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June 11, 2015 Good Morning, Welcome to our last PTA meeting of the school year. We are glad you’re here. Today we will talk about summer literacy and math.

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Presentation on theme: "June 11, 2015 Good Morning, Welcome to our last PTA meeting of the school year. We are glad you’re here. Today we will talk about summer literacy and math."— Presentation transcript:

1 June 11, 2015 Good Morning, Welcome to our last PTA meeting of the school year. We are glad you’re here. Today we will talk about summer literacy and math. Love, Your Principals, Reading, Math and LMS specialists

2 Math Counts! Coach buys 15 12-pound bags of cheese puffs. How many ounces is that? Even in the Summer...

3 Real World Math Problems Engage your child in real world problems as often as possible. Encourage mental math and estimation. Every day at the snack shop at Compo we buy a large soda and an ice cream sandwich. If large sodas cost $1.75 and ice cream bars cost $1.25 how much do we spend each week? What fraction of our spending is for sodas? We left Westport at 7:15am for our beach house on Long Beach Island. Traffic was terrible, and we did not arrive until 4 hours and 20 minutes later. What time did we get to LBI?

4 Everyday Ways to Make Math Count ●Making change ●Telling time* (Perhaps a new watch) ●Calculating miles/Calculating mpg ●Keeping a running cost estimate during quick trips to the market ●Restaurant/snack shop tabs ●Cooking (measuring, converting, etc.)

5 Games are Great for Math Thinking! Good old fashioned games... ●Go Fish and War/ Ten with Nine Cards ●Candyland and Chutes and Ladders for the younger set, and... ●Chess/checkers ●Yahtzee, Scrabble, Mille Bournes, Connect Four, Pit! Mancala for older friends Newer games... ●Rush Hour ●Set ●Math Dice ●Blokus ●Gobblet

6 Screen Time! There are plenty of great iPad apps and computer games for math. Good choices for screen time can be found here: SchoologySchoology: Math: Moran - Jones

7 Fact Practice ●In the car... ●With flash cards... ●IXL… ●Xtra Math… ●Singing Skip Counting Songs!

8 Trade Books with Math Themes Collections can be found at: (A VERY comprehensive list with ISBN numbers and 1-2 word focus headings.) (An ideal list for grades K and 1) a67451 (Great descriptions of the 10 titles listed.) (A list of best books by math topic with ideas on how to use the book with children.)

9 Thinking About Summer Literacy

10 To read or not to read? “Research tells us that children who do not read regularly throughout the summer months lose approximately three months of reading growth, while those who do read during the summer continue to make gains.” Regie Routman

11 What matters? ●Allow choice ●Make reading ongoing ●Relax with a light read ●Encourage series books

12 Take advantage of the time to read aloud! “Research has shown that reading aloud to a child is the single most important factor in raising a reader.” (Trelease, 2001)

13 Don’t forget about writing! Travel Journal Observation Log Poetry Letter Writing Stories Writer’s Notebook Grocery List To Do List

14 Summer Resources Leveled Books Social Cataloging Websites Book Clubs Motivational CT Governor's Reading Challenge WPL- B & N -

15 KHS Recommends…. Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Nutmeg Nominees 2016

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