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Welcome to the Rancho Library/Media Center Here is where people One frequently finds Lower their voices And raise their minds Richard Armour.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Rancho Library/Media Center Here is where people One frequently finds Lower their voices And raise their minds Richard Armour."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Rancho Library/Media Center Here is where people One frequently finds Lower their voices And raise their minds Richard Armour

2 Our Personnel Mrs. Mayfield Library/Media Specialist Student Aides 8 th Grade Aides during work during class period Student CREW 8 th Graders who volunteer during free times

3 Our Purpose To serve and support you by helping you become an effective user of ideas and information. To help you learn how to locate, access, evaluate and use information!

4 Our Hours 8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. daily 25 minutes before school Snack Lunch Half hour after school

5 Our Policies The Library Media Center uses our positive behavior system based on Rancho R.U.L.E.S. R espect U nwavering Integrity L eadership E ffort S ocial Responsibility

6 R espect Treat resources with care Contribute to a quiet and productive work environment.

7 Unwavering Integrity Follow the Irvine Unified School District TECHNOLOGICAL RESOURCES ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY Return books on time Practice academic honesty

8 L eadership Demonstrate self-direction Use information skills, resources and tools to inquire, think critically and gain knowledge “Knowledge is free at the library. Just bring your own container." - Unknown

9 E ffort Use time wisely and be on task because time… Use materials resourcefully Use resources productively

10 S ocial Responsibility Become an informed consumer of information Become a dependable user of information Become a responsible citizen using community resources

11 Our Procedures: The “How To’s” of the Library Our circulation desk is where you check out and return books. As your information and resource specialist, I am also available to answer questions and help you with your needs.

12 How to check-out materials! Books may be checked out for three weeks. Magazines may be checked out for three days. I do not have a limit for how many books you may check out. Just ask yourself – how many can I read and be responsible for in three weeks?

13 What if the book I want to borrow has already been checked out to someone else? A book may be put on reserve by requesting it at the circulation desk then it will be on hold for you. When the book is returned it will be checked out to you and sent to your Advisement class or if I see you that day I will give it to you personally. How about that for service?!!!!

14 How to return your materials = check-in! Books and materials should be returned on or before the “due date” on the due date slip. Please place all books and materials in the book return slot on the side of the circulation desk.

15 Overdue Books Books are considered overdue after three weeks. You will receive a notice in your Advisement class. You must return the book(s) to clear your record. However, you may renew your book(s) at the circulation desk!

16 Lost or Damaged Books If a book is lost or damaged, you will be expected to pay for it or you may replace it. Be careful of “thick” books – breaking the spine in your backpack. Be careful of books and drinks or food in your backpack. Liquids + books = mildew

17 Our computers We have many computers available for student use. You may use the computers but you must follow the Irvine Unified School District Acceptable Use Policy. Irvine Unified School District TECHNOLOGICAL RESOURCES ACCEPTABLE USE POLICYTECHNOLOGICAL RESOURCES ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY

18 Remember to ask yourself: Is this school-related? Assignments Email Websites Printing Remember to use the resources on the Rancho Homepage!

19 Our printers You have 100 pages on your account for printing. Use them wisely! (School-related only) We all want to be responsible for paper and printer use.

20 Our copier The copier is available at all times for student use. We will be glad to make a copy for you at the circulation desk.

21 Our supplies Supplies are available for your use in the Library/Media Center. Just ask!

22 Our OPAC! Say what? OPAC = Online Public Access Catalog Libraries use computers to keep records and information on everything in their library. Libraries make those records available online to the public (their patrons)! That’s you! This is why having a library card is so cool!

23 Our OPAC is online! You can access it at school by clicking on the Destiny icon on the desktop! You can access it from home by going to the website and clicking on Rancho San Joaquin Middle School.

24 Finding a book to read… Our Library is divided into: Fiction Easy Biography Non-fiction Reference

25 Fiction Narrative literary works whose content is produced by the imagination and is not necessarily based on fact. The spine label is FIC. These books are in alphabetical order by the first three letters of the author’s last name. This section starts by the circulation desk. FIC ROW

26 Easy These books help our English Language Learners. These are picture books, easy chapter books and easy non-fiction selections. This section is located right of the back door under the encyclopedias. E NUM

27 Biography Narrative of a person's life, a true story about a real person The spine label is B. The books are arranged by the first three letters of the last name of the person the biography is written about and in alphabetical order. B LIN

28 Non-fiction Informational text dealing with an actual, real-life subject. These books are arranged by Dewey Decimal Classification. Starting at 001 through 999 This section is to the right of the front hallway door. Even Jay Leno wrote a book that is in this section… 816.6 LEN

29 Reference These are accessed for their factual or background information on a topic and not meant to be read from cover to cover. This section is located on the back wall of our library after the 900’s. Each book has a yellow REFERENCE label. Encyclopedias Atlases Dictionaries

30 Other materials Periodical Literature Definition: any publication issued on a regular basis Magazines Newspapers

31 Just a few of our magazines subscriptions…

32 How do I pick a GOOD book? G enre – What type of literature do I like to read? O pinion of others – What have my friends been reading? O nline library catalogs – What books are on subjects I like? D elve in – What does the book jacket or back of the book say about the book?

33 Thanks for “checking out” our Library Media Center. All these books are really “overdue” for a good read! We hope you will “return” many times.

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