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Mrs. Elaine Buxton Walt Whitman Elementary School Principal’s Quarterly Review April 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Elaine Buxton Walt Whitman Elementary School Principal’s Quarterly Review April 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Elaine Buxton Walt Whitman Elementary School Principal’s Quarterly Review April 2012

2 Whitman Performance Evaluation  Eight Levels of Innovations at Walt Whitman Elementary will be identified using the respected research of G. E. Hall and S. M. Hord (1987) to analyze and illuminate our progress.  Dashboard Data will include attendance update, suspension update, and our discipline plan outcomes.

3 Whitman Performance Evaluation  Student Achievement Data will feature achievement levels and goals, assessment progress and results, RSA utilization and student data and revision plans.  Whitman’s culture of collaboration will be exhibited by the included artifacts.

4 4 LEVELS OF USE When learning a new strategy, process, or skill LEVELSINDICES NON-USEORIENTATIONPREPARATION MECHANICAL USE ROUTINE USE REFINEMENT INTEGRATION/ COLLABORATION RENEWAL No action taken—user doesn’t know about it. User has just acquired or is acquiring information and is exploring it. Preparing to use it, finding out more, gathering the necessary materials, and getting organized. Use requires focus day by day on steps involved. Use has become routine and comfortable for the user. If changes are made, they are convenient. User makes changes to improve the process and outcome for students. Deliberate effort is made to collaborate with others to achieve broader changes (grade level or schoolwide). All refinements possible have been made, user now seeks more effective alternatives, new approaches, and abandons the old in favor of the new. Return to Non-Use and the cycle begins again —Karen Olsen, The Mentor Teacher Role, 1989

5 NON-USE: August 2010 – Training began as soon as principalship started.ORIENTATION Acquiring & exploring information in the following areas: School culture Instructional Strategies PLCs started in 2010 (grade level, staff and ILT) Analyzing & using data to improve instruction Staff collaboration meetings Standards based curriculum Staff Development Teacher began 2011 Embedded Professional Development PREPARATION Intentional/ job-embedded staff development Develop SMARTE goals Community Circles Instructional Focus (i.e. Comprehend & Apply what we read DIBELS 12 Power Words Gradual Release Response

6 MECHANICAL USE Walkthroughs – Positive Environment Feedback Grade Level/Staff/ILT PLCS PBIS ROUTINE USE Students moving from intensive to strategic to benchmark in DIBELS Higher Benchmark Score from Grades 3-6 Teacher Evaluation Brag boards Staff Person of the Week Teacher Attendance boards Student of the Month Boards Clean and organized rooms and school REFINEMENT Fluctuations in Student Attendance and Suspension Rates Grade Level/Staff/ILT PLCS Partners in Education


8 Dashboard Data  Attendance Updates  Essential Question:  What are we doing to increase student attendance? Attendance incentives (Photo Artifact) Suspensions update

9 Whitman Attendance Statistics

10 Whitman Suspension 2011-12

11 Dashboard Data  Behavior Response Plan  Essential Question:  How are we implementing the SchoolWide Discipline Plan?

12 PBIS – Discipline Plan PBIS FormPBIS Folders

13 Student Achievement Data  Essential Question:  What is our current level of student achievement? Goals to improve In-house Formative Assessment Progress DIBELS & SRI results RSA funding plans Student & teacher charting data Below level reading and math activities

14 Culture of Collaboration - PLCs  Essential Question  Are Whitman teachers collaborating effectively? Norms and protocols to clarify expectations have become routine Artifacts of PLC pedagogy analysis and improvements Artifacts of PLC teamwork and learning

15 Literacy Night – Cultivating Literate Community

16 Parent Involvement Parental Involvement - LiteracyParental Support

17 PLC Norms

18 PLC Community Building PLC NewsletterGene Gibbs TRIBES

19 Staff PLC Artifact – 4 Ps VocabularyClassroom Application

20 Teachers Track Student Data Standards Linked to LiteracyMath Linked to StandardsLiteracy

21 Instructional Strategies: Thinking Maps Beginning Thinking Map Higher Cognitive Level Thinking Maps

22 Higher Cognition Levels Refinement of Thinking MapsTransference

23 DIBELS Assessments Classroom DIBELS Class Averages – Informal Assessments

24 Posting of Informal Assessments Formative Assessment PostingAssessment by Standard

25 Community Circles Inference GameStudent Community Buiding

26 Perfect Attendance - Teachers

27 Attendance Incentives Class AttendanceSchool Attendance

28 A Welcoming School Culture

29 Affirming School Culture Acknowledgement of ExcellenceHonor Roll Example

30 Data Walls of Student Achievement Mrs. Hagood – 3 rd GradeMrs. Jones - Kindergarten

31 Brag Board Principal’s Brag BoardMs. Templeton - Kindergarten

32 Partners in Education - Tutor Asbury TutorAsbury United Methodist

33 Continuing on Our Journey…


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