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5th Grade Decimal Concepts

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1 5th Grade Decimal Concepts
Mrs. Berish

2 Table of Contents Define and Review Vocabulary Identify Place Values
Click on a topic to go to that section. Identify Place Values Read and Write Decimals Compare and Order Decimals Round Numbers to Designated Place Values

3 Define and Review Vocabulary
Return to Table of Contents

4 What is a decimal number?
Click to find out! A Decimal Number (based on the number 10) contains a Decimal Point.



7 are needed to fill the blue block? 10
Yellow Rod How many yellow rods are needed to fill the blue block? 10 click What is the value of a yellow rod? one-tenth (0.1) click Teacher Instructions: Use this page for students to gain an understanding of what tenths and hundredths look like. Blue Block Red Block One Unit (1) How many red blocks are needed to fill the blue block? 100 (Hint: Fill a yellow rod with red blocks) What is the value of a red block? one-hundredth (0.01) click click

8 3 yellow blocks = 0.3 three tenths Blue = One Unit

9 twenty three hundredths
23 red blocks = 0.23 twenty three hundredths Blue = One Unit

10 Interactive Number Grid - Use to Show Decimals
Click to Go to Interactive Site

11 1 If the square equals one whole, what does the shaded area represent?

12 2 If the square equals one whole, what does the shaded area represent?

13 3 If the square equals one whole, what does the shaded area represent?

14 4 If the square equals one whole, what does the shaded area represent?

15 5 If the square equals one whole, what does the shaded area represent?

16 Identify Place Values Return to Table of Contents

17 Place Value As you look at the place value chart, how many times does the value of the number increase as you go to the left? click for answer Each place has a value that is 10 times the value of its place to the right.

18 Place Value As you look at the place value chart, how many times does the value of the number increase as you go to the right? click for answer Each place has a value that is ten times smaller than the value of its place to its left.

19 Place Value Chart Teacher Instructions: NOTE: CAN BE PRINTED FOR STUDENT USE

20 What digit is in the hundreds place? 987,654.0123
B 2 C 1 D 7

21 What digit is in the thousandths place? 987,654.0123
B 2 C 3 D 8

22 What digit is in the tenths place? 987,654.0123
B 4 C D 5

23 What digit is in the ten thousands place? 987,654.0123
B 7 C 4 D 8

24 What digit is in the hundredths place? 987,654.0123
10 What digit is in the hundredths place? 987, A 5 B C 1 D 2

25 Decimals on the number line
3 2 What does each line represent on this number line between the whole numbers of 2 and 3? Label the number line.

26 Decimals on the number line
32 33 What does each line represent on this number line between the whole numbers of 32 and 33? Label the number line.

27 Decimals on the number line
4.3 4.4 What does each line represent on this number line between the decimal numbers of 4.3 and 4.4? Label the number line.

28 Decimals on the number line
0.63 0.64 What does each line represent on this number line between the decimal numbers of 0.63 and 0.64? Label the number line.

29 Decimal Number Lines Tool Click for instructions
and to use the tool.

30 National Library of Virtual Manipulatives Click to go to web site.
Change Places to "Decimals" at the bottom left. Zoom in to drag the dot more precisely.

31 Where would the number 4.4 go on this number line?
11 Where would the number 4.4 go on this number line? A B C D 10

32 Where would the number 6.8 go on this number line?
12 Where would the number 6.8 go on this number line? A B C D 10

33 Where would the number 0.8 go on this number line?
13 Where would the number 0.8 go on this number line? A B C D 1

34 Where would the number 7.2 go on this number line?
14 Where would the number 7.2 go on this number line? 7 A B C D 8

35 Where would the number 19.3 go on this number line?
15 Where would the number 19.3 go on this number line? 19 A B C D 20

36 Where would the number 324.5 go on this number line?
16 Where would the number go on this number line? 324 A B C D 325

37 Where would the number 5.35 go on this number line?
17 Where would the number 5.35 go on this number line? A B C D 5.4 5.3

38 Where would the number 1.08 go on this number line?
18 Where would the number 1.08 go on this number line? 1 A B C 1.1 D Not on this number line

39 Where would the number 6.23 go on this number line?
19 Where would the number 6.23 go on this number line? 6.2 A B C 6.3 D Not on this number line

40 Where would the number 17.04 go on this number line?
20 Where would the number go on this number line? 17.1 A B C 17.2 D Not on this number line

41 Read and Write Decimals
Return to Table of Contents

42 9, 8 7 5, 6 1 . 4 9 hundred thousand ten thousandth ten thousand
million hundred thousand ten thousand thousand hundred ten one and tenth hundredth thousandth ten thousandth 9, 8 7 5, 6 1 . 4 9 This number is read: Nine million, eight hundred seventy-five thousand, six hundred ten AND four hundred seventy-nine thousandths Remember the place values after the decimal point start with tenths

43 × Can you read the number? hundredths thousandths thousands hundreds
tenths tens ones and × . 7 5 4 6 2 9 8 3 1

44 Read the following numbers.
6.16 0.052 2, 6.371 0.03 645.16 2,104.03 0.004 403.5 83,

45 How do you write a decimal in words?
1. Look to see if there is a number to the left of the decimal; if so write it out. If there is no number to the left of the decimal, skip to step 3. 2. Write an and for the decimal point. 3. Write the number in the decimal part. 4. Write the word for the place value of the rightmost digit. Write in words click Thirteen and twenty-four hundredths

46 × How does a comma help when writing a decimal number?
The place value before the comma is always stated. For example: 1,547 is written One THOUSAND, five hundred forty-seven 6,547,100 is written 6 MILLION, five hundred forty-seven THOUSAND,  one hundred ×

47 Write the decimal in words
× 1) Five and four hundredths 2) One hundred forty-six and four hundred fifty-seven thousandths 3) Nine ten-thousandths 4) 6, Six thousand, three hundred forty-five and one hundred forty-nine thousandths

48 Match each number and written form.
four thousand and fifty three 405.3 forty and fifty three hundredths 4.53 four thousand fifty three 40.53 four hundred five and three tenths none four and fifty three thousandths 4.053 forty and fifty three hundredths 4,053

49 21 What is 4.36 in written form? A four and thirty six B
four and thirty six tenths C four, thirty six D four and thirty six hundreths

50 22 What is 63.067 in written form? A
sixty three and sixty seven hundredths B sixty three and sixty seven thousandths C sixty three and sixty seven D sixty three, sixty seven thousandths

51 23 What is 0.419 in written form? A zero and four hundred nineteen B
four hundred nineteen hundredths C four hundred nineteen thousandts D four one nine

52 24 What is 0.09 in written form? A nine and nine B nine hundredths C
nine and nine hundredths D nine and zero nine tenths

53 25 What is 407.021 in written form? A four zero seven zero two one B
nine and nine tenths C four hundred seven and twenty one thousandths D four hundred seven and twenty one hundredths

54 Writing a decimal numerically
× 1. If there is a ths, there will be a decimal 2. If there is an and, there will be a whole number to the left of the decimal 3. Note the ending - this is the place where the decimal number will end 4. Use the decimal chart to help you!

55 Use the chart as a guide to write the decimal numbers
hundredths thousandths thousands hundreds tenths tens ones and 1. two hundred sixteen and 2 tenths 2. thirty two and nine thousandths 3. four thousand, five hundred six and twenty four hundredths 4. nine hundred and eight hundredths

56 What is fifty two and eighteen hundredths?
26 What is fifty two and eighteen hundredths? A 52,18 B 52.018 C 52.18 D

57 What is five thousand fifty and five hundredths?
27 What is five thousand fifty and five hundredths? A 550.5 B 5,050.5 C 5,050.05 D 5,500.05

58 What is six hundred three and four thousandths?
28 What is six hundred three and four thousandths? A 603.4 B C 603.04 D

59 What is thirty four hundredths?
29 What is thirty four hundredths? A 340 B 34 C 0.34 D 0.034

60 What is four hundred ninety five thousandths?
30 What is four hundred ninety five thousandths? A 495 B C 0.0495 D 0.495

61 Compare and Order Decimals
Return to Table of Contents

62 There are two symbols we use to compare numbers.
> (greater than) < (less than) One number goes on the left of the symbol and another number goes on the right of the symbol. The number on the left of the ">" shows the larger number. For example: 2 > 1 The number on the left of the "<" shows the smaller number. For example: 1 < 2

63 Symbols and Words to remember when comparing numbers
greater than/largest > < less than/ smallest = equal

64 Comparing Decimals Line up the decimal points
Put zeros in wherever digits are missing Compare the digits, from left to right The largest digit, having the same place value, names the largest number

65 Compare left to right. 2 is greater than 0, so 0.21 is greatest.
Compare and 0.21 Line up the decimal points Put zeros in wherever digits are missing Compare the digits, from left to right The largest digit, having the same place value, names the largest number 0.045 0.210 put zero on the end Compare left to right. 2 is greater than 0, so 0.21 is greatest. Click 0.045 < 0.21

66 0.36 > 0.312 Compare 0.36 and 0.312 Line up the decimal points
Put zeros in wherever digits are missing Compare the digits, from left to right The largest digit, having the same place value, names the largest number put zero on the end 0.360 0.312 Compare left to right. 6 is greater than 1, so 0.36 is greatest. Click 0.36 > 0.312

67 0.009 < 0.02 Compare 0.009 and 0.02 Line up the decimal points
Put zeros in wherever digits are missing Compare the digits, from left to right The largest digit, having the same place value, names the largest number 0.009 0.020 put zero on the end Compare left to right. 2 is greater than 0, so 0.02 is greatest. Click 0.009 < 0.02

68 Decimal Squares Interactive Games Click for link.
Game could also be played with two students having a spinner and writing down their decimal number. In this game the robot won because is greater than

69 31 Choose the correct symbol. A > B < C =

70 32 Choose the correct symbol. A > B < C =

71 33 Choose the correct symbol. A > B < C =

72 34 Choose the correct symbol. A > B < C =

73 35 Choose the correct symbol. A > B < C =

74 × Ordering Decimals Line up all of the decimal points
Put zeros in wherever digits are missing Compare the digits, from left to right The largest digit, having the same place value, names the largest number Example: × Why is this the smallest number? What digit tells us this is the largest number? Click 1 Compare the digits

75 The number with the least value is:
36 The number with the least value is: A 61.005 B 61.3 C 61.05 D 61.04

76 The number with the least value is:
37 The number with the least value is: A 0.005 B 0.5 C 0.05 D 0.0005

77 The number with the greatest value is:
38 The number with the greatest value is: A 9.888 B 9.8 C 9.008 D 9.088

78 The number with the greatest value is:
39 The number with the greatest value is: A 0.67 B 0.067 C 0.0067 D

79 How much money would you like to win?
40 How much money would you like to win? A $150.59 B $140.99 C $150.82 D $140.50

80 Rewrite the numbers to order them from least to greatest.
15, 0, 1.5, 0.015, 0.15

81 Rewrite the numbers to order them from least to greatest.
0.709, 0.009, 0.68, 0.08, 0.07

82 Which of the following is ordered least to greatest?
41 Which of the following is ordered least to greatest? A 0.3, 0.03, 0.33, 3.3 B 0.03, 0.3, 0.33, 3.3 C 3.3, 0.33, 0.3, 0.03

83 Which of the following is ordered least to greatest?
42 Which of the following is ordered least to greatest? A 0.008, 0.06, 0.5 B 0.5, 0.06, 0.008 C 0.06, 0.5, 0.008

84 Which of the following is ordered greatest to least?
43 Which of the following is ordered greatest to least? A 8.07, 0.008, 0.087, 0.87 B 0.008, 0.087, 0.87, 8.07 C 8.07, 0.87, 0.087, 0.008

85 Which of the following is ordered greatest to least?
44 Which of the following is ordered greatest to least? A 0.23, 0.08, 0.009 B 0.23, 0.009, 0.08 C 0.009, 0.08, 0.23

86 Which of the following is ordered least to greatest?
45 Which of the following is ordered least to greatest? A 0.8, 0.32, 0.41, 0.701 B 0.8, 0.701, 0.41, 0.32 C 0.32, 0.41, 0.701, 0.8

87 Round Numbers to Designated Place Values
Return to Table of Contents

88 Rounding makes numbers that are easier to work with in your head.
Rounded numbers are only approximate. An exact answer generally can not be obtained using rounded numbers. Use rounding to get an answer that is close but that does not have to be exact.

89 Round 8,749 to the nearest ten.
Review Round 8,749 to the nearest ten. 1. Put your pencil point under the digit in the tens place. Look to the right. 2. Is the digit 5 or more? Yes OR No 3. What happens to the digit? Increases by 1 OR remains the same 4. What happens to everything to the left of the tens place? Those digits always remain the same. 5. What happens to everything to the right of the tens place? Those digits become zero. Teacher Instructions: Move pencil under the digit that is being rounded to rounding

90 Round 8,749 to the nearest hundred.
Review Round 8,749 to the nearest hundred. 1. Put your pencil point under the digit in the hundreds place. Look to the right. 2. Is the digit 5 or more? Yes OR No 3. What happens to the digit? Increases by 1 OR remains the same 4. What happens to everything to the left of the hundreds place? Those digits always remain the same. 5. What happens to everything to the right of the hundreds place? Those digits become zero. Teacher Instructions: Move pencil under the digit that is being rounded to rounding

91 46 Round 143 to the nearest ten

92 47 Round 4,561 to the nearest hundred.

93 Round 564,012 to the nearest hundred thousand.

94 Round 7,399 to the nearest thousand.

95 Round 63,752 to the nearest hundred.

96 What happens in this case?
Round 697 to the nearest ten. The 7 to the right of the 9 tells us to increase the 9 by 1. What happens? Answer ____________

97 Round 3,972 to the nearest hundred.

98 Round 98 to the nearest ten.

99 Round 399,238 to the nearest ten thousand.

100 Round 9,521 to the nearest thousand.

101 Round 9,983 to the nearest hundred.

102 Rounding Decimals Let's learn how to round decimals using the following examples: Round to the nearest tenths place. When rounding decimals, put your pencil point under the place value that you are rounding to DO NOT MOVE IT

103 687.268 1. Put your pencil point under the digit in the tenths place.
Look to the right. 2. Is the digit 5 or more? Yes OR No 3. What happens to the digit? Increases by 1 OR remains the same 4. What happens to everything to the left of the tenths place? Those digits always remain the same.

104 5. What happened to the digits to the right of the tenths place?
Remember, we are rounding. The place values to the right of the tenths place have zero value, so now the digits 6 and 8 become zeroes. = 687.3 However we leave the zeros off when they are to the right of the decimal point.

105 Round 8.73258 to the hundredths place.
1. Put your pencil point under the digit in the hundredths place. Look to the right. 2. Is the digit 5 or more? Yes OR No 3. What happens to the digit? Increases by 1 OR remains the same 4. What happens to everything to the left of the hundredths place? Those digits always remain the same. 5. What happens to everything to the right of the hundredths place? Those digits become zero (and we leave them off since they are to the right of the decimal).

106 Round 687.4953 to the nearest hundredths place Answer: 687.50
Try this: Round to the nearest hundredths place Answer: click

107 56 Round to the nearest hundredth.

108 57 Round to the nearest ten.

109 58 Round to the nearest hundred.

110 59 Round to the nearest tenth.

111 60 Round to the nearest thousand.

112 61 Round to the nearest thousandth.

113 Caution! When rounding to a specific place, your answer MUST have a digit in that place. Example: Round to the nearest tenth Answer: 24.0 There must be a digit in the tenths place, since we were to round to the tenths place.

114 62 Round 678.97 to the nearest tenth.

115 63 Round 6.304 to the nearest hundredth.

116 64 Round 5.03 to the nearest tenth.

117 65 Round 0.3497 to the nearest thousandth.

118 66 Round 84.951 to the nearest tenth.

119 Use rounding to estimate answers to problems.
At a restaurant, a burger is $5.99, fries are $3.85 and a small drink is $1.29. Round to the nearest dollar to estimate the cost to purchase all three items. Cost Estimate $5.99 $6 $3.85 $4 $1.29 $1 It would cost about $11 to purchase all three items.

120 67 Round the following items to the nearest dollar to figure out the approximate cost if all the items were bought. pens $2.99 pencils $2.20 book bag $15.75

121 68 Round the following items to the nearest dollar to figure out the approximate cost if all the items were bought. jeans $24.99 t-shirt $6.79 hat $12.31

122 69 Round the following items to the nearest dollar to figure out the approximate cost if all the items were bought. milk $3.79 bread $2.15 juice $2.40

123 70 Round the following items to the nearest half dollar to figure out the approximate cost if all the items were bought. chicken $8.60 potatoes $2.45 peas $0.99

124 71 Round the following items to the nearest half dollar to figure out the cost if all the items were bought. apples $4.60 bananas $1.90 oranges $3.10

125 72 Round the following items to the nearest ten dollars to figure out the approximate cost if all the items were bought. sneakers $36.21 sweatshirt $13.99 socks $6.00

126 73 Round the following items to the nearest hundred dollars to figure out the approximate cost if all the items were bought. computer $688.23 printer $213.50 desk $175.89

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