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1 ESPAnet The Network for European Social Policy Analysis Summer School 2007 SOCIAL POLICY DATA for COMPARATIVE RESEARCH Opinions, Indicators, Policies.

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Presentation on theme: "1 ESPAnet The Network for European Social Policy Analysis Summer School 2007 SOCIAL POLICY DATA for COMPARATIVE RESEARCH Opinions, Indicators, Policies."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 ESPAnet The Network for European Social Policy Analysis Summer School 2007 SOCIAL POLICY DATA for COMPARATIVE RESEARCH Opinions, Indicators, Policies (from: European Data Centre for Work and Welfare) Wim van Oorschot ESPAnet / RECWOWE Summer School 2007, Edinburg

2 2 ESPAnet The Network for European Social Policy Analysis Summer School 2007 EDACwowe is a meta-data-shell, which aims to give easy and informed access to EUROPEAN COMPARATIVE DATA ON WORK AND WELFARE 1) Opinions The opinions data shell gives information on and access to the data of a series of European comparative surveys, which include questions on peoples values, beliefs and attitudes concerning issues of work and welfare, and related issues. 2) Indicators The indicators data shell gives information on and access to: a) a series of data banks with aggregated social indicators that are relevant in the field of work and welfare b) the major European surveys that are the underlying data sources for many of the indicators c) data banks covering related fields 3) Policies The policies data shell gives information on and access to a series of work and welfare policy databases and information portals. 4) National data Links to national data archives, to national statistical offices and to national surveys. 5) Archives and Search Engines Links to international data archives covering a wide array of social science data, as well links to advanced search engines that allow searches in data banks and question banks covering a large number of (general and specific) social science surveys.

3 3 ESPAnet The Network for European Social Policy Analysis Summer School 2007 EDACwowe – OPINIONS EVS: European Values Study Eurobarometer surveys ISSP: International Social Survey Program ESS: European Social Survey (NB: 2008: Welfare Attitudes in a Changing Europe) ISJP: International Social Justice Project EWCS: European Working Conditions Survey EQLS: European Quality of Life Survey SHARE: Survey on Health, Aging and Retirement in Europe Advanced search for specified opinion surveys ZA Qbase: ISSP and Eurobarometer are included in the keyword search system of ZA Qbase. ZA Codebook Explorer: The EVS is included in ZA Codebook Explorer. Question Bank: ESS is included in the search system of the Question Bank.

4 4 ESPAnet The Network for European Social Policy Analysis Summer School 2007 WORK and EMPLOYMENT Eurostat ILO : International Labour Organization Institute for the Study of Labor OECD: Employment Outlook OECD : Jobs Strategy OECD: Ageing and Employment Policies OECD: Employment and Skills OECD: Labour Standards OECD: Active Labour Market Policies TransMONEE INCOME and BENEFITS Eurostat ILO: International Labour Organization OECD: Taxation OECD: Benefits and Wages OECD: Family Policies OECD: Sickness and Disability OECD: (Insurance and) Pension OECD: Social Expenditure TransMONEE Wage Indicator WELFARE SERVICES WORK and WORK-LIFE BALANCE FAMILY and WORK-LIFE BALANCE OECD: Family Policies EDACwowe – INDICATORS - DATABANKS

5 5 ESPAnet The Network for European Social Policy Analysis Summer School 2007 EDACwowe – INDICATORS – SURVEYS ECHP: European Community Household Panel EU-SILC: EU Statistics on Income and Living Conditions LFS: Labour Force Survey LIS: Luxemburg Income Study

6 6 ESPAnet The Network for European Social Policy Analysis Summer School 2007 ECONOMIC PRODUCTION CIS: Community Innovation Survey (Europe) B&E: Datalinks: Business and Economic Statistics of the American Statistical Association (global) EDUCATION PISA: Program for International Student Assessment OECD: Education Data Base DEMOGRAPHICS PRB: Population Reference Bureau PAU-DB: Demographic Database of the Population Activities Unit Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research HEALTH WHO: World Health Organization OSHA: Occupational Safety and Health Agency OECD: Health Data INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS Unions, Employers, Collective Bargaining and Industrial Relations Data IIR: Institute of Industrial Relations MIGRATION OECD: Trends in International Migration and in Migration Policies POLITICS CPDA: Comparative Political Data Sets….. ICORE: International Committee for Research into Elections and Representative Democracy CSES: Comparative Study of Electoral Systems TAXATION OECD: Taxation EDACwowe – INDICATORS – RELATED FIELDS

7 7 ESPAnet The Network for European Social Policy Analysis Summer School 2007 WORK and EMPLOYMENT EPL: Employment Protection Legislation Indicators ILO : International Labour Organization Institute for the Study of Labor OECD: Employment and Skills OECD: Labour Standards OECD: Active Labour Market Policies OECD: Employment Outlook and OECD Jobs Strategy OECD: Ageing and Employment Policies Wage Indicator WELFARE SERVICES WORK and WORK-LIFE BALANCE Job search, training, etc. FAMILY and WORK-LIFE BALANCE OECD Family database The Clearinghouse on International Developments in Child, Youth and Family Policies. International parental leave policies LIS Family Policy Databases MZES/EURODATA FAMILY POLICY DATABASE IN COME and BENEFITS CWSD: Comparative Welfare Entitlements Data Set ILO : International Labour Organization MISSOC: Mutual Information System on Social Protection in the EU Member States OECD: Benefits and Wages OECD: Taxation OECD: Ageing and Employment Policies OECD: Pension Systems OECD: Sickness and Disability Policies SSW: Social Security World Wide SSPTW: Social Security Programs Throughout the World EDACwowe – POLICIES - DATABANKS

8 8 ESPAnet The Network for European Social Policy Analysis Summer School 2007 EDACwowe INTERNATIONAL SOCIAL SCIENCE DATA ARCHIVES CESSDA: Council of European Social Science Data Archives IFDO: International Federation of Data Organizations in the Social Sciences DDCN: Davidson Data Center & Networks PWT: Penn World Table NationMaster SEARCH ENGINES ZA Qbase ZA Codebook Explorer The Question Bank: Social Survey Online

9 9 ESPAnet The Network for European Social Policy Analysis Summer School 2007

10 10 ESPAnet The Network for European Social Policy Analysis Summer School 2007 EDACwowe TEAM Coordinators Wim van Oorschot Department of Sociology, Tilburg University, The Netherlands Torben Fridberg Institute for Social Research, SFI, Copenhagen, Denmark Team members Ruud Luijkx Department of Sociology, Tilburg University, The Netherlands Tine Rostgaard Institute for Social Research, SFI, Copenhagen, Denmark Marjon Schols Department of Sociology, Tilburg University, The Netherlands Assistents Pascale Haenen Department of Sociology, Tilburg University, The Netherlands

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