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Focus on Achievement MTSS Math Shawnee Mission School District September 2011 You do not need a computer yet.

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Presentation on theme: "Focus on Achievement MTSS Math Shawnee Mission School District September 2011 You do not need a computer yet."— Presentation transcript:

1 Focus on Achievement MTSS Math Shawnee Mission School District September 2011 You do not need a computer yet

2 Agenda for Today Review SMSD plan for MTSS Math Assessment Brief Training on Test Administration & Scoring Data Interpretation Math Data Reviews Math Progress Monitoring (Common Core Standards Overview)

3 SMSD MTSS Math Assessment Overview

4 SMSD Math Assessment Plan, K-2 Beginning Fall 2011 TimeframeAssessmentStudents Fall Window (same as DIBELS) Tests of Early Numeracy (TEN) (K-1) Monitoring Basic Skills Progress (MBSP)- Computation (1-2), Concepts & Applications (2) All Fall Semester Progress Monitoring TEN and MBSPBelow Fall Benchmark OctoberMath Basic Skills Test 1All (2 nd ) DecemberMath Basic Skills Test 2All (2 nd ) Winter Window (same as DIBELS) TEN and MBSPTargeted Spring Semester Progress Monitoring TEN and MBSPBelow Winter Benchmark MarchMath Basic Skills Test 3All (2 nd ) Spring Window (same as DIBELS) TEN and MBSPTargeted MayMath Basic Skills Test 4All (2 nd )

5 SMSD Math Assessment Plan, 3-6 Beginning Fall 2011 TimeframeAssessmentStudents Fall WindowNWEA Measures of Academic Progress (MAP)All Fall Semester Progress Monitoring Monitoring Basic Skills Progress (MBSP) Computation and Concepts & Applications Targeted OctoberMath Basic Skills Test 1All DecemberMath Basic Skills Test 2All Winter WindowMAPDistrict Guidelines (all 6 th, select prealgebra candidates 5 th, etc.) January Window (same as DIBELS) MBSPTargeted Spring Semester Progress Monitoring MBSPTargeted MarchMath Basic Skills Test 3All March/AprilKansas Math AssessmentAll Spring Window (same as DIBELS) MBSPTargeted

6 Tests of Early Numeracy (TEN) Administration and Scoring Abbreviated Version

7 Recommended AIMSweb Early Numeracy Benchmark Assessment Schedule KindergartenFirst Grade FallWinterSpringFallWinterSpring Oral Counting Number Identification Number Discrimination Missing Number

8 Oral Counting (OC) Instructions: – “When I say start I want you to start counting aloud from 1 like this 1, 2, 3 until I tell you to stop. If you come to a number you don’t know, I’ll tell it to you. Be sure to do your best counting. Are there any questions? Ready, start.” Time: 1 minute 1 point per correct count Maximum Score: 100

9 Oral Counting-continued Scoring Rules 1.If a student says the number that comes next in their sequence, score the number as correct. 2.If a student repeats a sequence, score the sequence as correct. 3.If a student self-corrects, score the number as correct. 4.If a student hesitates with a number for 3 seconds, tell the student the number and score the number on which the student hesitated as incorrect. You may tell the student only one number during testing. 5.If a student skips a number while counting, score the number as incorrect and continue testing.

10 Oral Counting-continued P Score: 54

11 Number Identification (NI) Instructions: – Practice Sheet: “Look at the paper in front of you. It has a number on it (demonstrate by pointing). What number is this?” (do at least 2 examples) – Test: “The paper in front of you has numbers on it. When I say start, I want you to tell me what the numbers are. Start here and go across the page (demonstrate by pointing). If you come to a number you don’t know, I’ll tell you what to do. Are there any questions? Put your finger on the first one. Ready, start.” Time: 1 minute K-numbers to 10; 1 st -numbers to 20 1 point per correct number ID Maximum Score: K-56; 1 st -80 (full page)

12 Number Identification-continued Scoring Rules 1.If a student correctly identifies the number, score the item as correct. 2.If the student states any number other than the item number, score the item as incorrect. 3.If the student hesitates or struggles with a number for 3 seconds, tell the student to “try the next one” and score the item as incorrect. 4.If a student skips a number, score the number as incorrect. 5.If a student skips an entire row, mark each number in the row as incorrect by drawing a line through the row on the examiner score sheet. 6.If the student misses 5 items consecutively discontinue testing.

13 Number Identification-continued 1221 24 25 ** Score: 15 Note: Inconsistent teens

14 Quantity Discrimination-QD Instructions: – Practice Sheet: “Look at the piece of paper in front of you. The box in front of you has two numbers in it (demonstrate by pointing). I want you to tell me the number that is bigger.” (do at least 2 examples) – Test: “The paper in front of you has boxes on it. In the boxes are two numbers. When I say start, I want you to tell me the number in the box that is bigger. Start here and go across the page (demonstrate by pointing). If you come to a box and you don’t know which number is bigger, I’ll tell you what to do. Are there any questions? Put your finger on the first one. Ready, start.” Time: 1 minute K-numbers to 10; 1 st -numbers to 20 1 point per correct number Maximum Score: K-28; 1 st -40 (full page)

15 Quantity Discrimination-continued Scoring Rules: 1.If a student states the bigger number, score the item as correct. 2.If the student states both numbers, score the item as incorrect. 3.If the student states any number other than the bigger number, score the item as incorrect. 4.If a student hesitates or struggles with an item for 3 seconds, tell the student to “try the next one.” Score the item as incorrect. 5.If a student skips an item, score the item as incorrect. 6.If a student skips an entire row, mark each item in the row as incorrect by drawing a line through the row on the examiner score sheet. 7.If a student misses 5 items consecutively, discontinue testing. Note: Pointing is not sufficient; the student must state the number

16 Quantity Discrimination-continued 25 Score: 3 Note: Errors match NI errors

17 Missing Number (MN) Instructions: – Practice Sheet: “The box in front of you has two numbers in it (point to the first box). I want you to tell me the number that goes in the blank. What number goes in the blank?.” (do all 3 examples) – Test: “The piece of paper in front of you has boxes with numbers in them. When I say start, you are going to tell me the number that goes in the blank for each box. Start with the first box and go across the row (demonstrate by pointing). If you come to one you don’t know, I’ll tell you what to do. Are there any questions? Put your finger on the first one. Ready, start.” Time: 1 minute K-numbers to 10; 1 st -numbers to 20 1 point per correct number Maximum Score: K-21; 1 st -30 (full page)

18 Missing Number-continued Scoring Rules: 1.If a student correctly states the missing number, score the item as correct. 2.If a student incorrectly states the missing number next, score the item as incorrect by placing a slash through the number on the examiner score sheet. 3.If a student hesitates or struggles with an item for 3 seconds, tell the student to “try the next one” (demonstrate by pointing). Score the item as incorrect. 4.If a student skips an item, score the item as incorrect. 5.If a student skips an entire row, mark each item in the row as incorrect by drawing a line through the row on the examiner score sheet. 6.If a student misses 5 items consecutively, discontinue testing.

19 Missing Number-continued 5 8 5 7 4 3 Skipped row Score: 0

20 “Jenny” 1 st grade OCNIQDMN Overall Instructional Recommendation 541530Intensive Based on scores and error patterns: Jenny needs support for learning the teens. Teacher needs additional information to know if Jenny needs support for learning number relationships or if number identification is really the issue. Jenny likely needs support for strategic counting (counting on, counting down) as the precursor to addition and subtraction. The lowest-level skill below the target is the priority area for support. In Jenny’s case, number identification (support for learning the teens) takes priority.

21 Monitoring Basic Skills Progress (MBSP) Administration and Scoring Abbreviated Version

22 MBSP Computation Grades 1-6 – Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division – Whole numbers, fractions and decimals Group administered 2-6 minutes + instructions Concepts & Applications Grades 2-6 18-25 problems – Number concepts – Names of numbers and vocabulary – Measurement – Charts and graphs – Grid reading (coordinate plane) – Areas and perimeters – Fractions, decimals and word problems Group administered 6-8 minutes + instructions

23 MBSP Scoring Computation 1 point per digit “in correct place value position” (No decimal point or decimal in wrong place = all wrong; no R for remainder; etc.) Concepts & Applications 1 point per answer blank Exceptions – 2 nd -4 th Word Problems & Money problems 1 point per digit – 5 th -6 th Word Problems & Charts/Graph 1 point per digit – $ and. are not worth points but must be present for student to earn any points ( c ok if less than 1 dollar)

24 “Chris” 2 nd Grade Computation (F+F Math) Concepts & Applications (F+F MAP) Overall 59Strategic Chris needs support in developing computation skills. Teacher can do item analysis on his test to determine and/or pull in additional data if issue is addition, subtraction, or both. Chris is on track with concepts and applications. His scores do not indicate additional support is necessary. The lowest-level skill below the target is the priority area for support. In Chris’s case, computation takes priority.

25 Math Data Reviews

26 AIMSweb Data System K-2 Benchmark Testing Data Only Handout—AIMSWeb Data System—Getting Started Customer ID: 17356 Username and Password (see email) – Case-sensitive – Temporary password, will need to change

27 Types of Users Customer/District Manager – Debbie Schluben, Dan Gruman, Mark Lange Principal – View/print reports, no data entry School Manager (You) – Data entry, view/print reports, manage teachers and students for whole school Teacher – Data entry, view/print reports, manage students for his/her class

28 Acronym Cheat Sheet AIMSweb TEN (Tests of Early Numeracy) – OCM—Oral Counting – NIM—Number Identification – QDM—Quantity Discrimination – MNM—Missing Number F+F Math (MBSP—Monitoring Basic Skills Progress) – F+F Math—Computation – F+F MAP—Concepts & Applications

29 Reports Key Report—Instruction Recommendation Handout—Getting Started has overview and most commonly used reports Handout—AIMSWeb Report Summary has full list of reports Key Point—Norm Referenced versus Criterion Referenced Dan Gruman, Mark Lange, and Debbie are creating reports for Cognos

30 Individual Student Report

31 Sample Class Report Suzanne Kristy Joe Diane Rick Maria Lucy Dan Fred Christopher Annie Nathan Bob Hannah George Tim Preston Michael Ginny Wally Amber Brian

32 Fall 2011 Data Kindergarten (TEN)

33 Fall 2011 Data 1 st Grade (TEN)

34 Fall 2011 Data 1 st Grade (MBSP)

35 Fall 2011 Data 2 nd Grade (MBSP)

36 Fall 2011 Data-Math & Reading Kindergarten

37 Fall 2011 Data-Math & Reading 1 st Grade

38 Fall 2011 Data-Math & Reading 2 nd Grade

39 Outcomes of the Intervention Sort 1.Having the classroom teacher understand and verify areas of strength and need for each of his/her students. 2.Creating a team understanding of intervention group needs. 3.Ensure that the model of support is adequate for identified needs. Copied from Dawn Miller’s PPT, September 2011 Principal Meeting

40 Intervention Sort All students are included in the sort. Math interventions are matched to skill need, not service label. Math interventions are selected based on data, not preference. It goes beyond “the numbers,” but the numbers give us a starting point to the discussion. Copied from Dawn Miller’s PPT, September 2011 Principal Meeting, “reading” changed to “math”

41 Intervention Sort Use the Instruction Recommendation Report Option 1: Header Card Sort – Similar to “old” reading card sort – Header Cards and Data Card template posted on Debbie Schluben’s Web Back Pack – Cognos data cards—coming soon Option 2: Paper/Pencil Intervention Sort – Similar to reading “quad sort” from September principal meeting – Posted on Web Back Pack

42 Header Card Sort Disclaimer: Not all possibilities are represented here. These are the basics, subdivide as indicted by data.




46 What does the data make me think about the core? Sample Class – 50% of students below benchmark 11 benchmark (50%) 4 strategic (18%) 7 intensive (32%) – 55% of students below target for NIM Supplemental number identification work with the whole class is warranted

47 Sample Class (All green) Suzanne Kristy Joe Maria Lucy Fred Hannah (MNM low) (OCM yellow) Diane Rick Christopher Nathan (NIM yellow) Dan Annie Bob Michael Ginny (NIM red) George Tim Preston Wally Amber Brian (Nathan-Benchmark overall)

48 Pencil/Paper Sort “Quad Sort” Disclaimer: Not all possibilities are represented here. These are the basics, subdivide as indicted by data.




52 Sample Class

53 Interventions


55 “Math Workshop” Discuss in depth at November FOA Reminders for now – Not an additional time for math Kindergarten—math extension time for full-day 1 st -3 rd —20 to 30 minutes 4 th -5 th —10 to 20 minutes 6 th —10 to 15 minutes – Aim for 3-4 times per week

56 School Improvement Plans How do we know if an action step falls into Tier 1, Tier 2, and/or Tier 3?

57 Math Progress Monitoring

58 Kindergarten TEN BENCHMARK No monitoring TEN STRATEGIC Number ID below target Monitor Number ID bi-weekly Number ID above target Monitor Quantity Discrim. bi-weekly TEN INTENSIVE Number ID below target Monitor Number ID weekly Number ID above target Monitor Quantity Discrim. weekly then and then if then and

59 First Grade TEN BENCHMARK MBSP-Comp. Benchmark No monitoring MBSP-Comp. Strategic Monitor Computation bi-weekly MBSP-Comp. Intensive Monitor Computation weekly TEN STRATEGIC Number ID below target Monitor Number ID bi-weekly Number ID above target Monitor Quantity Discrim. bi-weekly TEN INTENSIVE Number ID below target Monitor Number ID weekly Number ID above target Monitor Quantity Discrim. weekly then if and then if

60 Second Grade MBSP BENCHMARK No monitoring MBSP STRATEGIC Computation below target Monitor Computation bi-weekly Computation above target Monitor Concepts & Applications monthly MBSP INTENSIVE Computation below target Monitor Computation weekly Computation above target Monitor Concepts & Applications monthly then and then if then and

61 Third - Sixth Grade NWEA MAP Above 40%ile No monitoring NWEA MAP Below 40%ile Administer MBSP (Computation and Concepts & Applications) Computation Established (above target) Monitor Concepts & Applications monthly Computation Emerging Monitor Computation bi- weekly Computation Deficient Monitor Computation weekly then if then if

62 Progress Monitoring Data All progress monitoring data (K-6) should be entered in DIAT NO monitoring data should be entered in AIMSwebs site See handout for instructions

63 Discussion At your table, brainstorm the pros and cons of combining reading and math data reviews Stand and share

64 MTSS Math Web Back Pack Via Math Webpage – Click MTSS Math Resources Via Web Back Pack – Curriculum & Instruction – Debbie Schluben

65 Next Steps Get comfortable with data Identify students who need additional support – Start working with staff on how to meet those needs – Match students with interventions – Scheduling—who, how, when Start progress monitoring November 9 FOA—Math Workshop and Interventions

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