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13. Lead the Life the Lord has Assigned 1 Corinthians 7:1-24 p. 1056.

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2 13. Lead the Life the Lord has Assigned 1 Corinthians 7:1-24 p. 1056

3 A new section  Responding to a letter from them (v 1)  Paul quotes from their letter.  Paul has a positive, counter-cultural perspective on human sexuality.  Paul establishes important general Biblical principles.

4 1. Human Sexuality & Marriage  Human sexuality is good.  Marriage is the right context for sexual intimacy. Not just for having children. (contra Stoic, Musonius)Not just for having children. (contra Stoic, Musonius)  Marriage is the only place for sexual fulfillment.  Each should give their partner full conjugal rights.  The intended context for sexual intimacy Children are just an added blessing.Children are just an added blessing.

5 1. Human Sexuality & Marriage...  Both share equal responsibility for sexual intimacy.  The attitude: “I owe you”, not “you owe me”.

6 2. Contexts in Marriage  Roman Empire: Divorce, unfaithfulness common.  Marriage was for having legitimate children  Those who are not married:  Being single is a good state.  It is a gift (v 9)

7 2. Contexts in Marriage...  Those who are married.  Stay married.  Based in creation, Law and Jesus’ teaching (Gen 2:24, Matt 19:4-6)  What if your spouse is not a Christian? You are socially odd and offensive.You are socially odd and offensive. If the unbelieving spouse is willing – Stay Married!If the unbelieving spouse is willing – Stay Married! You are not defiled; He/she is “Sanctified”You are not defiled; He/she is “Sanctified” Creates an opportunity for their salvation.Creates an opportunity for their salvation.

8 3. Living the Life God has Assigned  The sovereignty and grace of God. (v 17)  Stay as you are (v 20, 24)  We walk with God in the midst of daily life.  May has a purpose for putting us where we are.  Wondering about your calling: Remain as you are.

9 Living it  “Lead the life the Lord has assigned” (v 17)  Married? Be so wholeheartedly!  Single? Serve the Lord!  Wherever you are: Remain there with God! (v 24)


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