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GPS Tracking An overview of the i730 GPS tracking application and web service Eamon Moore CPSC 463 8/4/2004.

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Presentation on theme: "GPS Tracking An overview of the i730 GPS tracking application and web service Eamon Moore CPSC 463 8/4/2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 GPS Tracking An overview of the i730 GPS tracking application and web service Eamon Moore CPSC 463 8/4/2004

2 Outline ObjectiveIntroductionFunctionality Technology Used –Hardware –Software Web service creation Client application creation –I730 emulator –Wireless toolkit emulator CommunicationDemoConclusions Future work

3 Objective J2ME application and web service Get GPS locations, descriptions and upload to database Get GPS locations, descriptions and upload to database

4 Introduction Created GPS phone application that gets service cell GPS Created web service that will communicate with application Made two applications communicate where GPS was uploaded to web service

5 Functionality Capture cell GPS coordinates in variable Displays coordinates to cell user Transfers coordinates to web service Web service stores coordinates in database

6 Hardware i730 phone using Motorola hardware to search for the cell GPS and store coordinates Any J2ME phone can be used in substitution

7 Software Java Development Kit Motorola i730 Emulator Wireless Toolkit Emulator Webjal I730 phone uses J2ME platform on phone

8 Web Service Creation C# Virtual PC ASP.NET MS SQL Server 2000 Function setGps() to be used by application to store coordinates in database.

9 Client Application Creation I730 Emulator Worked well with GPS locations Didn’t work well with communicating to web service

10 Client Application Creation Wireless toolkit emulator Worked well with communicating with web service Didn’t work well with GPS locations

11 Communication


13 Conclusions Exact GPS locations isn’t guaranteed using cell phones Cell phone service GPS is easier obtainable Emulators were complicated – i730 bad with web service – Wireless toolkit bad with GPS coordinates

14 Future Work Getting GPS locations more accurate Expand functionality of web service and application for more accurate coordinates Upload GPS coordinate descriptions Send coordinates and description back to phone

15 Questions?

16 Acknowledgements Dr. Pargas 463/663 Class Josh Austin Past Semester Students

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