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200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Immune Cells Types of Immunity Human Defenses Proteins.

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1 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Immune Cells Types of Immunity Human Defenses Proteins & Such Potpourri

2 These are the “soldier cells” of the body helping to fight disease and infection.

3 What are white blood cells?

4 Type of white blood cell responsible for antibody production.

5 What are the B cells?

6 Helper and killer are 2 types of this particular white blood cell.

7 What are T cells?

8 This particular cell is known for its ability to “gobble up” invaders.

9 What are Phagocytes?

10 These cells are reactivated when a pathogen is reintroduced.

11 What are memory cells?

12 This type of immunity is given from mother to child through the umbilical cord.

13 What is Passive Immunity?

14 This type of immunity results from your body producing antibodies.

15 What is Active Immunity?

16 Describe 2 ways an individual can develop active immunity.

17 What is: by actually getting the disease or by getting a vaccine?

18 This term is used to refer to an antigen that is weakened or killed.

19 What is attenuated?

20 Name 2 benefits of students receiving vaccinations prior to attending school.

21 What is: -they won’t get sick or die -they won’t spread disease to classmates -they won’t bring home disease to unvaccinated younger siblings or adults -reduced absenteeism from school?

22 Name 1 physical barrier to disease.

23 What is: -the nose (cilia) -skin -tears -saliva -stomach acid ?

24 Name 2 organs of the immune system.

25 What are: adenoids, tonsils, lymph nodes, spleen, bone marrow, appendix and thymus?

26 Name the 2 basic components or types of immunity.

27 What is Active (acquired) and Passive (innate) immunity?

28 Explain why a newborn should not be taken “out and about” for several weeks.

29 What is the infant’s immune system is undeveloped and exposure to a pathogen could be fatal?

30 Describe 2 ways that a 5year old child could obtain immunity to a disease.

31 What is they could: 1) obtain a vaccine or 2) actually get the disease and recover?

32 The red colored pigment in blood is called…..

33 What is hemoglobin?

34 Name 3 food sources that are excellent sources of protein.

35 What are meats, nuts and soy?

36 Bacteria, fungi and parasites that cause disease are called this.

37 What are pathogens?

38 This type of protein is produced by the body in response to stimulation by foreign proteins.

39 What is an antibody?

40 This term literally means “foreign protein.”

41 What is antigen?

42 HIV is this type of virus because its genetic information is carried as RNA.

43 What is a Retrovirus?

44 These chemicals are produced by the immune system for cellular communication. Interferon is one such chemical.

45 What are cytokines?

46 Common childhood disease characterized by itchy pustules that there is now a vaccine for.

47 What is chicken pox?

48 Name 2 vaccines mandatory for kindergarten enrollment.

49 What are: measles, mumps, rubella, polio and hepatitis b?

50 Name 2 autoimmune diseases.

51 What are: lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, type 1 diabetes, MS ?

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