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HR 251 Mohammed Owais Qureshi Hashmi محمد عويس قرشي هاشمي.

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Presentation on theme: "HR 251 Mohammed Owais Qureshi Hashmi محمد عويس قرشي هاشمي."— Presentation transcript:

1 HR 251 Mohammed Owais Qureshi Hashmi محمد عويس قرشي هاشمي

2 الوضع الصامت

3 Chapter Four- job analysis and job design 1. Define job analysis and job design. 2. Distinguish among a position, a job, and an occupation. 3. Describe several common uses of a job analysis.

4 4. Define job description and job specification 5. Identify four frequently used methods of job analysis.

5 6. Identify several problems frequently associated with job analysis. 7. Define job scope and job depth and explain their relationship to job design.

6 8.Distinguish among the following types of alternative work schedules: flextime, telecommuting, job sharing, and condensed workweek. 9. Define the term contingent worker.

7 The first step in the process( عملية ) of acquiring( اكتساب ) the organization’s human resources is to be specific( معين ), by known what kind of work( عمل ) that needs( الاحتياجات ) to be done( فعل ) and how( كيف ) that work should( وينبغي ) be done. Job analysis and job design are the processes( العمليات ) used to determine( تحديد ) this.

8 >Job title المسمى الوظيفي >Work performed العمل المنجز >Equipment used معدات >Education required تعليم >experience required تجربة >Physical, mental and visual effort البدني والجهد الذهني والبصري required. كيف HOW الذي WHO WHERE

9 Job analysis is the process( عملية ) of determining( تحديد ) and reporting( تقرير ) pertinent( ذات الصلة ) information relating( المتعلقة ) to the nature( طبيعة ) of a specific( معين ) job. It is the determination( تقرير ) of the tasks( المهام ) that comprise( تتألف ) the job and of the skills( المهارات ), knowledge, abilities( قدرات ), and responsibilities( المسؤوليات ) required of the holder for successful job performance( أداء ).

10 Job Design( عمل تصميم ): is the process( عملية ) of structuring( الهيكلة ) work and designating( تعيين ) the specific( معين ) work activities( الأنشطة ) of an individual( فرد ) or group( مجموعة ) of individuals to achieve( تحقيق ) certain organizational objectives( هدف ). Job design addresses the basic( الأساسية ) question of how the job is to be performed( تنفيذ ), who( الذي ) is to perform it, and where it is to be performed.

11 الجزئي Micro motion اقتراح : Simplest( أبسط ) unit( وحدة ) of work; involves very elementary movements, such as reaching, grasping, positing. Element( العنصر ): Aggregation( تجميع ) of two or more micro motion, an element is a complete entity, such as picking up or transporting an object. Task( مهمة ): Consisting of one or more elements; task one of the distinct activities that constitute logical and necessary steps in the performance of work by an employee.

12 Duties: One or more tasks performed in carrying out a job responsibility( مسؤولية ). Responsibilities( التزام ): Obligations to perform certain task and assume certain duties. Position: Collection of task and responsibilities constituting the total work assignment of a single employee.

13 Job: Group of Position that are identical with respect to their major or significant tasks and responsibilities. The different between a position and a job is that a job may be hold by more than one person, whereas a position cannot. Occupation( احتلال ): A grouping of similar( مماثل ) jobs or job classes.

14 Micro motions Tasks Elements Duties Position s Jobs Occupations Responsibilities

15 There are Several( عدة ) of most common uses( استخدم ) of job analysis Including : Job definition( تعريف ): A job analysis results in a description( وصف ) of the duties( وصف ) and responsibilities( المسؤوليات ) of the job. Job redesign( إعادة تصميم ): A job analysis often indicates( تشير ) when a job needs to be redesigned.

16 Recruitment: تجنيد process of seeking and attracting a pool of people from which qualified candidates for job vacancies can be chosen. Selection & Placement(): process of choosing from those available the individuals who are most likely to perform successfully in a job. Orientation: Introduction of new employees to the organization, work unit and job.

17 Training: ( تدري ) Learning( تعلم ) process that involves the acquisition of skills, concepts, rules, or attitudes to increase employee performance. Career counseling: ( الإرشاد الوظيفي )Managers and human resource specialists are in a much better position to counsel employee about their careers. Employee safety: Focusing precisely on how a job is done usually uncovers any unsafe procedures.

18 Performance appraisal: ( تقييم الأداء )The objective of performance appraisal is to evaluate( تقييم ) an individual employee’s performance on a job( وظيفة ). Compensation: تعويضات A proper( جيد ) job analysis( تحليل ) helps( مساعدة ) ensure( ضمان ) that employees receive( تلقى ) fair( عادل ) compensation( تعويضات ) for their( من ) jobs.

19 Job Description ( الوصف الوظيفي ) Concentrates( تركز ) on the job, it explains( يشرح ) what the job is and what the duties( الواجبات ), responsibilities( مسؤولية ), and general( عام ) working conditions( الشروط ) are. Job Specification ( مواصفات الوظيفة ) Concentrates( تركز ) on the characteristics( مميز ) needed( الحاجة ) to perform( نفذ ) the job. It describes( يصف ) the qualifications( المؤهل ) the incumbent must possess( يجب أن تمتلك ) to perform( نفذ ) the job.

20 What working conditions الشروط responsibilities مسؤولية what the duties( الواجبات qualifications المؤهل

21 Job Description Should Include( ينبغي أن تشمل ) the following( ما يلي ): Date( تاريخ ) written. Job status( وظيفة وضع )(full-time or part time; salary or wage). Position title( لقب ). Job summary( ملخص ) ( a synopsis( موجز ) of the job responsibilities( مسؤولية )). Detailed( مفصل ) list( قائمة ) of duties( الواجبا ) and responsibilities. Supervision( إشراف ) received( تلقت ) (to whom jobholder reports).

22 Supervision exercised( تمارس الرقابة ), if any(who reports to this employee). Principal( رئيسي ) contacts( اتصل ) (in and outside the organization). Related meeting to be position requirements. Competency( الكفاءات ) or Position requirements( مطلب ). Required education and experience( تجربة ). Career( مهنة ) mobility( التنقل ) (Position {s} for which jobholder may qualify next)

23 There are Four of the most frequently used methods( طرق ) of Job analysis. 1) Observation( مراقبة ) which include (Motion Study & Time Study) A) Motion Study ( دراسة الحركة ): Determining( تحديد ) the motions( الاقتراحات ) and movements( حركة ) necessary for performing a task or job and then designing( تصميم ) the most efficient methods for putting those motions and movements together( معا ).

24 B) Time Study: job analysis methods( طرق ) that determines( تحديد ) the elements of work( عمل ) required to perform the job, the order( النظام ) in which those elements occur( تحدث ), and the times( مرة ) required to perform them effectively. 2) Interviews( مقابلة ) The interview method requires that the person conducting( إجراء ) the job analysis meet with and interview the job holder.

25 3) Questionnaires( الاستبيان ) Contain both Objective and open –ended questions 4) Functional( وظيفي ) Job Analysis Use as Standardize( توحيد ) statements( بيان ) and terminology( مصطلحات ) to describe the content of jobs.

26  Top management( الإدارة العليا ) support( دعم ) is missing( مفقود ).  Only a single means and source( مصدر ) are used for gathering( جمع ) data( البيانات ).  the supervisor( مشرف ) and the jobholder do not participate( المشاركة ) in the design( تصميم ) of the job analysis procedure.

27  No training( تدريب ) or motivation( حافز ) exists for jobholders.  Employees are not( ليس ) allowed( سمح ) sufficient( كاف ) time( مرة ) to complete( كامل ) the analysis.  Activities( الأنشطة ) may be distorted( مشوه ).  Participants( المشاركو ) fail( فشل ) to critique( نقد ) the job.

28 Job scope and job depth are both dimensions of job design A) Job scope( مدى ): refers to the number( عدد ) and variety( تشكيلة ) of tasks( مهمة ) performed( تنفيذ ) by the jobholder. B) Job depth( عمق ): refers to the freedom( حرية ) of jobholders to plan( خطة ) and organize( تنظم ) their own( الخاصة ) work, work at their own pace, and move around and communicate as desired.

29 Flextime( الوقت المرن ): allows employees to choose( اختر ), within certain limits, when they start and end their workday. Telecommuting: Is the practice of working at home or while traveling( سفر ) and being able to interact with the office. البديل Alternative جدول Schedule

30 Job sharing( مشاركة ): Is the practice whereby two or more part-time Individuals perform a job that would normally be held by one full-time person. condensed ( مكثف )work week( أسبوع ): The number of hours( ساعة ) worked per day( يوميا ) is increased( زيادة ) and the number of days( أيام ) in the workweek is decreased( انخفضت ).

31 Contingent ( الوحدات )worker( عامل ): Including Employee who are A) Independent contractors( المقاولين ) and on-call workers, who are called to work only when needed. B) Temporary( مؤقت ) or short-term workers.

32 Questions ….

33 Reference : Byars, L. and Rue, L., “Human Resource Management”, 9 th, McGraw Hill, (2008).

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