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A Plan Designed for Your Quick Start to Success & Profits!

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Presentation on theme: "A Plan Designed for Your Quick Start to Success & Profits!"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Plan Designed for Your Quick Start to Success & Profits!

2 As a Dandy Day Independent Business Associate (IBA) you can Quick Start Your Business By Following a Simple Formula. As a Dandy Day Independent Business Associate (IBA) you can Quick Start Your Business By Following a Simple Formula.

3 Each IBA Will Receive a Personalized Dandy Day Web Site, A State-of-the-Art Back Office to Manage Their Business, Access to Training Webinars, Regularly Scheduled Informational and Recruiting Conference Calls.

4 Follow the Fast Start Formula Using Your Warm Leads you already have, and you will establish the Means of Making Immediate Income and the Foundation for a Long-Term Residual Income Business. Follow the Fast Start Formula Using Your Warm Leads you already have, and you will establish the Means of Making Immediate Income and the Foundation for a Long-Term Residual Income Business.

5 Fast Start Formula Purchase the $450.00 First Order Kit and Sign-up for a Minimum $60.00 (PCV) Autoship Order (that ’ s $86.00 Wholesale). This Qualifies You to Receive a 40% Bonus on the First Purchase of Those You Enroll, Plus, an Additional 7% on all Future Purchases of the Enrollee, OR

6 Purchase the $450.00 First Order Kit and Sign-up for a Minimum $120.00 (PCV) Autoship Order (that’s $172.00 Wholesale). This Qualifies you to Receive a 40% Bonus on the First Purchase of Those You Enroll, Plus an Additional 7% on All Future Purchases of the Enrollee ---And a 15% Bonus on the First Purchase of Your Enrollee’s Enrollee Plus 7% on All Future Purchases of the Enrollee’s Enrollee.

7 Paid on personally enrolled IBA’s first wholesale order up to $450.00 Enroller First Order Bonus 15% or 40% Enroller First Order Bonuses

8 Enroller First Order Bonuses Accumulate $1,000 PCV over any period of time … OR … Buy Optional first order $450.00 Wholesale Volume plus Subscribe to $60(PCV) Autoship Order40% of all Direct Enrollees' (E1) first order up to $450.00 wholesale (Bonus up to $180 each) Accumulate $1,000 PCV over any period of time … OR … Buy Optional first order $450.00 Wholesale Volume plus Subscribe to $120(PCV) Autoship Order15% of all Indirect Enrollees' (E2) first order up to $450.00 wholesale (Bonus up to $67.50 each) BonusesBonuses Enroller Qualifications 10% of First Order is assigned as CV (up to $45) and is applied to this first wholesale order and paid upline according to the rules of the MegaLevel plan plusplus plusplus

9 You enroll 2 IBAs in the same calendar quarter. First Order Bonus … Step #1 IBA YOU As a Business Builder (BB) or higher rank YOU As a Business Builder (BB) or higher rank IBA

10 You convert them to Business Builders. Step #2 First Order Bonus … Plus earn 1 Share in the Bonus Pool! Earn up to $360* * Based on up to $450.00 Wholesale First Order IBA IBA YOU As a BB or higher rank YOU As a BB or higher rank IBA IBA BB $180* BB $180* BB $180* BB $180*

11 IBA $67.50* IBA $67.50* IBA $67.50* IBA $67.50* IBA $67.50* IBA $67.50* IBA $67.50* IBA $67.50* Building a Business Builder Organization Earn 1 Share for each Additional BB! * Based on up to $450.00 Wholesale First Order You create 2 BBs who enroll 2 IBAs. YOU As a BB or higher rank YOU As a BB or higher rank BB $180* BB $180* BB $180* BB $180* Earn up to $630*

12 IBA $67.50* IBA $67.50* IBA $67.50* IBA $67.50* IBA $67.50* IBA $67.50* IBA $67.50* IBA $67.50* BB $180* BB $180* IBA $67.50* IBA $67.50* IBA $67.50* IBA $67.50* Step #3 YOU As a BB or higher rank YOU As a BB or higher rank BB $180* BB $180* First Order Bonus … You create a 3rd BB Leg. Now earn 2nd Share in the Bonus Pool! Earn up to $945* * Based on up to $450.00 Wholesale First Order BB $180* BB $180*

13 When you enroll 2 or more Independent Business Associates, during the same quarter, who qualify to become Business Builders within 30 days of enrolling! Earn Shares in the Business Builder’s Pool

14 Shares Banked and Paid Quarterly! Enroll and Qualify 4th BB = 3 rd Share Business Builders Pool … Enroll and Qualify 2 BBs = 1 Share Enroll and Qualify 3rd BB = 2 nd Share IBA must qualify as a BB within 30 days of joining. Earn an additional share for each newly Qualified BB in the quarter. No Limit to the Number of Shares You Can Earn Equals 1% of Company Total CV Equals 1% of Company Total CV

15 Paid on the purchases of those in your own downline organization! MegaLevel Bonuses 3% CV on 5 downline levels *Compression is in effect. *See Next Slide *Compression is in effect. *See Next Slide

16 Compression Explanation When Compression is applied to the Compensation Plan it simply means that if an IBA qualifies to be paid 5 levels and one or more within that 5 levels has no activity for the pay period, the program searches down- line until it finds activity and compresses it within the 5 qualified pay levels. This means the IBA will always get paid on all levels qualified. This is a major benefit for Business Builders. Compression only applies to MegaLevel bonuses.

17 MegaLevel Bonuses Level - 3 3% CV Level - 2 Level - 1 3% CV Level - 4 3% CV Level - 5 3% CV ManagerManagerBusinessBuilderBusinessBuilderIndependentBusinessAssociateIndependentBusinessAssociateTeamLeaderTeamLeaderDirectorDirector

18 $60(PCV) Monthly Autoship = E1 Qualified $120(PCV) Monthly Autoship = E2 Qualified $60(PCV) Monthly Autoship = E1 Qualified $120(PCV) Monthly Autoship = E2 Qualified Enroller Bonus 7% CV on your E1 IBA Enrollee’s Personal CV and 7% CV on your E2 IBA Enrollee’s Personal CV

19 Enroller — Placement Sponsor — The Enroller and Placement Sponsor can be the same person. An existing IBA of any rank who first explains the business opportunity to a potential new IBA and helps them enroll. An existing IBA of any rank who first explains the business opportunity to a potential new IBA and helps them enroll. An IBA of any rank who is immediately upline from another new or existing IBA and is generally responsible for the day-to-day coaching, encouragement and assistance. An IBA of any rank who is immediately upline from another new or existing IBA and is generally responsible for the day-to-day coaching, encouragement and assistance. Enroller & Placement Sponsor Relationships

20 Ron You enroll Ron You are Ron’s Enroller and also Ron’s Placement Sponsor YOU Level-1 3% CV E1 7% CV Enroller & Placement Sponsor Relationships

21 Bev Ron YOU You enroll Bev Level-1 3% CV E1 7% CV Enroller & Placement Sponsor Relationships

22 Bev Ron YOU You place Bev under Ron Level-1 3% CV E1 7% CV Level-2 3% CV E1 7% CV Why would you do this? To build an organization! You are Bev’s Enroller and Ron is Bev’s Placement Sponsor Enroller & Placement Sponsor Relationships

23 Ted Bev Ron YOU Bev enrolls Ted Level-3 3% CV E2 7% CV Level-1 3% CV E1 7% CV Level-2 3% CV E1 7% CV Bev is Ted’s Enroller and also Ted’s Placement Sponsor Enroller & Placement Sponsor Relationships

24 Ann Ted enrolls Ann Ted Bev Ron YOU Enroller & Placement Sponsor Relationships Level-3 3% CV E2 7% CV Level-1 3% CV E1 7% CV Level-2 3% CV E1 7% CV Level-4 3% CV E3 NANA

25 MegaLevel and Relationship Bonuses T o M a i n t a i n R e t a i l C o m m i s s i o n s E n r o l l e r A u t o s h i p B o n u s M e g a Le v e l B o n u s e s T o Q u a l I f y Level - 3 3% CV 50% Be Active Option 1: $150 PCV or $60(PCV) Autoship Option 2: $200 PCV or $120(PCV) Autoship plus 3 Qualified LegsManager Be Active plus Maintain 3 Qualified Legs or $2,500 TGCV E1-7% CV E2-7% CV 3% CV 50% Be Active Option 1: $150 PCV or $60(PCV) Autoship Option 2: $200 PCV or $120(PCV) Autoship plus 4 Qualified Legs with 1 leg containing a Qualified Manager Team Leader Be Active plus Maintain above structure or $5,000 TGCV *60% Rule Applies E1-7% CV 3% CV Level - 4 E2-7% CV 3% CV Level - 2 50% Be Active Option 1: $150 PCV or $60(PCV) Autoship Option 2: $200 PCV or $120(PCV) Autoship plus 2 Active Level-1 Independent Business Associates (IBA) Business Builder Be Active plus 2 Active Independent Business Associates (IBA) E1-7% CV E2-7% CV Level - 1 50% Purchase Starter Kit ($49.95) Note: Starter Kit FREE with purchase of Optional Fast Start Pack ($450)Independent Business Associate Activate Option 1: $150 PCV or $60(PCV) Autoship Option 2: $200 PCV or $120(PCV) Autoship E1-7% CV 3% CV $60(PCV) Monthly Autoship = $120(PCV) Monthly Autoship = 3% CV Be Active Option 1: $150 PCV or $60(PCV) Autoship Option 2: $200 PCV or $120(PCV) Autoship plus 5 Qualified Legs with 1 leg containing a Qualified Manager and 1 Leg containing a Qualified Team Leader Director Be Active plus Maintain above structure or $10,000 TGCV *60% Rule Applies 50% E1-7% CV 3% CV Level - 5 E2-7% CV Dandy Day Executive Training *For explanation of the 60% Rule, see the Compensation Plan Narrative

26 A Quick Start Plan Designed for Your Success! Follow This Plan and Train Each of Your Enrollees to Do the Same. The Manager Rank of Your Business Will be Established and the Foundation Will be in Place for You. Now follow the same plan and establish the 4 th and 5 th leg of your down-line and become qualified to Advance to the Executive Level of the Compensation Plan which is one of the Most Rewarding of any in the Network Marketing Industry Follow This Plan and the Rank Advancements and Bonus Receipts Will Come Automatically. In addition to the Management Section, there is an Executive Section that will be laid out and is in the narrative version in your back office. A Quick Start Plan Designed for Your Success! Follow This Plan and Train Each of Your Enrollees to Do the Same. The Manager Rank of Your Business Will be Established and the Foundation Will be in Place for You. Now follow the same plan and establish the 4 th and 5 th leg of your down-line and become qualified to Advance to the Executive Level of the Compensation Plan which is one of the Most Rewarding of any in the Network Marketing Industry Follow This Plan and the Rank Advancements and Bonus Receipts Will Come Automatically. In addition to the Management Section, there is an Executive Section that will be laid out and is in the narrative version in your back office.

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