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Reversible Reactions Noadswood Science, 2012.

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1 Reversible Reactions Noadswood Science, 2012

2 Friday, April 21, 2017 Reversible Reactions To be able to explain and give examples of reversible reactions A B A B These combine These decompose

3 Reversible Reactions Many reactions, such as burning fuel, are irreversible - they go to completion and cannot be reversed easily Reversible reactions are different – in a reversible reaction, the products can react to produce the original reactants again… If the reaction releases energy in one direction (exothermic), it will take in same amount of energy in the other (endothermic)… A B A B These combine These decompose

4 ammonium chloride ammonia + hydrogen chloride
Reversible Reactions When writing chemical equations for reversible reactions two arrows are used, each with just half an arrowhead – the top one pointing right, and the bottom one pointing left: - ammonium chloride ammonia + hydrogen chloride The equation shows that ammonium chloride (a white solid) can break down to form ammonia and hydrogen chloride It also shows that ammonia and hydrogen chloride (colourless gases) can react to form ammonium chloride again

5 copper(II) sulfate + water hydrated copper(II) sulfate
Reversible The animation below shows a reversible reaction involving white anhydrous copper(II) sulfate and blue hydrated copper(II) sulfate copper(II) sulfate + water hydrated copper(II) sulfate The reaction between anhydrous copper(II) sulfate and water is used as a test for water – the white solid turns blue in the presence of water…

6 Experiment Ammonium salts are made by reacting ammonia with an acid but some of these salts will decompose back into reactants when heated Heat Heat makes the solid disappear as it changes into gases Solid reappears as it changes back again in the cool part of the tube ammonium chloride ammonia + hydrogen chloride NH4Cl NH3 + HCl

7 Equilibrium A reversible reaction is where products can, under appropriate conditions, turn back into reactants There will be a range of conditions over which both the forward and backward reaction will take place and this can lead to a state of balance with both reactants and products present in unchanging amounts – this is dynamic equilibrium Equilibrium – because the amounts do not change Dynamic – because the reaction is still occurring It is rather like the situation where a man is walking the wrong way along a moving pavement or escalator – neither have stopped but the man could remain in the same place for ever!

8 Equilibrium In reversible reactions equilibrium means balance but this balance does not have to be at the half-way point – we may have mostly reactants with just a little product or vice versa There are 2 factors that we can change that influence the position of an equilibrium: - Temperature Concentration (or pressure in gas reactions) Finding the conditions that gives the most product is really important in industrial chemical reactions…

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