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Renaissance Europe Goes Global. Origins Crusades—Europeans invaded the Islamic Empire & realized life could be much better Increased Trade=More $=Education=Art.

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Presentation on theme: "Renaissance Europe Goes Global. Origins Crusades—Europeans invaded the Islamic Empire & realized life could be much better Increased Trade=More $=Education=Art."— Presentation transcript:

1 Renaissance Europe Goes Global

2 Origins Crusades—Europeans invaded the Islamic Empire & realized life could be much better Increased Trade=More $=Education=Art Return to the Classics—Europeans began to study the Classical cultures of Greece & Rome Humanism-belief in studying the abilities & achievements of man

3 Guttenberg & the Press 15 th Century German printer, made printing cheaper & more efficient by introducing movable type to Europe Bible was the 1 st book printed on his press Made $ by printing Indulgences for the Catholic church

4 Arts

5 Two Different Renaissances Italian Focused on painting & sculpture Frescoes Supported by the church Municipal works Northern Flemish painters Writers like More & Shakespeare

6 Leonardo da Vinci Known for the Mona Lisa, the Last Supper, & his many, many diaries left behind Had plans for a bicycle & a helicopter in his diaries Studied anatomy & nature to make his painting & sculptures more realistic

7 Michelangelo Italian sculptor & painter Contemporary & rival of Leonardo da Vinci Painted the Sistine Chapel Sculpted David & La Pieta

8 New Techniques Perspective- added depth to pictures

9 Flemish Painters Flanders=Southern Netherlands also known as the Low Countries 1 st to use oil paints Focused on portraits, landscapes, & everyday life


11 Shakespeare Most famous writer of the English language Wrote over 30 plays & serves as the standard for playwrights today His plays were performed @ the Globe Theater Wrote for Lord Chamberlain’s Men aka the King’s Men His stories play on common themes that still apply today, love, hate, revenge, etc.

12 Other Writers Petrarch-wrote sonnets including 1 about the perfect woman Thomas More-wrote Utopia, about a perfect society Cervantes-wrote Don Quixote & other plays Castiglione-The Book of the Courtier Machiavelli-The Prince Christine de Pivan-one of the 1 st women to support her family writing Erasmus-humanist, Christianity of the heart not ceremonies Martin Luther-Catholic scholar & 1 st Protestant?

13 Template Provided By 500,000 Downloadable PowerPoint Templates, Animated Clip Art, Backgrounds and Videos

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