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1 The Earth charter final project By Nakakande Irene.

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1 1 The Earth charter final project By Nakakande Irene

2 2 PROJECT TITLE Empowerment of children of CSWs in Kawempe division, Kampala district, Uganda

3 Problem Kawempe division in Uganda is faced with a major challenge of young girls engaging in commercial sex work. Majority of these young girls are orphans who missed out on the chance of education. With their work, the income is too low to enable them live a decent life while the savings are also not enough to enable them educate their children. 3

4 These children are usually fatherless because their mothers have no idea of who their fathers are, and if at all they do, the fathers tend to deny them fatherhood. Worse still, these young girls are affected and infected with HIV/AIDS with little if any treatment, which leaves their offspring at a likelihood of being orphans at a tender age. 4

5 I have worked with CSWs in my various projects and with this relationship, I am familiar with the challenges faced by this group, among which is the fact that they need support in the upbringing of their children. Majority of the children are vulnerable because; they are denied their right to family as the fathers at times deny them, while in some cases, the mothers have no slight idea about the fathers of their kids 5

6 The earnings of CSWs are so small to support their daily life, therefore they are not in position to provide their children with meaningful education, and hence they resort to drug abuse, child labor, run to streets, while the girls resort to commercial sex work when they become of age. Some of these children are malnourished and in a poor health state because their mothers are child mothers who have little if any parenting skills. 6

7 The girls are at a risk of defilement by their mothers’ customers. Some of the CSWs sleep in lodges which they pay daily and are in poor conditions. Therefore the children are exposed to the activities that take place in the lodges. At times the children lack parental care as their mothers work at night and rest during day. 7

8 8 Overall goal of the project The overall goal of the project is the empowerment of the children of the CSWs with education and psycho-social support to enable them become self-sufficient and agents of social change

9 9 Specific objectives Provide meaningful formal education to the vulnerable children of CSWs to enable them become responsible and self-sufficient citizens. Provide psycho-social support to these young children to enable them live a meaningful life.

10 10 The earth charter principle Principle 9(b): Empower every human being with the education and resources to secure a sustainable livelihood, and provide social security and safety nets for those who are unable to support themselves. Principle 14(a): Provide all, especially children and youth, with educational opportunities that empower them to contribute actively to sustainable development

11 11 My solution Provide the vulnerable children of the commercial sex workers with meaningful education needed to enable them live a self sufficient life and become agents of social change.

12 12 Direct beneficiaries The direct beneficiaries will be vulnerable children of commercial sex workers in Kawempe division.

13 13 Indirect beneficiaries These will include the mothers and relatives of these children. With the meaningful formal education, the children will be able to compete for decent employment, thereby improving their financial status and that of their families and siblings. The community will benefit from the project as the children who would otherwise resort to child labor, streets, drug abuse, and commercial sex work among others will now be responsible, self-sufficient and agents of social change.

14 14 Estimated budget The estimated cost of the project is$10,000

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