) Agriculture The way people in a culture are organized into smaller groups

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76 a) money, weather, & valuesb) population,language, & beliefs c) economy,values, & climated) language, values, & religion Three important features of a Culture are

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79 a) The Governmentb) The Schools c) The Armyd) The Family The social unit most responsible for teaching the customs & traditions of a culture is

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82 a) Material goodsb) acculturation c) moneyd) knowledge Language allows people to Communicate and share

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85 a) Nuclear familyb) Urban Town c) Global villaged) Cultural landscape Communication around the World takes place quickly & Easily because we live in a

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88 a) Ethicsb) Cultural Diffusion c) communismd) Acculturation The process of accepting, Borrowing, and exchanging Ideas among cultures.

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91 a) Cultural Diffusionb) Ethnocentrism c) Acculturationd) Cultural Landscape The movement of customs and Ideas from one culture to another is known as

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94 a) Remained the sameb) Slowed down c) Affected few peopled) Sped up As a result of recent tech- nological advancements, Cultural change has

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97 a) Fossil fuelsb) Gross National Product c) Natural resourced) Nuclear Energy Material people take from the Environment to meet their needs

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100 a) Developed Nationb) Socialist Nation c) Developing Nationd) Republican Nation A nation with modern industries And a well developed economy

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103 a) Commercial Farmingb) Plantation Farming c) Subsistence Farmingd) Fish Farming Growing just enough food to Feed a family or village

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106 a) coalb) Solar c) Nucleard) Hydroelectric What source of energy Produces acid rain

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109 a) Developed nationsb) Europe c) Developing nationsd) Africa Most people of the world live in

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112 a) Fossil fuelsb) The ozone layer c) Rain forestsd) Antarctica In the 1970’s scientists learned That chlorofluorocarbons (CFC’s) Were destroying

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115 a) Burning fossil fuels What is a cause of global warming. a) Nuclear Energy a) Chlorofluorocarbonsa) Solar Power

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118 a) Pollute the waterb) Create greenhouse gases c) Produce acid raind) Clean the environment Fertilizers, pesticides, and Waste products are substances that

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