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Self-Directed Support Corporations and Microboards Jackie Golden DB Consulting Group, Inc.

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Presentation on theme: "Self-Directed Support Corporations and Microboards Jackie Golden DB Consulting Group, Inc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Self-Directed Support Corporations and Microboards Jackie Golden DB Consulting Group, Inc

2 Self Directed Support Corporation (SDSC) and Microboards Are simply a provider agency but for only one person Are customized to meet the needs of the person needing supports

3 Self Directed Support Corporation (SDSC) and Microboards (continued) Are run by a board of directors that care about the person who needs the supports Are person centered and embraces the principles and tools of self determination

4 Where Does the SDSC Come From? Often used for individuals with developmental disabilities, the SDSC and Microboard model works well for individuals who living with a mental illness

5 Where Does the SDSC Come From? (continued) The SDSC concept is similar to the Microboards concept that originated out of British Columbia SDSC and microboards follow many of the same concepts, they are a legal, not for profits designed to deliver customized supports to one person

6 Why Would This Work for Those Living with Mental Illness? Supports are customized and can be totally flexible Hours of supports needed can be flexed and the type of supports that are covered can be delivered within the guidelines of State and Federal entities

7 Why Would This Work for Those Living with Mental Illness? (continued) Creative supports can be utilized that embrace formal and a blend of informal supports, including employment options

8 SDSC Efforts in the United States Inclusion Research Institute completed a three year rapid deployment grant that shared information on the Self-directed Support Corporations. ( To date: Tennessee, Maryland, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Oregon, Utah, Colorado, Missouri, California, Virginia, Minnesota, Oklahoma, North Carolina, Nevada

9 The Funding Behind an SDSC Like any other provider of service, the SDSC follows the same application process of becoming a provider, including application to be a Medicaid Provider Once approved the Medicaid dollars that support a person goes directly to the newly formed agency. This is the agency budget and does impact the benefits of the person needing supports

10 The Funding Behind an SDSC (continued) In addition to Medicaid dollars, vocational rehabilitation efforts can also be overseen by the SDSC, as well as other support needs that incorporate formal and informal support dollars

11 The Funding Behind an SDSC (continued) It is important to realize that this agency for one is not tax exempt, even though it is a not for profit. The reason that it isn’t tax exempt is because it serves only one person. We are looking to see if this can be changed through a Congressional effort so that such entities will be tax exempt.

12 Funding We must explore ways that allow the person to direct their supports where they can receive supports rapidly, be close to the person and in ways that make sense.

13 Blending Funding Dollars Funding resources can be blended in ways to assist the person in using every available dollar Vocational Rehabilitation Individual Development Accounts Employment Network through the Ticket to Work effort All are just examples of how a SDSC agency can be the central funding source, allowing the person to blend their support dollars.

14 Blending Funding Dollars (continued) Even though the SDSC isn’t tax exempt, most of the dollars are utilized as operational costs; what goes in, like with Medicaid, goes directly out in supports. Any dollars left over are taxable, but usually there isn’t any dollars left, because all the supports are delivered.

15 Personal Reflections My son has significant disabilities. Including significant cognitive disabilities, where he needs supports to assist him to design a life that embraces his independence He needs flexible and responsive supports that allows his needs to be met in a manner that delivers supports in ways that are life enhancing. The SDSC allows him the control and delivers quality supports.

16 In Addition to the SDSC and Microboard Model An association that can assist individuals establish an SDSC or Microboard can be developed as an umbrella organization that acts as a technical assistance arm to help individuals and families establish their unique SDSC or microboard.

17 Tennessee Microboard Association Mission of the Tennessee Microboard Association- is to promote the creation of microboards for individuals with disabilities in keeping with the principles of self-determination, freedom, authority, and responsibility The Tennessee Microboard Association begins assisting the person needing supports by conducting a plan using PATH (Planning Alternative Tomorrows with Hope

18 Common Sense! It is just common sense in creating a support network that works for the person. It is just common sense to utilize the same basic American principles and tools of self determination It is just common sense to use the SDSC and Microboard approach for individuals that may have complex support needs as well.

19 Resources: Self Directed Support Corporations: Tennessee Microboard Association: Vela Microboard Association: Community Works (PATH Planning and Microboards):

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