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The Renaissance and Reformation

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1 The Renaissance and Reformation

2 The Renaissance in Italy
The Renaissance – A time of creativity and change in many areas Political Social Economic cultural Begins in Italy Italians wanted to revive the culture of ancient Rome

3 The Renaissance in Italy
Led by a wealthy and powerful merchant class Stressed education and individual achievement Spent lavishly to support the arts Florence was the heart of the Renaissance Produced many great poets, artists, architects, scholars and scientists Da Vinci

4 The Renaissance A New Worldview A Spirit of Adventure
A renewed interest in ancient Greece and Rome Caused by the disorder and disunity of the medieval world Concentrated on life and achievement rather than the afterlife A Spirit of Adventure Christopher Columbus Nicolaus Copernicus

5 The Renaissance Humanism Art
Focused on worldly subjects rather than religious issues Art Medieval – religious based Renaissance – human based Renaissance artist’s used perspective Draw a cube

6 The Renaissance Three geniuses of Renaissance Art
Leonardo Da Vinci Michelangelo Raphael Italian Renaissance Writers Machiavelli The Prince 1513 A book about politics that is still referred to today The ends justify the means Evil deeds that are done in order to do good are justified according to Machiavelli

7 Warm Up What were the 4 areas of reform during the Renaissance?
Name the 3 geniuses of Renaissance art and science. Who wrote “The Prince”? What is humanism? What was the major difference between Renaissance art and Medieval art? Name at least 3 things Leonardo Da Vinci did. What city was the heart of the Renaissance? What major gathering is currently taking place in New York?

8 Renaissance Moves North
The Renaissance moves into Germany, France, England, Holland and most of Europe Writers for a new audience Rebelais – French author who wrote Garganuan and Pantagruel Shakespeare – considered the greatest author of all time Cervantes – Spanish author who wrote Don Quixote This book mocks medieval chivalry

9 The Printing Revolution
Johann Gutenberg German inventor Created the first printing press Books could now be mass produced This allowed the bible to be mass produced Before the printing press all books had to be hand written More people learned to read This helped educate all of Europe

10 Abuses in the Church Popes competed with Italian Princes for political power Popes continued to live lavishly Popes hired painters and sculptors to beautify churches To finance these projects they had to raise money Taxed marriage and baptism Sold Indulgences Payment to wash away sins

11 Martin Luther German Monk (1517)
95 Theses posted on the door of the catholic church Protesting the sale of indulgences among other things Printing press allowed Luther’s 95 theses to be mass produced Church called for Luther to recant He did not and was excommunicated The German king declared Luther an outlaw and made it illegal to give him food or shelter

12 Martin Luther Martin Luther went into hiding
His teachings became popular Lutheran religion created Faith alone would get you into heaven Bible was sole source of religious truth Luther denied the Pope or Priests were appointed from God

13 Martin Luther Many saw Luther’s reforms as an end to the church’s corruption 1524 Peasants revolt Revolt against the church The peace of Augsburg Allowed Princes to decide the religion of their nation (Catholic or Lutheran)

14 John Calvin Another reformer Believed in predestination
God had determined a long time ago who would be saved Both Catholics and Lutherans opposed Calvinism

15 Warm Up Name the 2 splits of the catholic church that we have discussed up to this point. What did the peace of Augsburg allow princes and kings to do? What did Martin Luther do to protest the catholic church? What were some of Martin Luther’s complaints? What did Cervantes write? Who invented the printing press? How did the Printing Press change the world? List several examples. What is discussed at the G-20 Summit and where is it taking place? What did it used to be called?

16 English Reformation At first King Henry VIII (England) opposed any change to the Catholic church When he wasn’t allowed to annul his first marriage he became angry with the church Henry VIII takes over the church in England and executes any dissenters

17 The Church of England Henry VIII creates the Church of England
Annuls his first marriage Henry VIII wants a son to become heir Marries Ann Boleyn Henry has her executed Marries 3rd wife Queen Jane Got engaged 1 day after Ann Boleyn execution She dies of a fever Males decide the sex of the child Henry had Anne arrested on charges of using witchcraft to trap him into marrying her, of having adulterous relationships with five other men, of incest with her brother George Boleyn, Viscount Rochford, of injuring the King and of conspiring to kill him, which amounted to treason. The charges were most likely fabricated. The court trying the case was presided over by Anne's own uncle, Thomas Howard, 3rd Duke of Norfolk. In May 1536, the Court condemned Anne and her brother to death, either by burning at the stake or by decapitation, whichever the King pleased. The other four men Queen Anne had allegedly been involved with were to be hanged, drawn and quartered; however, their sentences were ultimately commuted to decapitation. Anne and her brother George were also beheaded soon thereafter. At her final Mass, the Queen publicly swore to her innocence in the presence of a priest and various witnesses. She was also charged with the attempted poisoning of Henry FitzRoy, the illegitimate son of King Henry VIII.

18 Henry VIII Marries 4th wife Anne of Cleves
They divorce shortly after Marries 5th wife Katherine Howard She cheats on him and when he finds out she is executed along with two of her lovers Marries 6th wife Katherine Parr She outlives Henry

19 Religious Turmoil Henry had son with 2nd wife Queen Mary takes over
Edward is10 years old when Henry dies He dies in his teens Queen Mary takes over She dies in 1558 Queen Elizabeth I takes over Made England a Protestant nation

20 The Scientific Revolution
Ptolemy taught that the earth was the center of the universe Copernicus came up with the theory that the universe was Heliocentric – planets revolved around the sun Most religious thinkers rejected this theory

21 The Scientific Revolution
Galileo Created the first telescope Proved Copernicus was correct The church tried him and told him to reject his heresies In court he recanted A new scientific method created Problem, hypothesis, experiment, conclusion Bacon and Descartes were leading scientists of the time Descartes – “I think, therefore I am”

22 The Scientific Revolution
Newton ties it all together Comes up with the mathematical explanation for gravity Invented calculus Chemistry was created Used to be known as magic First real advances in medicine Anatomy became a real science

23 Warm Up What were the 4 areas of change during the renaissance?
Where did the Renaissance originate? Who led the Renaissance? What city was the heart of the Renaissance? What caused the Renaissance? Explain the difference in the way of thinking in regards to the Middle Ages vs. The Renaissance.

24 Warm Up What was Martin Luther angry about? What did he do about it? What happened to him because of it? What did John Calvin believe in? What is an indulgence? What made education a necessity during the Renaissance? Who created the first printing press? Who is considered the greatest author of all time?

25 Warm Up What is humanism?
Who were the three geniuses of Renaissance art? Research at least one thing that each created. What did Machiavelli write? What is it about? Who were 3 new writers? What did they write? How many wives did King Henry VIII have? What happened to each? How did England become Protestant? Who was Queen Elizabeth I? Name at least 3 new advancements of the scientific revolution.

26 Renaissance & Reformation
Pages 334 – 361 Study Guide and Homework Due Next Class

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