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Learning Technology Research Cluster Session lead: Matt Bower School of Education Macquarie University Twitter: mattgbower.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Technology Research Cluster Session lead: Matt Bower School of Education Macquarie University Twitter: mattgbower."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Technology Research Cluster Session lead: Matt Bower School of Education Macquarie University Email: Twitter: mattgbower Session lead: Matt Bower School of Education Macquarie University Email: Twitter: mattgbower

2 LTRC: Aims The Learning Technology Research Cluster is a collective of academics, professional staff and Higher Degree Research students from across the University that aims to: Increase the quality and quantity of research output in the learning technology area Promote opportunity, support and collaboration for learning technology research projects Build the research capacity and profile of Macquarie University through high quality research staff and doctoral students.

3 Sources of funding – internal Innovation and Scholarship Program (ISP) Grants ($30-60K) Extension Grants ($5-10K) Strategic Priority Grants ($5-10K, $30-60K, new) MQ Strategic Infrastructure Scheme ($1.75M across entire scheme) (

4 Sources of funding – external (OLT) Australian Office for Learning and Teaching grants: –Seed Grants (test an idea, $40K) –Innovation and Development Grants ($500K) –Extension Grants ($30K) –Strategic Priority Commissioned Projects OLT priorities: –Academic standards –Assessing equivalence of qualifications and learning outcomes –Assessment and promotion of student learning (on selected topics) –Curriculum design (on selected topics) –Employability skills –Improving institutional pathways across higher education –Improving access to and outcomes in higher education for ATSI –The contemporary PhD

5 So, what are you interested in / working on?

6 Sources of funding – internal Innovation and Scholarship Program (ISP) Grants ($30-60K) Closing date 23 March 2015 (Round 1) and 24 August 2015 (Round 2) Supported by The Education Studio, the ISP grant program is focused on creativity and innovation in higher education. It targets students and their learning, teaching practices, curriculum design and the development of effective learning environments. Extension Grants ($5-10K) Closing date 23 March 2015 (Round 1) and 24 August 2015 (Round 2) Support the continued dissemination and embedding of completed learning and teaching projects previously funded by a Learning and Teaching grant or as a Faculty Partnership Program project. Strategic Priority Grants ($5-10K, $30-60K, new) Closing date 24 May 2015 This grant scheme supports projects that align with the Learning and Teaching Framework and contribute to building a Connected Learning Community. MQ Strategic Infrastructure Scheme ($1.75M across entire scheme) Closing date 23 November 2015 This scheme forms part of the University's Strategic Infrastructure Scheme. It is designed to ensure that faculties maintain a strategy in relation to new teaching infrastructure investments and that faculties can plan their investments with certainty over an extended period.

7 Ways to engage with the LTRC Our symposia and seminars (held several times per year) Our wiki page: Our email list (contact to join)

8 (Any questions?) Thank You!

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