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Economics Wealth and Poverty (social welfare) Alex Yang Eric Hsieh Period 4.

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Presentation on theme: "Economics Wealth and Poverty (social welfare) Alex Yang Eric Hsieh Period 4."— Presentation transcript:

1 Economics Wealth and Poverty (social welfare) Alex Yang Eric Hsieh Period 4

2 What are we talking about? (Definitions) Wealth: how much a person has (usually in terms of money) Poverty: - poverty line: those below it cannot afford basic necessities Absolute poverty: one world, one poverty line Relative poverty: many societies, many lines

3 What’s that have to do with anything? (Poverty in the UK) - 13 Million people - 4 Million children UK attitude: ‘laziness and lack of will-power’

4 Distribution of Wealth in the UK (reality is cruel, indeed) Statistics: -no drastic change over time but the rich got richer

5 Distribution of Wealth in the UK (how things add up in modern terms) Statistics: -poorest HALF share only 6% of national wealth

6 Gini Coefficient and the Lorenz Curve (if you have no idea what they are, don’t worry, you’re supposed to feel that way) Max O. Lorenz

7 Lorenz Curve (clashing of ideal world and real world)

8 Lorenz Curve Based on 2002 Data (two very different worlds)

9 Gini Index (no, not the kind that grants wishes)


11 UK Steps Against Poverty (the arduous struggle) Blair: commitment to ending child poverty in a generation - number of people living in poverty declining in recent years Main necessity: public support - changing the “poverty is due to laziness” mentality

12 Pounds

13 Image credits Lorenz curve example: Penn State University: Cartoon pound sign: CartoonStock: Corrado Gini: University of York: Pound note: Guardian International Currency Corp: ml UK Map: British Towns and Villages Network:

14 Works Cited Distribution of Personal Wealth. HM Revenue and Customs. 2 Dec 2005. Gini Coefficient. 26 Nov 2005. Wikipedia 2 Dec 2005. Lorenz Curve. 1 Dec 2005. Wikipedia. 2 Dec 2005. Lorenz Curves. 4 April 2004. Duncan Williamson. 2 Dec 2005. Poverty Line. 29 Nov 2005. Wikipedia. 2 Dec 2005. The Facts About Poverty in the UK. Oxfam UK Poverty Programme. 2 Dec 2005.

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