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EARDF PROGRAMME FOR EASTERN FINLAND Monitoring committee Varkaus 19.-20.5.2011.

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Presentation on theme: "EARDF PROGRAMME FOR EASTERN FINLAND Monitoring committee Varkaus 19.-20.5.2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 EARDF PROGRAMME FOR EASTERN FINLAND Monitoring committee Varkaus 19.-20.5.2011


3 POHJOIS-SAVO IN A NUTSHELL 3 Total area 20 367 km2 - of that water18 % Pohjois-Savo % of Finland Population 248 000 4.6 % Jobs Pohjois-Savo Finland - agriculture 8 % 4 % - industry 23 % 24 % - services 69 % 72 % Unemployment rate 11.8 % 10,0 % Gross value added (GVA) Pohjois-Savo % of Finland - total (EUR millions)7 119 3.9 % - per capita (Finland = 100)82,4 - per capita (EU 27 = 100)97,2 Pohjois-Savo % of Finland Greatest branches of industry EUR millions - metal and metal products 1 114 2.3 % - wood and paper 811 5.2 % - food and beverages532 5,3 % The targeted population in development planning: - targeted population for the year 2030range in between: 245 000- 248 000 Development strategy is to strengthen - business - knowledge - infrastructure - image of region - good environment

4 Development of Pohjois-Savo regions turnover

5 Competencies of Eastern-Finland Regions’ competencies -Forest industries (rapid change from traditional pulp and paper industry into new modern use of wood (bioenergy and biomaterials)) -Metal & technology industries -Bio energy: plant manufacturing, new biomaterials & related research -Medical and wellbeing technology, e-health -Molecular medicine, pharmaceutical research, biotechnology -Environmental health, research of environmental change -Information technology -Farming and agrobiotechnology -Mining -Tourism

6 Internal pressure: diminishing labor supply, ageing population, cold climate, long distances External pressure: International competition, climate change, supply of energy and raw materials, economic cycles (ie. financial crisis), structural changes of the world economy, cost & knowledge intensiveness and pressures, ever more focused and inertial growth External pressure: International competition, climate change, supply of energy and raw materials, economic cycles (ie. financial crisis), structural changes of the world economy, cost & knowledge intensiveness and pressures, ever more focused and inertial growth Economic regeneration Welfare services & welfare Adequate and skilled workforce Prosperity of the people & successful businesses Sustainable regional structure & accessibility Concentration in issues that we can influence and in changes that we are obliged to adapt to Regional Strategy -> common regional strategy, common strategy of changes & regeneration Ultimate aim is the prosperity of the people and the success in businesses Framework for the Regional Strategy 2030 of Pohjois-Savo Tässä on haasteet hyvin esillä: samalla sidos strategiaan!

7 Traffic & logistic accessibility Economic regeneration Welfare & welfare services Sustainable regional structure & accessibility Adequate and skilled workforce The core of the Regional Strategy 2030 of Pohjois-Savo Regeneration of forest cluster into bioenergy and biomaterial cluster New service structures for the welfare services Attractiveness & development conditions of the region Increase in competitiveness in the technology industry

8 Europe 2020: 7 flagship initiatives Smart growthSustainable growthInclusive growth Innovations Innovation Union Climate, energy and mobility Resource efficient Europe Employment and skills An agenda for new skills and jobs Education Youth of the move Competitiveness An industrial policy for the globalisation era The fight against poverty European platform against poverty Information society Digital agenda for Europe



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