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1 Requirements Modeling using UML 2.0 Use Cases. 2 Requirements Engineering Software Lifecycle Activities System Engineering Requirements Analysis Software.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Requirements Modeling using UML 2.0 Use Cases. 2 Requirements Engineering Software Lifecycle Activities System Engineering Requirements Analysis Software."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Requirements Modeling using UML 2.0 Use Cases

2 2 Requirements Engineering Software Lifecycle Activities System Engineering Requirements Analysis Software Design Implementation Testing Deployment Evolution Define software features

3 3 Example: Online HR System

4 4 Online HR System: Update Benefits Use Case n Actors : employee, healthcare plan system, insurance plan system n Precondition:  Employee has logged on to the system and selected ‘update benefits’ option n Basic course  System displays employee account  System asks employee to select medical plan type; include Update Medical Plan.  System asks employee to select dental plan type; include Update Dental Plan.  …  System asks user to select benefits options: benefit options  reimbursement option selected: Elect Reimbursement for Healthcare  stock option selected: Elect Stock Purchase

5 5 Simple Use Case example System Response 2. If customer is authenticated, then request rental items 4. Display calculated price. 6. Inform customer that payments is authorized Actor Inputs 1.Customer submits identification information 3.Customer submits items to be rented 5. Customer pays. Item Rental Use Case

6 6 Relating Use Cases Specializing/generalizing use cases Including use cases Extending use cases

7 7 Use Case Modeling: Core Relationships >

8 8 Including Use Cases A use case can include another use case at a specified location. Used to avoid writing the same flow of events across a number of use cases. The included use case must not be a stand-alone use case. base inclusion

9 9 Extension Points A use cases may have extension points. An extension point is a point in the use case where its behavior may be augmented with additional behavior. The additional behavior is specified by the extending use case. The use case that is extended is called the base use case. The extend relationship The relationship between a base use case and an extending use case. The extend relationship may be conditional

10 10 Extending Use Cases The base use case can act as a stand-alone use case. The base use case can only be extended at extension points. Often used to separate optional behavior from mandatory behavior. Also used to model a separate flow that is executed under certain conditions. base extension On-Line Help

11 11 Use Case Description System Response 2. If customer is authenticated, then request rental items 4. Display calculated price. 6. Inform customer that payments is authorized Actor Inputs 1.Customer submits identification information 3.Customer submits items to be rented 5. Customer pays. Item Rental Use Case Any of the numbered activities could serve as an extension point. Extension point syntax: ::= [: ]

12 12 Fig. 3-54, UML Notation Guide Use Case Relationships

13 13 Example: Online HR System

14 14 Online HR System: Use Case Extension Update Benefits ______________ Extension points benefit options: after required enrollments Employee Elect Reimbursement for Healthcare Elect Stock Purchase > employee requests stock purchase option > employee requests reimbursement option extension condition extension point name and location

15 15 Online HR System: Update Benefits Use Case with extension point n Actors : employee, healthcare plan system, insurance plan system n Precondition:  Employee has logged on to the system and selected ‘update benefits’ option n Basic course  System displays employee account  System asks employee to select medical plan type; include Update Medical Plan.  System asks employee to select dental plan type; include Update Dental Plan.  …  System asks user to select benefits options: benefit options  reimbursement option selected: Elect Reimbursement for Healthcare  stock option selected: Elect Stock Purchase

16 16 Online HR System: Use Case relationships

17 17 Online HR System: Update Benefits Use Case n Actors : employee, employee account db, healthcare plan system, insurance plan system n Precondition:  Employee has logged on to the system and selected ‘update benefits’ option n Basic course  System displays employee account information  System asks employee to select medical plan type; include Update Medical Plan.  System asks employee to select dental plan type; include Update Dental Plan.  … n Alternative courses  If health plan is not available in the employee’s area the employee is informed and asked to select another plan...

18 18 Specializing Use Cases Generalizing/specializing use cases A specialized use case inherits the behavior (sequences of actions) of its parent(s). A specialized use case can override some of the behavior of its parent(s). It can also add to the behavior. A specialized use case can be used anywhere the general use case is expected.

19 19 Example of Use Case Relationships Open file by typing name Open file by browsing Open file System Administrator Browse for file Ordinary User Attempt to open file that does not exist «extend» «include»

20 20 Example description of a use case

21 21 Example (continued)

22 22 Example (continued)

23 23 Example (continued)

24 24 Organizing Use Cases I

25 25 Organizing Use Cases II

26 26 Summary What’s coming next class? ______________________ Devon M. Simmonds Computer Science Department University of North Carolina Wilmington _____________________________________________________________ Qu es ti ons?

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