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Seed Forum Pitchtraining Camp

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Presentation on theme: "Seed Forum Pitchtraining Camp"— Presentation transcript:

1 Seed Forum Pitchtraining Camp
Introduction to investor readyness

2 3 aims Presentation skills Content – the investment proposal
Plan for long-term private equity funding for growth

3 3 deliverables 7 min full pitch 30 sec power pitch
Answer the question – what is disruptive ?

4 Agenda Pitch Training Camp
Introductory brief Presentations in process groups – practice Workshop on main parameters for investor readiness Plenary lectures investor readiness - Documents in the investment process - The investment process – a detailed description - Preparation for due diligence - Negotiation techniques - How to protect the competitive edge - The art of networking

5 Investor mind-set What is the business concept?
Who is the team and why will you succeed ? What is the market or market niche ? What are the competitive advantages? What is unique ? What is the business model ? What is the capital need? How will the invested funds be used? What is the exit strategy ?

6 Value drivers Industry sector (size, growth, margin etc.)?
Commercial competence in the team? Team members – previous entrepreneurial and exit experience? IP? Scalable business model? High margins on sales ? Positive balance sheet? Recurring revenues? Multiple revenue streams ? Commercial proof of concept ? First move advantage ? Shorter exit period than 3 years ? Market disturbing exit strategy ? Comparable exits ?


8 How to innovate ? To create something new ? To improve the existing ?

9 What is a growth company ?
Technology companies Non-Tech companies with a growth potential Lifestyle companies

10 Born globals Start-ups go international much earlier than before
Private equity funding is the new trend in internationalization

11 The concept Fundraising forums for start-ups and investors
Pitch Training Camps to make start-ups investor-ready A process to reduce the risk on investment

12 The Process Nomination Pitch training camp Evaluation
Fundraising forums

13 Investors mind-set To reduce the risk Start-ups investor ready
High quality deal-flow Syndicate investments Networking with investors

14 Types of investors Private investors Structured capital
Friends, family and founders (FFF) Business Angels (BA) Structured capital Seed Funds Venture Funds (VC) Corporate Venture Family offices

15 The «Seed Gap» Cash-positive Market launch FFF BA Seed Funds VC PE

16 Start-up mind-set Funding Internationalization and growth
Competence in investor readiness Mind-set – THINK BIG B2B

17 Seed Forum 2002 – 2013 26000 investors in Seed Forum database
2000 nominators in the network 1600 members in the start-up alumni community More than 200 partners globally that contributes to Seed Forum Investor matchmaking forums in 27 countries Local forums in 5 countries Companies selected to present from 23 countries

18 Seed Forum Global 2013

19 A global concept A not-for-profit best practice initiative
A concept for access to new markets Export process from Norwegian innovation A global community for investors, start-ups and key-persons in innovation

20 A complete concept Fundraising forums Seed Forum Academy
Seed Forum Alumni Business Angel Networks I-HUB accelerators Access to new market services

21 Investor approach Your own direct talks
With a broker / Corporate Finance Partner Fundraising forums – Seed Forum Combination of all above

22 The forum format Last minute brief Morning forum + networking
Evening reception Late Night Seed Forum Round-up session

23 Round-up session Leads sorted in 3 priority groups
- A: Immediate meetings - B: Immediate s - C: Courtesy Creating concrete follow-up strategies

24 After the initial contact
Investor ”go ahead” Investor approval 1 Investor approval 2 Negotiations on documen-tation Initial contact / Seed Firum Initial discussions Innledende diskusjoner Term Sheet Due Diligence Closing General review of: The company Business plan Financial statements / budget Discussions with management Main terms and conditions of the investment Legal Technical Environment Market Transactions Agreement Shareholders Loan Agreement Employment agreements

25 Documents to prepare BS - Seed Forum Business Summary
PP investor presentation IM - Investment Memorandum (and one-pager summary) Miniature due diligence booklet Non-disclosure agreement

26 The concept of DRAMA

27 How to present persuasively
Framing Hyping Enthusiasm The WOW factor Presenting as a ”Super profit” opportunity AND – THE ART OF NETWORKING

28 Development of pitch Make standard presentation according to investors mind-set Find the trigger points / value drivers 2) Practice standard presentation 4) Make your presentation special

29 Investor mind-set What is the business concept?
Who is the team and why will you succeed ? What is the market or market niche ? What are the competitive advantages? What is unique ? What is the business model ? What is the capital need? How will the invested funds be used? What is the exit strategy ?

30 Value drivers Industry sector (size, growth, margin etc.)?
Commercial competence in the team? Team members – previous entrepreneurial and exit experience? IP? Scalable business model? High margins on sales ? Positive balance sheet? Recurring revenues? Multiple revenue streams ? Commercial proof of concept ? First move advantage ? Shorter exit period than 3 years ? Market disturbing exit strategy ? Comparable exits ?

31 Presentations Who are you ? What`s your business? Why are you here?
Why are you an entrepreneur?

32 Practicle run-through
Introduction of presenter Do not look at the screen ! Warning after 6 and a half minute Questions and coaching Where to start ?

33 IMPORTANT AGREEMENT It is better that we comment things now that you will hear it from investors later ! AGREE ?

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