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Presentation to SE London Housing Partnership: RSL Employment and Training Forum Joe McLoughlin Home Connections.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation to SE London Housing Partnership: RSL Employment and Training Forum Joe McLoughlin Home Connections."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation to SE London Housing Partnership: RSL Employment and Training Forum Joe McLoughlin Home Connections

2 Background on Home Connections  London Based Social Enterprise owned and controlled by a number of central and north London local authorities and RSL’s.  Develop web based applications (CBL, online registration, HECS) & Digital Media (Virtual Tours, serious games, microsites and video)

3 Drivers for change

4 1. Housing Employment Connections Background 1.Won tender Feb 2008 – a Ken and Boris project !! 2.Nudge tenants/home seekers to improve life chances through jobs and training 3.4 key areas 1. Survey to obtain information and generate referrals 2. Mapping local employment providers and presenting information via web 3. Encouraging home seekers/tenants to take action e.g via jobs feed 4. Monitoring activity – for evaluation, follow-up & possibly for behavioural targeting 1.The HECS service plugs into any IT system and is CBL agnostic 2.Large number of employment service providers and JCP & Evaluated by Cambridge University 3.Service designed for self-service and use of ICT (online outreach) 4.An electronic signposting gateway from any CBL / Tenants database to employment services 5.Live from November 2008; extended to further 4 councils & RSLs in last 3 months 9.GLA satisfied and promoting across London 10.Final report issued May 2009 – visit for a copy or

5 Mayor of London

6 HECs Services 1.Worklessness Training Package 2.Mapping ALL local employment services 3.A Survey for Tenants & Bidders 4.Generates Referrals to Advice Agencies 5.DIY tools (Better off Calculator; CV creation) 6.Live London-wide Job Adverts 7.Comprehensive Monitoring of all activity

7 User Journey – Survey Form

8 User Journey – Job List

9 Video diaries of user experience

10 Online Referral to IAG provider

11 Monitoring and Evaluation Results from independent evaluation by Cambridge University Housing Research Team

12 3,459 (42%) of home seekers wanted help with Jobs and Training 738 1075 1018 562 66

13 8,297 home seekers completed online survey Live 4/11/8 Live 18/11/8 Live 20/1/9 Live 25/11/8 Live 2/12/8

14 3,459 (42%) of home seekers wanted help with Jobs and Training 738 1075 1018 562 66

15 Home seekers did not want help with Jobs and Training because… Childcare / family commitments – 16% Health issues – 15% Lack of skills – 5% Losing benefits – 2% No Answer – 53%

16 3,746 home seekers wanted help with in-work benefits 780 1205 1087 621 53

17 2,405 home seekers accessed HECS Jobs and Employment Service Pages. Represents 70% of home seekers that responded ‘yes’ to wanting help about jobs and training

18 2,476 hits on Employment Service page 7,764 hits on Jobs page

19 8,297 home seekers completed online survey Live 4/11/8 Live 18/11/8 Live 20/1/9 Live 25/11/8 Live 2/12/8

20 3,459 (42%) of home seekers wanted help with Jobs and Training 738 1075 1018 562 66

21 Further Information 07939 825 164 Suite 33, Fonthill Road, London, N4 3HN.

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