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Cobb County School District June 30, 2007. Human Resources Employment Process Reorganization.

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Presentation on theme: "Cobb County School District June 30, 2007. Human Resources Employment Process Reorganization."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cobb County School District June 30, 2007

2 Human Resources Employment Process Reorganization

3 GOAL Enhance Efficiency and Effectiveness of Service To Our Principals/ Directors/ Supervisors/ Managers

4 Employment Process Reorganization Employment Process Reorganization  Enhancing Quality Control  Improving Response Time  Increasing Personal Contact with Applicants and Principals/Directors/Supervisors/Managers Three Specific Areas of Focus

5 Enhancing Quality Control  Improve Screening Process Level 1 – Minimal Screening for Certification Eligibility/Qualifications for JobLevel 1 – Minimal Screening for Certification Eligibility/Qualifications for Job Level 2 – Applications/References reviewed and CLEARED for employment by HR SupervisorsLevel 2 – Applications/References reviewed and CLEARED for employment by HR Supervisors Anticipated Implementation Date : January 31, 2007

6 Enhancing Quality Control  Require references prior to applicants being CLEARED for review by Principals/Directors/Supervisors/ Managers Managers Upon submission of an application, an e-mail will be sent to each of the applicant’s professional references. The return reference e-mails automatically will go into the applicant’s portfolio to be reviewed by HR Supervisors in the CLEARING process.Upon submission of an application, an e-mail will be sent to each of the applicant’s professional references. The return reference e-mails automatically will go into the applicant’s portfolio to be reviewed by HR Supervisors in the CLEARING process. Anticipated Implementation Date: January 31, 2007

7 Enhancing Quality Control  Applicants will be required to complete an online interview tool, i.e., GALLUP Teacher Insight or comparable instrument, that interfaces with WinOcular and provides a score predicting an applicants potential success in the classroom. NOTE: This is a tool that will be used only as a complement or supplement to the information provided in the applications and by the references.NOTE: This is a tool that will be used only as a complement or supplement to the information provided in the applications and by the references. Anticipated Implementation Date: February 28, 2007 Anticipated Implementation Date: February 28, 2007

8 Enhancing Quality Control  Provide consistency and efficiency in the employment process Single Point of Contact for EAFsSingle Point of Contact for EAFs Single Point of Contact for Initial Screening of ApplicationsSingle Point of Contact for Initial Screening of Applications Anticipated Implementation Date : January 31, 2007

9 Enhancing Quality Control  Develop a Human Resources Employment Process “Quick Reference” document and an online training program for the various components of STAR for Principals/Directors/Supervisors/Managers “Quick Reference” document possibly in the form of a manual or flip chart“Quick Reference” document possibly in the form of a manual or flip chart Anticipated Implementation Date: Before February 28, 2007

10 Improving Response Time  Upfront Referencing Review of References becomes part of HR review and CLEARING processReview of References becomes part of HR review and CLEARING process Anticipated Implementation Date : January 31, 2007

11 Improving Response Time  Assurance of Consistency and Efficiency in procedure and process One HR Specialist receives and processes all EAFs received from schools or departments.One HR Specialist receives and processes all EAFs received from schools or departments. Anticipated Implementation Date: January 31, 2007 Anticipated Implementation Date: January 31, 2007

12 Increasing Personal Contact with applicants, Principals/ Directors/ Supervisors/ Managers  Identification of outstanding applicants by HR Supervisors  Supervisors send names of those applicants to Principals/ Directors/ Supervisors/ Managers Anticipated Implementation Date: January 31, 2007

13 Increasing Personal Contact with applicants, Principals/ Directors/ Supervisors/ Managers  HR Supervisors contact outstanding/most qualified applicants/candidates Anticipated Implementation Date: January 31, 2007

14 Increasing Personal Contact with applicants, Principals/ Directors/ Supervisors/ Managers  Cobb County Interview Fair Applicant interviews conducted by HR personnel, C & I personnel, and other volunteer administrative personnelApplicant interviews conducted by HR personnel, C & I personnel, and other volunteer administrative personnel Anticipated Implementation Date: Week of March 19 or March 26, 2007

15 Increasing Personal Contact with applicants, Principals/ Directors/ Supervisors/ Managers  Continued participation in the Diversity Cobb Program Anticipated Implementation Date: March 10, 2007

16 Increasing Personal Contact with applicants, Principals/ Directors/ Supervisors/ Managers  Initiate HR follow-up e-mail contacts with attendees at Job/Interview/Recruitment Fairs Anticipated Implementation Date: January 31, 2007

17 Increasing Personal Contact with applicants, Principals/ Directors/ Supervisors/ Managers  Automated e-mail from HR verifying receipt of EAFs sent from schools/departments to HR Anticipated Implementation Date: January 31, 2007

18 Increasing Personal Contact with applicants, Principals/ Directors/ Supervisors/ Managers  Development of a new marketing campaign Anticipated Implementation Date: February 28, 2007

19 Employment Process Reorganization GOAL Enhance Efficiency and Effectiveness of Service To Our Principals/ Directors/ Supervisors/ Managers  Enhancing Quality Control  Improving Response Time  Increasing Personal Contact with Applicants and Principals/Directors/Supervisors/Managers

20 Employment Process Reorganization QuestionsOrComments

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