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Проектная работа учащихся 9 класса Карпухиной Юлии и Щипановой Александры ДРЕВНЕЙШИЕЦИВИЛИЗАЦИИ.

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Presentation on theme: "Проектная работа учащихся 9 класса Карпухиной Юлии и Щипановой Александры ДРЕВНЕЙШИЕЦИВИЛИЗАЦИИ."— Presentation transcript:

1 Проектная работа учащихся 9 класса Карпухиной Юлии и Щипановой Александры ДРЕВНЕЙШИЕЦИВИЛИЗАЦИИ

2 The state in northeast Africa, in the bottom Watercourse Nile. Territory of Egypt – one of the most ancient centers of a civilization Next


4 CULTURE OF ANCIENT EGYPT The black ground and the Red ground The basic types of the kept monuments

5 Writing and language Pyramids and culture of an epoch of the Ancient empire Scientific knowledge Features of religious outlook of Egyptians Back

6 CULTURE OF ANCIENT EGYPT Next The Egyptian civilization, continuously existed long term, has left the big trace in culture of mankind. During an epoch of the New Empire (1580 - 1070) appears the first ironwares, Egypt reaches tops of political power. During this period, huge temple complexes are under construction.

7 The first Egyptian pyramid was built in the beginning of third dynasty for pharaoh Dzhosera. It represented six rectangular ledges put against each other and repeating the forms of early tombs. The name of the architect of this pyramid – Imhotep was kept. Subsequently he was being idolized and esteemed in Egypt as the patron of sciences and arts.

8 The greatest ancient-Egyptian pyramid- pyramid Hufu, had height more than 146 meters, the length of each party of its basis exceeded 230 meters. From earlier pyramids of her distinguished not only scale, but also unprecedented before perfection of a lying. Since time of tsar Unasa, inside pyramids on walls of courses and crypts began to cut the spells connected to a doleful cult.

9 From the Average Empire we were reached some mathematical papyruses, medical manuals and the directory containing more of 300 names of various oils, plants, animals, grains, parts of a body, etc. In the field of the state religion, also there were changes. The doleful rituals having at Egyptians huge value and making one the major features of ancient-Egyptian culture, became accessible not only to grandees, but also to average-income people: necessary cult texts and images have ceased to cut on walls of tombs and have started to write on walls of sarcophagi.

10 The black ground and the Red ground The great Greek historian and traveller Gerodot who has visited Egypt in 5 century B.C., has fairly named the country, which has struck him with the miracles and customs, « gift of Nile ». During all history, economic and cultural prosperity of ancient Egypt was being based on agriculture. Centuries mattocks and ploughs to which buffaloes were put processed the ground; fields were watered manually. Egyptians named the country « the Black ground », fruitless ground which contrasted with color of «the Red ground » - the fruitless desert covering a valley of Nile from the West and the east.

11 The basic types of the kept monuments The climate and geographical position valleys deeply influenced development of the Egyptian architecture; temples and tombs were erected from different grades of a stone with which the country was rich.

12 Features of religious outlook of Egyptians Practice of mummification of bodies died existed during all Ancient Egypt histories and was one of the main features of the Egyptian culture. Preservation of a body was the necessary requirement of revival in a next world and findings of an eternal life. The ready mummy was wrapped up by linen bandage between which the numerous amulets were located, intended to preserve died against hostile demons. A mummy stacked in wooden painted, and then in a massive stone sarcophagus.

13 Writing and language Very early in ancient Egypt, own writing as hierogliphika was generated. There were three kinds of the letter: hieroglyphic the schedule intended for official inscriptions on walls of temples, tombs, arrows and cult subjects. Business documents, fairy tales and letters entered the name cursive writing - hieratika. Since an epoch of Late time hieroglyphic writing referred to as “divine speech” as it was used in the religious purposes.

14 Pyramids and culture of an epoch of the Ancient empire Development of stone architecture has led to erection of huge burials - the pyramids that were made eyes during all period of the Ancient Empire; pursuing the religious purposes, they simultaneously showed power of the ruling pharaoh. Images served the religious purposes as they personified that the owner of a tomb after death wanted to see and have.

15 Scientific knowledge Both in medicine and mathematics and in astronomy Egyptians possessed deep knowledge without which their building art would not be on so high level of development. The Egyptian year was shared to three seasons for four months; every month was divided into 3 periods for 10 days that in the sum gave 360 days in one year and there were five days, devoted to gods Osirisu, Chorus, Sethu, Iside and Neftide added. Back


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