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Genetics. DNA DNA is the set on instructions found in every living organism that controls the traits. DNA makes up an organisms Genes. Found inside Chromosomes.

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Presentation on theme: "Genetics. DNA DNA is the set on instructions found in every living organism that controls the traits. DNA makes up an organisms Genes. Found inside Chromosomes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Genetics

2 DNA DNA is the set on instructions found in every living organism that controls the traits. DNA makes up an organisms Genes. Found inside Chromosomes.


4 Gregor Mendel The father of Modern Genetics who experimented with PEA PLANTS! He bred a tall pea plant with a short pea plant. All the offspring were tall! (F 1 Generation).

5 When two pea plants from the F 1 generation were bred, 75% were tall and 25% were short! (F 2 Generation) This was the same for other traits!

6 In every experiment, only one of the traits occurred in the F 1 generation. In the F 2 generation, the missing trait reoccurred in 25% of the offspring.


8 Genes and Alleles Genes are pieces of DNA that control traits. Each gene has two forms called Alleles. One allele comes from Mom and One Allele Comes from Dad.


10 Dominant and Recessive Alleles When an organism gets just one dominant allele, it will show the dominant trait. An organism needs two recessive alleles to show the recessive trait.


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