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Election Results By 1912, 100,000 fewer people had voted for Wilson than had voted for Bryan in 1908. The 1912 election marked the apogee of the Socialist.

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Presentation on theme: "Election Results By 1912, 100,000 fewer people had voted for Wilson than had voted for Bryan in 1908. The 1912 election marked the apogee of the Socialist."— Presentation transcript:

1 Election Results By 1912, 100,000 fewer people had voted for Wilson than had voted for Bryan in 1908. The 1912 election marked the apogee of the Socialist movement in America.

2 Oh, That This Too, Too Solid South Would Melt!

3 GOP Divided by Bull Moose Equals Democratic Victory!

4 On Uncle Sam’s Farm The Democratic party took control of the Senate for the first time in 20 years.

5 Woodrow Wilson He planned his attack on what he called the “triple wall of privilege”: trusts, tariffs, and high finance Small business, free market good Big business, monopoly bad First order of business: financial reform Only 2nd Democrat elected since Civil War and 1st southerner since Gen. Zachary Taylor As America’s newly elected president, Wilson moved to enact his program, the “New Freedom”

6 Wilson ’ s Financial Reforms Going after big business The Clayton Anti-trust Act 1914 (made unions and strikes legal) strengthened the Sherman Act The Clayton Act prevented companies from acquiring stock from another company (Anti-monopoly) Policing business regulations : Federal Trade Commission (FTC) 1914 “watchdog” agency to end unfair business practices Reducing the power of big business: The Underwood Act 1913 (reduced tariffs) and increased progressive income tax

7 Wilson ’ s Financial Reforms Managing money better Replacing lost tariff revenue: Federal Income Tax 1913 Ratified in 1913, the 16 th Amendment legalized a graduated federal income tax Making money supply responsive to the economy: Federal Reserve Act of 1914 12 district banks & Fed. Reserve Board regulate $ supply

8 Other Reforms 1.Federal Farm Loan Act (1916) 12 regional farm loan banks to provide low interest loans for farmers 2.Keating-Owen (Child Labor) Act (1916) prohibited interstate commerce of products produced by child labor - Hammer v. Dagenhart (1918) ruled unconstitutional

9 Where Progressivism failed to go… Civil Rights Wilson had promised to oppose lynching and support equal treatment for blacks Once elected, he opposed federal anti-lynching laws, allowed federal offices to segregate, and filled his cabinet with segregation supporters

10 LIMITS OF PROGRESSIVISM "The white men were roused by a mere instinct of self-preservation... until at last there had sprung into existence a great Ku Klux Klan, a veritable empire of the South, to protect the Southern country.” - Woodrow Wilson The KKK reached a membership of 4.5 million in the 1920s

11 TWO THUMBS UP? ”It is like writing history with lightning. And my only regret is that it is all so terribly true.” - President Woodrow Wilson What was the #1 Box Office Movie in 1915?

12 Approaches to Civil Rights 1. Booker T. Washington - Up From Slavery - “Atlanta Compromise”- - focus on jobs skills and wages - Tuskegee Institute 2. W.E.B. Du Bois - equality now - The Souls of Black Folk (1903) - Niagara Movement (1905) - “Talented Tenth” - NAACP (1908) National Urban League - 1911 to aid Great Migration Migrants to North

13 Wilson’s “Moral Diplomacy” William Jennings Bryan Secretary of State The U. S. should be the conscience of the world. Spread democracy. Promote peace. Condemn colonialism. Respect self- determination

14 Moral Diplomacy - Righting Past Wrongs 1.The Philippines: Jones Act of 1917 granted full territorial status, bill of rights, and universal male suffrage, promised independence “soon” (1946) 2. Puerto Rico: granted citizenship to Puerto Ricans & removed tariff 3. Panama Canal: U.S. ships no longer exempt from canal tolls

15 The Mexican Revolution: 1910s Emiliano Zapata Francisco I Madero Venustiano Carranza Porfirio Diaz Pancho Villa

16 Searching for Banditos General John J. Pershing with Pancho Villa in 1914.

17 U. S. Global Investments & Investments in Latin America, 1914

18 U. S. Interventions in Latin America: 1898-1920s

19 Civil Rights showed the limitations of Progressivism World War I brought it to an end

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