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Innovation Sites Cultural Hearths…that are not river valley sites.

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Presentation on theme: "Innovation Sites Cultural Hearths…that are not river valley sites."— Presentation transcript:

1 Innovation Sites Cultural Hearths…that are not river valley sites

2 River Valley Theory

3 Early Civilizations

4 Americas

5 Americas Physical Map

6 Mesoamerica


8 Early People of Mesoamerica How do these dates compare?  8000 BCE -7000 BCE earliest farming  Beans, chili peppers, avocados, squash, gourds  4000 BCE -  4000 BCE - Maize  3000 BCE agricultural villages  Domesticated animals included: turkeys, dogs – no draft animals, thus no wheeled vehicles  2000 BCE  elaborate ceremonial centers (pyramids, temples, palaces)





13 Early Societies South America  12,000BCE : hunters and gatherers into South America (deer, llama, alpaca)  Mountainous and coastal regions  Cool, moist climate provided natural harvests (squash, gourds, potatoes)  8,000BCE changing climate led to agriculture,  2500BCE – 2000BCE first permanent settlements along coast  Cultivated beans, peanuts, sweet potatoes, cotton  Later settlements in the highlands  1000BCE some evidence of complex societies




17 Important Geography Notes  Climate: mirror image  Sub Saharan Development is different than Mediterranean Coast  Limited Natural Harbors  River travel is difficult: cataracts, reversing and underground currents  Uneven distribution of resources  Soils for farming only adequate in certain areas

18 Who were the earliest, innovative people of Mesoamerica and of South America? Is Gordon Childe’s 10 point model supported by their beginnings?

19 Was there an innovative site of civilization? What does the evidence suggest? Are they too, a study in the 10 point model?

20 Uncovering the mysterious beginnings of Mesoamerica, South America and Sub- Saharan Africa 3500 BCE – 600 BCE…

21 What did we discover? Innovative What locations deserve the designation Innovative?


23 Mesoamerican Legacy  How do the archeological remains support our understanding (and justification) of the Mesoamerican innovative site?  Which group is the innovative people?  How would you organize the details into a coherent understanding of historical development for the area?  Does the evidence pose problems for Child’s 10 point model?



26 Olmecs  Lowland Coast of the Gulf of Mexico  Abundant rainfall – no need for extensive irrigation, but  elaborate drainage- chinampas, pot irrigation  Slash and burn Elaborate temples, pyramids, stone sculptures, jade animal impressions, tombs  Probably authoritarian  Military Force – local chiefs  Elite classes in ceremonial center - cities

27 Impact of Olmecs  After 400BCE?  No written records beyond calendar inscriptions  Olmec traditions diffused (possibly through trade)… Rituals, pyramids, calendar Heirs to the Olmecs…

28 Development of Teotihuacan  500 BCE Valley of Mexico  Lakes  abundant supplies of fish, waterfowl as well as fresh water and opportunities for transportation  Water channeled into fields for agriculture  Thriving metropolis: Very Urban  temples, residential neighborhoods, busy markets, workshops  Little written records –  Little written records – paintings & murals  POSSIBLE Theocracy- pyramids MESOAMERICA


30 Teotihuacan Society  CLASSES:  CLASSES: Priests, artisans, merchants, cultivators  TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT:  Obsidian tools, orange pottery  TRADE:  TRADE: Extensive networks throughout region – possible colonial arrangements  Little evidence of military or conquest  Olmec cultural foundations:  writing, calendar, sacrifices  Decline after 650 CE –  Decline after 650 CE – purposefully burned MESOAMERICA

31 Development of the Maya  2000 bce  2000 bce earliest evidence  300 BCE Highlands of Guatemala– fertile soil  300 – 900 CE Mesoamerican lowlands  Terrace farming trapped silt from rivers  Genuine cities developed into City state system (Tikal and Chichen Itza)  80 large ceremonial centers  Continuous fighting -Human sacrifices  Chichen Itza (900-1000 CE ) loosely organized empire MESOAMERICA


33 Maya Society & Religion  Social Classes  Social Classes (Large priestly class, Hereditary landowning noble class, Merchant class from nobles and ruling elite, Architects, artisans, peasant, slaves)  INNOVATIONS/TRADITIONS  Mathematical knowledge (concept of zero)  Astronomy solar year -365.242  Maya scribes – hieroglyphics (history, poetry, myth, administration, astronomical records) only 4 remain  Creation story Popol Vuh MESOAMERICA

34 Contact with Mesoamerica?  South developed largely independently  Geography discouraged contact  Communication within Andean region difficult  Several agricultural products and technologies diffused slowly:  Maize and squash to South America  Gold, silver, copper metallurgy to Mesoamerica ANDEAN REGION

35 South America: Andean Region  Who is the innovative site?  How, and why did they develop in this mountainous region?  What major development center to our understanding contradicts the 10 point model?


37 SIPAN, Moche Culture 1987

38 Chavin Cult  Development of agriculture & ceremonial centers – 2000 BCE  Development of agriculture & ceremonial centers – 2000 BCE in dry coastal regions  Large populations served as stimulus for emergence of fertility cult  Temple complexes, elaborate works of art  Intricate stone carvings (jaguars, hawks, eagles, snakes)  Weavers, metal craftsmen  Increasing complexity – 200BCE large cities  Increasing complexity – 200BCE large cities (public buildings, extensive residential districts) ANDEAN REGION

39 Mochica State  Valleys of Western Andes  Complex society with considerable specialization of labor (300 – 700 CE)  No writing system – evidence through art  Regional kingdom created through force  Integrated economic zones (highlands, central valley and coastal regions) Vertical trade  Highlands (potatoes, llama meat, alpaca wool)  Central valley (maize, bean, squash)  Coasts (fish, cotton) ANDEAN REGION


41 Was there a civilization that developed independently? How should we define urban? Sub-Saharan Africa


43 EAST AFRICA Kingdom of Kush In Nubia Capital at Meroe 1700 BCE - 500 Kingdom of Aksum 4 th cent BCE SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA

44 Kush Aksum

45 Great Zimbabwe  “Sacred house”  Peak - late 11th Century (DISC. 19 TH c)  Questions surrounding ability to sustain sizeable population? (Trade)  East African Connections

46 AFRICA Later development significantly influenced by Trans-Saharan Trade and camel caravans

47 Nok culture, city at Ife, Yoruba People  Sahel Region  1000 BCE  Strong cultural tradition  Mythological cities? AFRICA



50 Jenne-Jeno  Earliest settlement 3 rd Century BCE  Great interior floodplain of the Middle Niger,  rich alluvial soil  well-suited to the cultivation of rice  worked iron, fashioning the metal into both jewelry and tools  By 450 CE, over 60 acres  Central inhabited area surrounded by a city wall  40 smaller additional settlements  13,000 inhabitants  The archaeology of Jenne- jeno and the surrounding area show an early, indigenous growth of trade and social complexity.  The archaeology of Jenne- jeno and the surrounding area show an early, indigenous growth of trade and social complexity. (Yet, lack of a state?)

51 Why is this significant in the development of Sub-Saharan Africa ? Predates Mediterranean and European outside influences! antu/AC_06_206_bantu.html

52 Migrations Language Group 1000 BCE – 1000 CE Out of Central West Africa -to- South and East Diffusion of ideas, resources throughout Africa Iron Metallurgy Agricultural Knowledge  Plantains, yams, bananas

53 Bantu Migrations’ Significance … to the modern era  The Bantu - 2/3 of Africa's population, (south and east)  language group not a distinct ethnic group. language group  The most widely spoken Bantu-derived language is Swahili, which is used by up to 50 million speakers on the eastern coast of Africa.

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