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Genetics Anton 10.16. Mathematical concepts Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors Diagonalization of a Matrix Intuitive Understanding of Limits Probability.

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Presentation on theme: "Genetics Anton 10.16. Mathematical concepts Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors Diagonalization of a Matrix Intuitive Understanding of Limits Probability."— Presentation transcript:

1 Genetics Anton 10.16

2 Mathematical concepts Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors Diagonalization of a Matrix Intuitive Understanding of Limits Probability

3 Genotypes

4 A = dominant trait a = recessive trait

5 Genotypes A a

6 A = brown eyes a = blue eyes AA = Aa = aa = brown eyes blue eyes

7 Probability of Inheritance GenotypeProbability AA¼ Aa½ aa¼

8 Probability of Inheritance

9 Example: Autosomal Inheritance A population of plants consists of some distribution of genotypes AA, Aa, and aa. Each plant is fertilized with another plant of genotype AA. What is the distribution of genotypes AA, Aa, and aa after n generations?

10 Example: Autosomal Inheritance Each plant is fertilized with another plant of genotype AA.

11 Example: Autosomal Inheritance










21 X-linked Inheritance Carries gene Does not carry gene

22 Probability of X-linked Inheritance AA A AA Aa a Aaaa

23 Probability of X-linked Inheritance Aa Aa AA AA


25 Example 2: X-linked inheritance In-breeding: Begin with a male and female. Select two of their offspring, one male and one female, and mate them. Select two of the resulting offspring, one male and one female, and mate them. Etc.

26 Example 2: X-linked Inheritance Parents (A, AA) Offspring (A, AA)1 (A, Aa)0 (A, aa)0 (a, AA)0 (a, Aa)0 (a, aa)0

27 Example 2: X-linked Inheritance Parents (A, AA)(A, Aa) Offspring (A, AA)1 1/4 (A, Aa)0 1/4 (A, aa)00 (a, AA)0 1/4 (a, Aa)0 1/4 (a, aa)00

28 Example 2: X-linked Inheritance Parents (A, AA)(A, Aa)(A, aa) Offspring (A, AA)1 1/40 (A, Aa)0 1/40 (A, aa)000 (a, AA)0 1/40 (a, Aa)0 1/41 (a, aa)000

29 Example 2: X-linked Inheritance Parents (A, AA)(A, Aa)(A, aa)(a, AA)(a, Aa)(a, aa) Offspring (A, AA)1 1/40000 (A, Aa)0 1/401 0 (A, aa)0000 1/40 (a, AA)0 1/40000 (a, Aa)0 1/410 0 (a, aa)0000 1/41

30 Example 2: X-linked Inheritance



33 Example 2: X-lined Inheritance

34 Example 2: X-linked Inheritance


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